Dear Parent/Carer,
It has been lovely to see Mr
Malley back this week, albeit in a slightly less mobile way to what we are used
to from our sporty teacher! He is managing to build up his strength and carry
out a mixture of leading and co- teaching his lessons.
Year 4
It has been lovely to read the
messages on the Year 4 Resi Message Board between the children and parents. I
think it is wonderful that so many of you are supportive of the residential
visits as we believe that the children get an invaluable experience that exposes
them to such fabulous and enriching activities. It also gives the children the
chance to feel that real sense of independence away from home, whilst receiving
the best care and support from our teachers and support staff. I have been
receiving regular updates from Miss Thackeray over the last three days and it
sounds like a fantastic time has been had by all; I am SURE parents of our Year
4s will be getting a quiet weekend!!
WHISE project
The week started wonderfully
with a visit from our Swedish colleagues, who enjoyed observing our approaches
to teaching and learning as well as hearing about how we use 2buildaprofile as
an assessment tool; how we engage our parents and keep you informed and how we
provide an excellent inclusive learning environment for our children with SEN.
We also shared the systems we use as teachers, to self-evaluate, reflect on our
approaches to teaching and learning and share best practice across school. It is
always a joy to articulate how we do things here at Robin Hood as we are very
proud of our brilliant school!
on clothes
It has been brought to my attention
that some items of children’s clothing are going home with the wrong child.
Please ensure that your child’s clothes are labelled with their names and check
that your child has not come home with the wrong item. Thank you.
Year 6
Next week is a very important
week for our Year 6s as they carry out their SATs tests. We are proud of each
and every one of our pupils for all of the effort and hard work they put into
achieving in their learning. We will have a very strong and consistent message
for our Year 6s next week and it will be that as long as everyone gives 100%,
everyone will be extremely proud no matter what the outcome brings.
Best of luck, ALL of you……not
that you need it; you are all amazing!
PTA News
Thank you to those who attended and also sent their apologies
for last week’s meeting. The number of parents wanting to get involved in
helping raise money for the children is growing, which is very good news.
The minutes of the meeting will be going out on Parentmail in the next
few days. We have booked a disco into the diary, "Shorts and
Shades" to be held on 18th June and have a PTA meeting on the 22nd May at
8pm at The Gardner’s Arms to discuss the details. Please if at all
possible try and attend this meeting as we will be asking people to help out
with a few things that need organising before the disco takes place (nothing
too time consuming I promise). We have had a meeting with Miss Mees today
to discuss details around a sponsored Bikeathon to coincide with the Tour de
FOR A COUPLE OF DAYS, or something like then please either contact Miss Mees
(Yr 1) or
Have a great weekend.
Mrs Dale
Don’t forget:
The next parent coffee morning will take place on
Monday 19th May with Miss Thackeray in Friendly Faces. The agendas
for discussion will be:
· Website and
blogs- how well used are they? How could we make them more engaging/useful for your
· How do you rate
our improved parental engagement this year?
If you are unable to come, please do not
hesitate to share your views with me at
Nursery newsletter
Yet again you have impressed
us with your super Dinosaur home learning, not to mention the time you have
clearly put in to supporting your children with their reading – THANK YOU! It
has ensured the children are all very excited for this week’s learning. Please
keep looking on our blog for the latest information and to see what has been
happening in Nursery at
We have switched our focus
to Dinosaurs and the children have been thinking about what they know about
where dinosaurs came from and how we know! We have been learning about Mary
Anning who was the very first fossil hunter. If you didn’t manage to look at
the clip with your child this week, please do try to have a look as it is
fascinating (see link below).In our numeracy sessions this week we will
continue with our number spotting as well as practising writing numbers using
the correct sequence of movements.
We will be sharing the book ‘Harry and the
Dinosaurs say Raah’ and talking about the story. We will also be looking at the
differences between the types of dinosaurs such as herbivores and carnivores. Ahead of this for home learning, please can
you support your child to find out some facts about herbivores and carnivores
and present this information in a way of your choice. This will give the
children a real head start on their learning for next week. In numeracy we will
be counting objects or actions that cannot be moved – for example listening to
musical beats or counting cubes dropped into a tin, to ensure that children
realise that we can count everything, not only the items we can move from place
to place. Next week we will also begin asking your child to write their own
name for self-registration rather than finding a name card from a selection.
PLEASE NOTE the following diary dates: Nursery will be CLOSED on Wednesday 2nd July 2014
We will be holding Garden Parties/Graduations for the Nursery children on Wed 16th July times to be confirmed.
· Please complete the home learning task with your
child (see above) and bring it in on their first day back.
· Keep practising writing names (first and then
second) and encourage your child to read to you for five minutes every
Thank you for your continued support, it really is making
a difference to your child!Mrs Steel, Mrs Chin, Miss Fox and Mrs Beckwith.
Reception newsletter
was lovely to see the children’s faces when they stepped into our Jurassic
world on Tuesday after the long bank holiday weekend. They loved searching for
fossils and chipping away at our Plaster of Paris fossils. As I mention every
week please keep looking on our blog for the latest information and to see what
has been happening in Reception at
thought the children were amazing in our assembly today and they all really
look forward to performing for you. Their singing was beautiful and they were
really confident. The children are really enjoying our topic of dinosaurs and
they were so excited when they came in on Tuesday morning. In literacy we have
been learning all about Mary Annings who discovered fossils and have written
some facts about what we have learnt about her. We have also been concentrating
on full stops and capital letters and where we put them when we are writing.
Please encourage them to use punctuation when they are writing at home with you.
In topic the children have made fossils using salt dough. In numeracy we have
been learning about doubling and halving. In phonics the children have learnt the
alternative long a sounds; eigh (eight), ey (grey) and ei (vein) and they have learnt to read the words; here, saw, very, oh, their and people.
We will
be reading the story Harry and his bucketful of dinosaurs. We will be thinking
about the different features of dinosaurs and we will be sorting them into
different groups. We will be pretending that we are a dinosaur scientist and we
will collect information from books and use it to write our very own dinosaur
fact file. In numeracy we will be learning all about sharing and continuing to
practise addition by counting on using the number line. In phonics the children
will be learning the long e sounds; ea (eat)
and the split digraph e_e (Pete) and
they will be learning to spell and write the words; Mr, Mrs, called, asked, looked and could.
next class assembly will be the first week after the half term on Friday 6th
of June at 2.30pm in the hall.
Please engage with the home learning and the
learning logs.
Please read for 5 minutes daily and help your
child learn their spellings.
Please practise the counting on addition
method with the number lines enclosed with the home learning.
If you have any spare boxes please bring them
in for our D.T. area.
Lambert, Miss Pyatt and the Reception Team
Key Stage 1
Home learning
addition to reading and spelling practise please can you practise fast
subtraction to help your child become really speedy at counting back. Start by
just counting back from any number in ones, (some children might be able to do
this in tens too!) and then ask them to solve take away sums. Try to use lots
of different words that mean take away: subtract,
minus, less. It may be that you want to start this process by using
counters, grapes or sweets (always a winner!) to demonstrate the concept of
subtraction. Then move on to mental arithmetic - Stick to smaller numbers and
focus on speed. How many unit-unit sums can the children work out in 1 minute
(for example 7 – 3 =)? Before moving onto teen numbers take away a unit and
then see if your child can go beyond this mentally. Try to build up speed so
the children are ultimately able to answer the questions without counting, they
are simply able to recall the facts. This will really help them when they come
to calculating more complex subtraction sums.
Water bottles
are still a large number of children coming to school without water bottles.
Now that the weather is getting hotter it’s more important than ever that the
children stay hydrated. It’s imperative that each child brings their own water
bottle into the classroom every day.
Celebration assembly
very much looking forward to our next key stage assembly which will take place
next Friday 16th May at 14:30 in the hall. We hope you will be able
to come along to see some of the children’s fabulous learning for the half
that we have spent two weeks learning all about the complexities of different
characters, we are moving onto writing an exciting plot for our own stories.
Over the next two weeks we will be developing an exciting ‘build up’ whereby
the characters will visit a setting in search of something they really want.
One of our main areas of focus is capital letters and full stops. When creating
an exciting adventure story, it’s very easy to forget where one idea ends and
the next begins. We plan to reiterate exactly what makes up one idea and how to
build this into an exciting sentence using time connectives (next, then, after,
before, suddenly..), conjunctions (so, if, but, because, when), and purposeful
description through the use of adjectives and similes. We hope to turn the
final stories into a book for the children to bring home so you can see the
results of their incredible work this half term.
continuing with the topic of measure and have rotated so that each class is now
focussing on a different area. Year 1 are looking at length. This week the
children familiarised themselves with the different units of measure (cm and m)
and estimated the length of lots of different things. Year 1/2 are working on
weight and will be looking closely at reading scales. If you have any scales at
home it would be great to have a look at them together to see if your child can
read the weight of different items – chances are they will all be digital, but
this will still be useful to help them become confident with the concept of
weight and what the different units of measure are. Perhaps you could see if
they can find the difference between the weights of different items. Finally
Year 2 are working on capacity. This week we have made cocktails and
calculating what proportion of different juices might make a cocktail of 100ml
or 1 litre. It was great fun (and very messy!)
children have now completed their mod rock Disney characters. They worked so
hard to ensure their mod rock was neat and precise before painting their
characters beautifully. We are so proud of the children for their persistence
and teamwork. They really pulled together to help one another and their final
outcomes are truly incredible. Next week we will be continuing to develop our
creativity by building our very own Disney cars!
a lovely weekend.
KS1 Team
Lower Key Stage 2 Newsletter
what a busy action packed week we have had in LKS2! The year 4 children have
had a wonderful time on their residential, where they have been busy; making
shelters in the woods, rock climbing, dry ski slope sledging, exploring Whitby and
Whitby Abbey, coastal walking and studying various sea creatures in rock pools
on the beach. We were extremely proud of all the children for working together as
a team and challenging themselves in overcoming their fears across the different
activities. It was great to see so many smiles at the top of the climbing wall
and children sledging from the top of the dry ski slope. All the staff are very
proud of every single child as they represented Robin Hood School remarkably. Well
done year 4 - you should be extremely proud of yourselves. All of the children
completed a booklet detailing all of the adventures they have had during
residential which they keep as a reminder of the fantastic time they have had. We
look forward to sharing lots of pictures and videos from our residential with
you during our showcase assembly on Friday
23rd May at 2.30pm.
children who stayed at school have also had a jam packed week full of exciting
new learning. The children have been busy writing fantastic stories, practising
the BIG Dance routine, learning how to find fractions of shape and number,
singing lots of new songs (as part of our new singing curriculum) and creating detailed
leaflets during topic, all about key land marks to visit in and around our
magnificent city Leeds. Miss Bailey and Mrs Wathen have had a lovely week and
were blown away with all of the children’s great attitudes towards their
learning and sensible attitudes.
Home Learning
ensure your child is reading every day and recording this in their reading
records for their teachers to reward them with lots of super stickers for their
hard efforts. The children must also practise their weekly spellings ready for
our test on Monday. This weeks’ times table that we would like the children to
also practice is the 6 times table. We
would like to stress the importance of the children learning their tables as it
helps them in all aspects of their numeracy particularly multiplication and division. We have been overwhelmed with how
much additional home learning the children are choosing to do in their new learning
logs and have celebrated this with lots of stickers for their efforts and have
photographed their learning for our phase blog:
week the children have been revisiting fractions and learning how to find
fractions of different numbers and amounts. The children have tried super hard
to use their knowledge of fractions to solve various SATs style problems and to
find different fractions of shapes and number. It’s great to see the children
using their times table knowledge in order to support them with their learning.
Next week we will be continuing to look at fractions and moving onto mixed and
equivalent fractions.
week in literacy we have continued looking at how to write a successful story
using a balance of description, action and dialogue. We have been learning how
to use adverbs in our writing to describe how characters move and speak, such
as; quietly, rapidly, anxiously. We have also been practising using a sophisticated
choice of adjectives in our writing in order to describe and lots of verbs to describe
characters actions. We have also been looking at how to extend our amazing
ideas into both compound and complex sentences. Various games the children have
been accessing in school are also available for the children to use at home via
our phase blog. If the children would like to practice their learning we will
reward them with lots of stickers for their efforts. Next week we will be
learning how to write a successful resolution to our stories.
Spellings will be tested on Monday 12th
Group 1: they’ll, you’ll,
you’re, it’s, it’ll, I’m, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Group 2: knowledge, knock,
knee, knight, knit, knew, knife, know, known, knuckle
week the children have been finding out lots of facts about various landmarks
in and around Leeds and used these to create a leaflet all about places to
visit in our magnificent city. After studying the layout and design of
different leaflets the children used this to make sure when publishing their
leaflets the information was presented in many different forms such as; bullet
points, picture, fact boxes and tables. These amazing leaflets will be on
display in our LKS2 corridor so please come and have a look.
week in PE the children have continued to learn this year’s BIG DANCE routine. We
are really proud of the children for trying super hard to remember all of the
moves and count in their heads in order for them to ensure they are in time to
the music and with each other. During our outdoor PE session the children have
been developing the multi skills (agility, balance, coordination and speed).
The children have had a great time working as a team to score lots of points
whilst getting fit and exercising.
have started to learn all about philosophy is LKS2 where the children have
enjoyed delving into different questions in order to force them to think deeper
and more critically about the possible answers. The children really enjoyed our
first session and it was great to see them all developing their skills at
listening to each other, thinking deeply and sharing ideas. This is something
we aim to continue to develop in 3/4 as philosophy is now part of our
· Showcase Assembly on Friday 23rd
May at 2.30pm
· The current weather is very changeable and so
we ask that your child brings a suitable coat to school every day.
· Please ensure all of your child’s belongings
(especially PE kits, hats and school jumpers) are clearly labelled with your
child’s full name.
· Remember the children have two PE units a
week now, one outdoor (Wednesday) and one indoor (Thursday) so please ensure
they are bringing the correct kit each week.
· As the weather is getting warmer, can all
children please be provided with a named water bottle, especially on PE days?
forget to check out our blog where you will find lots more information about
this week’s learning as well as important reminders and dates for forthcoming
a lovely weekend!
Key Stage 2 Newsletter
As we are sure many of you
will be aware, next week is SAT week for the Year 6 pupils. Assessments will
run in the mornings from Monday through to Thursday. We really encourage all
the Year 6 children to try and get a good night’s sleep the night before and
come to school having eaten a good breakfast so they feel energised and ready
for the morning ahead. Please see the reverse of this newsletter for a
timetable of the week.
In Numeracy this week, the
Year 5 children have been learning how to find percentages of amounts. This has
included dividing the amount by 100 to find 1% and dividing the amount by 10 to
find 10%; then using these to find more complex percentages.
Next week, the Year 5 children
will be learning about fractions. This will include finding fractions of
amounts, simplifying fractions and ordering fractions.
In Literacy this week, the
children have been writing paragraphs to describe the setting and character of
the story of Mercedes, the Elf Queen and the Curse of the Black Mage. The
children were able to successfully include many high level features in order to
create imagery – well done, guys!
Next week, the Year 5
children will be working on an on-going weeklong project in the hall. The children
will be doing lots of fun activities to remember their time in Year 5.
In ICT we have been learning
how to use the software ‘iMovie’. This week we have practiced refining our iMovie’s
by including transitions, trimming and cropping the duration of a clip and
placing a ‘theme’ into the iMovie. The children will use these skills to begin
creating an iMovie on the topic of ‘Leeds’ which will require the children to
record audio and select images.
‘Leeds’ and how it has
evolved into the thriving city it is today is our Topic theme for this half
term. We have looked at key places in Leeds and have chosen one particular
place to study in detail in order to write a leaflet or page of a travel
This week, the children have
been learning about the effects of exercise on pulse rate. We carried out
activities which increased our pulse rate, we then counted our pulse rate for
30 seconds and then doubled it to find out our pulse rate per minute. We then interpreted our results into a line
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