Newsletter Issue 5
Friday 4th October 2013
Dear Parent/Carer,
I have visited every classroom this week, as part of my monitoring of the standard of teaching and learning in school. Our learners are incredible; every class has a very positive climate for success and learning behaviours are exemplary. The children are incredibly happy in their (relatively) new classes and our teachers have all got an incredibly in depth knowledge of the needs of each and every child.
Harvest celebrations
Please remember that our harvest
celebration will take place on Friday 18th October at 10 a.m. with
the Key Stage 1 children taking the lead at Lofthouse Church. Please be aware
that there will be NO Celebration
Assembly that day.
At present, our collection of
food to take to the local Residential Home is fairly small. There is still
plenty of time to donate something to the community by sending in non-
perishables and we will take all goods to our local elderly residents on behalf
of the school community.
Artsmark Gold
I am absolutely delighted to announce that following the submission of a lengthy application and a moderator visit last week, we have been awarded Artsmark Gold for the second time. This is a very significant award, which validates and recognises a commitment to and quality provision of the arts in schools across the country. We first received Artsmark in 2007 and this improved to Artsmark Gold in 2010. I am thrilled that (as a huge advocate for the arts), our arts provision has been judged as outstanding once more in 2013. My thanks to Miss Thackeray for leading our Arts provision and ensuring we go from strength to strength.
Sign2Sing promotional video
Miss Thackeray has also been busy
liaising with organisers of the Sign2Sing events. We have had a request that
the video we submitted, which evidenced our involvement earlier this year, can
be used to promote the event to other schools. It is great that Robin Hood
Primary School is continuing to gain recognition nationally for our commitment
to an inclusive education for all.
Coffee morning
Please don’t forget that you are
welcome to join us on Monday morning (7th) for our Parent’s Coffee
morning with Miss Thackeray and parent governor, Stephanie Findlay from 9 am-
10 am. If you can’t make it, I am welcoming your emailed views on parent
communication and how you feel about the current systems that are in place;
Spanish exchanges for the children and Residential trips abroad for Year 6. Thanks.
We warmly invite parents to come
in to school and see children’s learning during our Celebration Friday events.
These take place straight after school on selected Fridays across the year as
Friday 18th Oct
Friday 13th Dec
Friday 7th Feb
Friday 28th Mar
Friday 16th May
Friday 27th June
These are on the school calendar
on the website for your reference.
week, plans have been getting underway for our next event, the Halloween
disco, to be held on Wednesday 23 October. We have already booked the DJ and
Mrs Mistry has designed the fantastic poster advertising the event, so keep
your eyes peeled on the classroom doors for information. Now for where you,
the parents and carers, can help. We are looking for donations of buns/cakes
for the event, so if anyone fancies whisking a few ingredients together or
alternatively having a look to see what Mr Morrisons (or any other
supermarket) has on offer all donations would be gratefully appreciated. Also
on the night itself, to make things special for the children, we need lots
more volunteers to serve food, drink and help with the games we have planned.
If you are able to help with any of the above please speak to anyone of us at
school drop off and pick up time or alternatively email
Please remember without the generosity of the whole community events such as this could not go ahead, so go on drop us a line, even if you can only help for half an hour. |
Have a great week-end.
Mrs Dale
Nursery newsletter
We have had another
fantastic week in Nursery as we have been learning all about our families and
it was really lovely to hear all the wonderful things the children had to say about
the people they love.
THIS WEEKIn literacy we learnt about our families by using the clips of The Incredibles as a stimulus. It was amazing how many of our mums can do back flips and dads can drive very fast! The children then created a superhero mum or dad puppet which we have put up on display in the classroom. In our topic sessions the children have been decorating a special treat for their mum or dad which they will be bringing home to say ‘thank you’ for all the amazing things you do to help them. In numeracy this week, we have been talking about size comparisons and sorting family members into size order as well as sharing sweets between Mr Incredible and Elastigirl and deciding who had most.
Next week we are learning
all about our bodies and we have some special visitors to help us! We have Mr
Reid, the dentist, who will come and talk to the children about the importance
of keeping their teeth clean. On Thursday Mr and Mrs Butterfield (a paramedic
and a nurse) will come and talk to the children about their jobs and explain to
the children how to keep themselves safe. In topic we will be making large
scale papier-mâché models of our 5 senses; nose, mouth, eyes, hands and ears
and talking about what we use each sense for. Our maths focus will be on data
handling and we will be working together to make a pictorial chart of the most
popular eye colour.
· Please encourage your child to complete their
home learning and bring it back Monday morning/Wednesday afternoon. It
shouldn’t take long and is a great way of bridging the gap on days when they do
not attend our Nursery.
· Encourage your child to hold any pencils,
crayons or chalks using the tripod (three fingered) grip.
· Continue to read every day with your child
and write a note in their reading record letting us know how impressed you are!
Please keep practising taking off and putting
on shoes and socks as well as encouraging the children to try and put their own
coats on.
Thank you for your continuing support
The Nursery Team
We have had another
fantastic week in Reception! We have been learning all about our families and
it was really lovely to hear all the wonderful things the children had to say
about their families and the people they love.
In literacy we learnt about
our families by using the example of The Incredibles which the children really
enjoyed! We watched some clips of the family and by the end of the week the
children had produced some amazing sentences about all the amazing things
people they care about can do. In phonics this week we have been practising
recognising and writing the sounds; ck,
e and u and reading our key
words of the week which were; him, his,
not, mum, up and got. A lot of
children are now managing to achieve 100% as they are becoming much more
confident at recognising their sounds and then blending them to read the word.
It is clear how much support they are getting at home, we really do appreciate
it and it has an enormous impact on how much progress your child makes. In
topic the children made some lovely baskets for people in their family and then
they made some scrumptious peppermint creams which you will hopefully be tucking
into tonight. All this week The Incredibles have been leaving us special treats
in our secret chest. On Monday they left us a plate of food and the children
drew their own plates of food which illustrated their families’ favourite meal.
Jessie-Anne told us her mum’s favourite food is banana and custard! On Tuesday
they left us wrapping paper, cards and wool so that they could write you cards
and send you presents. On Wednesday they brought us their favourite board games
and finally on Thursday they transformed our water area into their favourite
holiday destination where the children wrote you postcards. By the end of the
week in maths the children were confident at ordering The Incredibles in size
Next week we are learning
all about our bodies and on Wednesday and Thursday we have some special
visitors. We have Mr Reid the dentist who will come and talk to the children
about the importance of keeping their teeth clean. Then on Thursday Mr and Mrs
Butterfield who are paramedics will come and talk to the children about their
job and explain to the children how to keep themselves safe. In topic we will
be making large scale papier-mâché models of our 5 senses; nose, mouth, eyes,
hands and ears. Next week we will be learning to read and write the sounds; h, r, b and f and we will be learning
to read the tricky words (Words which can’t be sounded out); I, no, go, to, the and into. In numeracy we will be learning
about data handling and we will be making charts to show the different hair
colours and eye colours we have in our class.
· Please listen to your child read for at least
5 minutes every day. Help them spot the sounds we have been learning and help
them sound out and blend simple words. Don’t forget bug club!
· Please have a look at your child’s name
writing book and practise their target with them.
· Please encourage your child to show you their
wonderful learning at home and engage with the home learning that is been sent.
· Have a go at the ICT games we have been
playing in class.
Have a great weekend Miss Lambert, Miss Pyatt & the
rest of the Reception team
Key Stage 1
Home learning
Next week our topic lessons are focused on
developing geographical skills. Your child will be learning about the
difference between a town and a city. They will also be looking at the
similarities between Leeds and Rothwell. As part of their learning your child
will also be learning how to use Google maps and Google earth. Please spend
some time helping your child to write down their address and if possible using
the internet to see if they can find their house.
You can do this by visiting the website: Then type in your postcode, click search and
it will bring up a view of your area. If you click on the person and drag it to
their arrow it will show a street view of where you live.Please get your child to write their address
down on the provided piece of paper and decorate as they wish. Your child will
then use this in class to show us how they have searched for this at home. You can also use Google maps to find Robin
Hood School, football stadiums, famous places such as the London Eye and
wherever you want to in the world.
Numeracy this week the children have been learning all about the meaning of the
words ‘more, less and between’. They have been using numbers
up to at least 100 and using the malteser system to help them with deciding
which amount is more or less and what numbers will come in between. The
children have also been ordering numbers and enjoying playing ‘Play your card’s
right’ guessing if the next number is going to be higher or lower.
useful ordering game that you can access at home is
can be used for numbers up to 20, 100, 1000 or you can even input your own
numbers. Play this game with your child against a timer and see how quickly
they can put the numbers in to order from smallest to largest.
week the children will be continuing to develop their understanding of one more
and one less, ten more and ten less and a hundred more and a hundred less. They
will also be developing their understanding of estimating an amount of objects
and a number on a number line.
week the children have written and finished making their own healthy eating
booklet. The children have used capital letters, full stops, key words,
adjectives (describing words), verbs (doing words) and conjunctions (and,
because, but and so). The outcomes are fantastic and we can’t wait for you to
come in and see them during parent consultation week. Your child’s Literacy
books are full of outstanding learning and really show how fantastically they
have begun the new school year. We are very proud of all of the children’s
week in topic the children have been enjoying tasting different fruits (blind
folded I might add!) to help them decide on what they would like to use when
making their own fruit smoothie. They have had lots of fun and their smoothies
have been delicious! Thank you to all parents who have provided drinks bottles
and smoothie packaging for your children to use in their learning this week.
Water bottles
has been mentioned before this half term but if your child brings in a packed
lunch it is extremely important for them to have a water bottle for the
classroom and a separate drink in their lunch box. Please ensure your child has
two drinks for school so they can drink as much as they need to in the
classroom and have a separate drink if they have a packed lunch to help wash
down their dinner. If your child has school dinners it is important for them to
have a water bottle readily available to them in the classroom. We appreciate
your understanding in this matter.
you for all of your returned permission slips for the up and coming trip to
Morrisons and the local area. We have only received a small amount of replies.
Your child has been given an extra letter but if you still need one Mrs Holland
will be happy to print one off for you at the office.
a lovely weekend.
KS1 Team
Lower Key Stage 2 Newsletter
it’s been another busy week in Year 3/4. We have seen lots of wonderful
learning taking place and have been really impressed with the enthusiasm the
children have shown towards each and every lesson - even when things have a got
a little bit tricky!
you to all parents and carers who attended this week’s meeting about the Year 4
residential in May 2014. We shared details of the trip, dates, times, kit lists
and itineraries. If you would like your child to take part in the exciting
trip, please can we ask that a non-refundable deposit of £50 is returned to
school by half term?
have been a few questions about changing books and whether there are set days
for children to do this. The children can get a new book to take home whenever
and as often as they like. There is no set day and we encourage the children to
take responsibility for changing their own books whenever they have finished
one, as well as recording their daily reading in their reading records. Reading
at home will be rewarded in school with stickers and, as we have all seen, the
competition for team point champions this half term has been extremely tight.
It could be your sticker that wins it for your team!
Achiever this week is Lucas in 3/4B.
Lucas has approached every lesson with enthusiasm this week and has applied
every target given to him. His Star Write was jam-packed full of adjectives,
adverbs and conjunctions too – there’s no stopping him! Well done Lucas.
week we have been looking at how to add using column addition. We have applied
these skills in many ways including solving some pretty tricky word problems. Next week we will be moving onto looking at
column subtraction. Home learning: your child will have received
a selection of questions and problems from this week’s learning as a means of
embedding and securing the learning that has taken place. Please also continue
to support your child with their learning of their times tables and basic
number bonds to 10 and 100. These basic number facts underpin almost everything
that we cover during numeracy lessons. Thank you. Next week’s times table focus
will be the 5 X tables…get practising!
week, we have been writing in the style of a diary, documenting the life of a
Viking child. We have been focussing our attentions on the use of adverbs to
describe the many actions as well as writing in the past tense and first
person. Next week we will be continuing
to look at how diaries are written and will be finding out more information
about what life was like for Viking thralls (slaves).
spellings will be tested on Monday 14th
October. Please support your child in practicing their spellings every day
to help them achieve 10/10 in their spelling test every week.
Group One
Group Two
Other areas of the
PE we have once again taken
inspiration from Olympic gymnast video footage and have been continuing our
gymnastics by practising our rolls and balances and putting them into sequences
in larger groups.
Topic we have been very busy with
our weaving of wool on hessian. These will form the backdrops for our moving
mechanisms that will be started next week.
music, 3/4B have begun composing
their own musical masterpieces using the instruments available on the iads. 3/4T
have been refining their recorder skills when learning to play a new song and 3/4S
have continued with their percussion sessions using a variety of instruments.
Science we have developed our
graphing skills by presenting our collected data neatly and accurately in a bar
ICT we have continued to create our
own information documentary about Vikings, complete with sounds, using the
Kar2ouche software.
· Please can all Year 4 children remember to
bring their swimming kit and goggles if needed every Friday in a bag large
enough to fit their entire uniforms and shoes in – we don’t want to lose any
belongings. Children may also bring a snack to eat on the coach on the way back
to school. This can be a cereal bar or a piece of fruit – no crisps.
· Please ensure your child’s PE kit is kept in
school from Monday-Friday every week.
· As the weather begins to turn that little bit
cooler and wetter, please ensure your child has a suitable outdoor coat/jacket.
a wonderful weekend! Don’t forget to check out our blog:
Team 3/4
UKS2 Newsletter
News Roundup:
Leeds Children’s Mayor
We would like to congratulate all the children who
have worked so hard to complete their manifestos, posters and slogans for the
Leeds Children’s Mayor. We have been impressed with the dedication and
fantastic ideas that these pupils have shown. The teachers will now be reading
all of the manifestos carefully and selecting a pupil to be put forward to
represent the school.
Achiever of the Week:
Our Achiever of the Week goes to Lewis B in 5/6M.
Lewis’ desire to succeed and better himself has been a pleasure to see this
term! His hard work is without doubt paying off!
Numeracy parent workshop:
A numeracy parent workshop will be taking place on
Wednesday 16th October from 4.30- 5.15pm. The focus of this workshop
will address column addition strategies.
Core Subjects:
This week pupils have been learning how to add and
subtract using written methods to support calculations; including increasing
and decreasing fractions and percentages of amounts. Next week pupils will be
learning how to use the grid method to multiply a variety of numbers, including
decimals. A fantastic website resource for pupils to practice these strategies
ahead of the sessions is:
(calculating x ÷, grid method and long multiplication by Mark Weddell).
This week pupils have been identifying the key
features of a good diary entry and applying their skills from the perspective
of different individuals on board the Titanic.
Next week pupils will continue their diary writing skills and write an
extract based on their thoughts and emotions on the day of departure.
SPELLINGS: Next week, the
spellings are words with the same spelling but different pronunciation;
heather- heat, please- pleasant, woman- women,mean- meant, fried- friend, common- money, senior- region, honour-
hourly, crow- crowd, fluid- fruit.
Your child has received a copy of these spellings which have been glued
into their planner. They will be tested on these words on Friday October 11th.
Other areas of the curriculum:
This week, 5/6G have been performing their street
dance moves… the children came dressed in a street dance theme and their
performance was fantastic. 5/6M worked in small groups to perform achy breaky
heart. Pupils are nearing the end of the unit where they will practice the
whole dance dressed in character. 5/6MO
have revisited the key rock & roll moves from previous learning. Pupils are
continuing to choreograph their own whole class rock & roll performance.
Once again, please ensure that your child comes to
school with the appropriate PE kit each week. PE this half term is indoors;
therefore the children will need to wear black shorts and a white t-shirt, indoor
pumps or bare feet too. Miss Gascoigne’s class may wear long tracksuit bottoms
or leggings for our street dance sessions as we may need to use our knees at
5/6M and
5/6MO PE sessions are on Mondays and 5/6G PE sessions are on Tuesdays.
- This
week children have enjoyed learning about the days of week and common
directions. Muy bien!
week in Science, children have re-capped on scientific terms and vocabulary.
The use of conclusions in science was discussed and pupils collected their own
data on alien creatures from planet Xena. Pupils were then given the
opportunity to write their own conclusions based on a specific statement.
ICT this week, the children have been continuing to develop their smart
notebook montages based on American themes. Pupils have been experimenting and
combining motion techniques to create very effective outcomes!
you know, we have re-launched our blog this year. However, we are currently
awaiting the link to replace the old link on the school website. In the
meantime, you can find it at the web address below. We plan on building this up
over the year so the children can show off their learning in school, as well as
it being a place for parents to find the newsletter, spellings and information
about the achievers.
Visit our blog:
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