Issue 10
Friday 15th November 2013
Dear Parent/Carer,
It’s been great to see the children dressed up in the PJs and entering the spirit of our Children in Need charity Day today. Thanks to all who dressed their children up and kindly donated £1 to the charity.
on Mrs Beckwith
Last week, I announced
with sadness that Mrs Beckwith would be leaving us today. What a difference a
week makes! I am pleased to inform everyone that because of some changing
circumstances, Mrs Beckwith will be remaining with us in a different role. She
will now be based part time in Nursery on a Monday and Tuesday. From January,
this will increase to a Thursday and Friday. We wish you well in your new role,
Mrs B!
Operation Christmas Child
I carried out an assembly on
Monday, which allowed the children to learn a little more about the fabulous
work of the Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Appeal. I would like to encourage
anyone who can contribute to the appeal to do so by December 3rd,
when the shoeboxes will be sent off to brighten up the Christmas of less
fortunate children overseas. For more information, please visit
New Teaching
I am very pleased to announce
that Clare Perry has been appointed as a new full time Teaching Assistant. She
will be based in Year 1 / 2. We are very excited to have Mrs Perry with us and
know she will be a fantastic addition to our brilliant team of support staff.
Sparkling Friendly Faces
I would like to
congratulate Mrs Grenfell and all of the Friendly Faces team for their
fantastic work; the setting for our wrap around care was awarded 5 stars (the
highest possible grading) for their hygiene and cleanliness, following a hygiene
inspection. Well done everyone and keep up the great work.
PTA Christmas Fayre
We are getting closer and closer to the Christmas Fayre this year (30th
November), which I know the PTA are working very hard to get organised. There
are some exciting additional features this year, including an outdoor market,
which I am sure will add to the excitement of the event. However, we are
still desperate for donations. Can I please ask that if you have any bottles, cans, chocolate,
sweets, good quality unwanted teddies or gifts please send them to school for
our tombolas. Due to the success of the donated cake and bun sales at our
previous events we will be having a stall to sell the wonderful and tasty
goodies which you will hopefully be very generous in donating again.
Every child will have brought home a book of raffle tickets to sell, which have cash and many other prizes to be won. We understand that some parents may have more than one child at school and will therefore be in receipt of more than one book of tickets. If you are able to sell them all, fantastic, if not please bring any monies and unused tickets to the SCHOOL OFFICE in an envelope marked for the attention of the PTA.
Again, thank you to all of the teachers, parents, grandparents and carers who have already pledged their time to help out at the Fayre. If anyone else is available to help for an hour or so, or to ask any questions, please contact us at
Every child will have brought home a book of raffle tickets to sell, which have cash and many other prizes to be won. We understand that some parents may have more than one child at school and will therefore be in receipt of more than one book of tickets. If you are able to sell them all, fantastic, if not please bring any monies and unused tickets to the SCHOOL OFFICE in an envelope marked for the attention of the PTA.
Again, thank you to all of the teachers, parents, grandparents and carers who have already pledged their time to help out at the Fayre. If anyone else is available to help for an hour or so, or to ask any questions, please contact us at
keep checking the calendar on the school website for details of days and times
of school events, including those around Christmas time.
Have a great weekend!
Mrs Dale
Don’t forget!
Coffee Morning- Monday 2nd December- 9 am until 10 am with Miss
Thackeray in Friendly Faces
Agendas for
Do you know how well your child is achieving? What
manageable ways could we improve that knowledge?
What would make our end of year reports better?
What knowledge do parents have of age related
If you cannot come along, please feel free to send your views to
Nursery newsletter
NEWS ROUND UPYet again we have had another busy week in Nursery and the children have had great fun preparing for our celebrations. On Monday they learnt a lot of information about Remembrance Day and why we buy poppies to remember.
To support our learning about Remembrance Day on Monday the children made some beautiful poppies and wrote or drew a message to the soldiers on a poppy petal. All the messages they wrote have been put together to create a large scale poppy on our display. The children turned our classroom into an amazing venue for a party over the week! They were busy making decorations, party hats and baking buns ready for our fantastic celebrations. In numeracy we have been estimating and then counting how many to check.
Next week our topic is the
Jewish celebration Hanukah. In literacy we will be writing our very own Hanukah
card. The children’s confidence in writing is really growing so please
encourage writing at home whenever it is appropriate e.g. shopping lists to
build their confidence even further. We will be receiving a visit from Gwynneth
who is the Director of Education at Sinai Synagogue in Leeds. She will be
talking to the children about the Jewish faith. In topic we will be making
stain glass Menorahs to display. In numeracy we will be playing skittles and
hoopla and the children will be ‘recording’ their scores.
Please read with your child for at least 5
minutes every night.
Please keep practising with coats, shoes and
Please send your child into school with some
traditional Jewish food on Wednesday and Friday
Have an amazing weekend!
Mrs Steel, Miss Fox and Mrs Chin
Reception newsletter
Yet again we have had
another busy week in Reception and the children have had great fun preparing
for our celebration on Friday. On Monday they learnt a lot of information about
Remembrance Day and we all participated in one minute silence to remember the
soldiers who gave their lives for our country.
All the children were really respectful and made us very proud.
To support our learning
about Remembrance Day on Monday the children made some beautiful poppies and
wrote a message to the soldiers on a poppy petal. All the messages they wrote
have been put together to create a large scale poppy on our display. The children turned our classroom into an
amazing venue for a party over the week! They were busy making decorations,
party hats and baking buns. Then on Friday we had a fantastic celebration. In
numeracy we have been concentrating on subtraction. The children made their
very own play dough buns and then put some candles on, then all of a sudden the
naughty teachers took some of them off and the children could tell them how
many candles were left on the bun. In
phonics they have learnt to read the Phase 3 sounds y, z, zz and qu and
have learnt to read the words; see, for,
look, now, down and too.
Next week our topic is the
Jewish celebration Hanukkah. In literacy we will be writing our very own Hanukkah
card. The children’s confidence in writing is really growing so please
encourage writing at home whenever it is appropriate e.g. shopping lists to build
their confidence even further. We will be receiving a visit from Gwynneth who
is the director of education at Sinai Synagogue in Leeds. She will be talking
to the children about the Jewish faith and the celebration Hanukkah. In topic
we will be making stain glass Menorahs and baking star biscuits. The children
will also find on Monday that our home corner will have been transformed into a
Synagogue ready for Hanukkah by the wonderful Mrs Friar. In numeracy we will be
completing word problems and deciding whether we need to add or subtract to
successfully solve the problems. In phonics we will be learning the sounds; ch, sh, th and ng and the words of the week are the tricky words; he, she, we, me, be and was.
Please read with your child for at least 5
minutes every night.
Please help your child write their name, if
they can independently write their first name with beautiful formation please
help them write their second name.
Please send your child into school with some
traditional Jewish food on Friday (15th November).
Have an amazing weekend!
Miss Lambert, Miss Pyatt and the Reception team.
Home learning
This week in topic the children have been
developing their art skills. They have been drawing animals from the Jungle
book and trying to make sure all the different parts of the body are in
proportion. For example the head needs to be smaller than the body and not the
other way round!
Please support your child in drawing and
colouring at least one animal from the Jungle book on the paper provided. When
colouring with your children talk to them about ‘tickling the paper’. They can
practice this by pretending to colour lightly with a pencil on the top of the
hand. The best ones will be used in the classroom to display. Attached are some
pictures for guidance which the children have seen in class this week. Please
feel free to research your own pictures on the internet if you so wish! We look
forward to seeing your wonderful creations.
We have
stated this on many occasions but it is extremely important for your child to
have the correct PE kit in school to be worn during PE lessons. For the next
two weeks PE will be on Tuesday for all of the classes. This is due to the
children being given the exciting opportunity to work with a specialist dance
coach. The PE kit consists of black shorts or leggings and a white polo top. If
your child does not have the correct PE kit a phone call will be made home. It
is extremely important that children are wearing the correct kit. A main reason
being for their safety within a PE lesson. If it is not brought a decision may
be made that your child misses PE on this day.
Numeracy this week the children have continued developing their addition
skills. They have been using the following strategies to answer a range of
number sentences and word problems.
Putting the biggest number in their head and
then counting on.
Using the malteser system and drawing the
maltesers out.
example, 45 + 13 =
and count the tens first in each of the numbers and then the units. Then add
all of these together to get the answer.
40 +
10 = 50
5 + 3
= 8
50 +
8 = 58
week the children will be beginning a two week unit on subtraction. The
children will use similar systems to addition but the other way round. Rules
Putting the biggest number in their head and
counting back.
Using the malteser system to draw the
maltesers and then draw lines through what is being taken away to work out the
you have any questions about these systems please feel free to ask any member
of the Key Stage One Team to explain this to you. We are planning to run a
workshop to give you more support in how we use this system so watch this space
for some lessons with teachers to put in to your diary! We use the malteser
system in many areas of the Numeracy curriculum so a strong knowledge of this
really does help your children progress in their learning and understand
important subject of place value (the difference between thousands, hundreds,
tens and units).
week the children have finished writing their own story based on a range of
wonderful books written by Julia Donaldson. The results have been fantastic! We
have really enjoyed reading the children’s imaginative stories. The children
have been given new targets and across the next two weeks will be focusing
their learning on a new story.
Year One: The Smartest Giant in Town.
children will look at the setting in the story, the characters and what a
question and exclamation mark are.
Year One/Two: The Gruffalo.
children will look very closely at the characters, in particular the Gruffalo
who is very strange!
Year Two: Room On The Broom.
children will be developing their understanding of how a plot works in a story
using the structure; opening, build-up, climax, resolution and ending.
Christmas Play
can’t actually believe it is nearly that time already! The Key Stage One Team
are currently allocating parts, lines and finishing scripts. If your child has
a speaking part they will receive their lines next week. All children will also
receive a letter for what costume they will need and when it will need to be in
school for.
a lovely weekend. The Key Stage One Team.
Lower Key Stage 2 Newsletter
week we held our auditions for the Christmas Production, and we were blown away
by the children’s confident performances. Each year, Year 4 children are given
priority over the speaking roles. We have informed the year 4 children of their
roles, and we encourage them to practice their lines as much as possible to
make the production a success. All year 3 children have been informed about
what they need to dress up as, and will have a dancing and singing role in the
Home Learning
well as the children reading daily and practicing their weekly spellings, we
would like everyone to be learning their Times
Tables. We will now be testing the children weekly on a different times
table as this will help us all greatly when solving multiplication and division
problems. Links to any on line games, to support your child with this, will be on
our phase blog. The times table we will be testing next week is the 8’s Times Table. Please ensure numeracy
home learning is returned to school before
Friday, so we have time to mark it, and hand out new home learning.
week in numeracy the children have been learning how to divide numbers using
the bus stop method. This is a tricky concept and relies heavily on the
children’s knowledge of their times tables. The children have been learning how
to solve real life division problems, using the bus stop method. Next week the
children will be learning how to multiply and divide by 10 and 100, and then
apply their knowledge to real life problems.
week in literacy, the children have been learning the difference between formal
and informal writing and when we would use these. We have been learning how to
incorporate persuasive features in our writing, such as exaggeration,
rhetorical questions, groups of three, repetition and facts and statistics.
This week, the children have written a persuasive letters to Mrs Dale, in order
to try and convince her to let year 3/4 have a class pet. I wonder if she will
be convinced?
Spellings will be tested on Monday 18th
Group One
Group Two
· Please can all Year 4 children remember to
bring their swimming kit and goggles if needed every Friday. They may also
bring a snack to eat on the coach on the way back to school. This can be a healthy cereal bar or a piece of fruit.
· Please ensure your child’s PE kit is kept in
school from Monday-Friday every week.
· Now that the weather is wet and windy, we ask
that your child must bring a coat to
school every day.
· Just a gentle reminder to ensure all of your
child’s belonging (especially PE kits, hats and gloves and school jumpers) are
clearly labelled with your child’s full name.
· Please
send your child in to school with some plain white pumps in preparation for our
topic learning in week 4. If you have any problems getting some pumps, please
inform a member of the 3/4 team.
Have a fabulous weekend!
Team 3/4
UKS2 Newsletter
News Roundup:
Achiever of the Week:
Achiever of the week goes to Billy B for his amazing
singing skills. Your rendition of our
‘Days of the week’ song is fantastic and is available on our blog for the whole
world to enjoy!
Children in Need
The children looked absolutely fabulous dressed up
in their pyjamas and onesies on Friday! A huge thanks to parents and carers
once again for your continued support!
Core Subjects:
In Numeracy this week, we have been learning how to
count on and back in decimal tenths and hundredths and we have been calculating
what needs to be added to a decimal number to make a given whole number by
using inverse.
Next week, the children will be learning how to
increase and decrease amounts by various percentages, to find out the price
increase and decrease of food at Shrek’s birthday party! An exciting week of
fun Numeracy ahead of us!
In Literacy this week, we have been looking at the
key features of different advertisements; including radio, magazine and
television. Pupils applied several key advertising features into their own
advert for a personal jet pack invention. Next week year 6’s will team up with
year 5’s to generate key vocabulary to help them write an advert all about
their own transport invention.
SPELLINGS: This week, the
spellings are: difficult, million, parallel, committee, opposite, passenger,
slippery, transferred, indifferent, appreciate. Your child has received a copy of these spellings which have been
glued into their planner. They will be tested on these words on Friday November
Other areas of the curriculum:
PE: This week pupils have
been learning the correct techniques when performing several different
gymnastics rolls. Pupils worked hard to assess each other’s performance and
offer advice on technical aspects of each roll.
again, please ensure that your child comes to school with the appropriate PE
kit each week.
5/6M and
5/6MO PE sessions are on Mondays and 5/6G PE sessions are now on Wednesdays. As
the PE unit this half term is Gymnastics, the children only need their plain
white PE t-shirt and black shorts.
In Spanish, the children
have continued to learn the spellings for the days of the week (Sunday/Domingo,
Monday/Lunes, Tuesday/Martes, Wednesday /Miercoles, Thursday/Jueves,
Friday/Viernes, Saturday/Sabado). Why
not ask your child to sing the ’Days of the week’ song, or log onto the 5/6
blog to hear Billy singing it. The
children have continued to learn about ‘Los Objetos de la clase’ (Classroom
objects) this week, focusing on the following objects: picture frame (cuadro),
whiteboard (pizarra), wall (pared), clock (reloj) and printer (impresora).
week, the children have been learning about forces in action. We have learnt
about air resistance and how this force impacts positively and negatively in
our daily lives! The children are now using excellent scientific vocabulary
when explaining their findings!
our ICT sessions, the children have been using the Lego Mindstorms software to
program a robot to perform various manoeuvres such as: acceleration, curve
turn, point turn, reverse and even moving in the shape of a square!
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