Dear Parent/Carer,
Welcome back! I must begin my
first newsletter of the year by saying a huge thank you to all of you. The
start back has been untraditional with most of you having to change your usual
route into school whilst coping with restricted parking. Nevertheless, members
of staff and teachers were greeted at the gates and classrooms with smiles from
parents and children alike; a lovely start to the year. During this year, Miss
Hinton and I will be present at the gates at least once a week. It will be
lovely to see everyone regularly.
The children have settled into
their new classes brilliantly and once more, my Headteacher stickers have been
depleting by the hour.
Please be reminded that the
manager of the newly refurbished (and rather welcoming, I might add!)
Gardener’s Arms pub on Leeds Road has kindly agreed to let parents park in the
car park at school drop off and pick up times; a very generous offer, I’m sure
you’ll agree. I visited this week to give a personal thank you and noticed that
there is a very reasonable and varied pub menu on offer for those evenings when
you want a break from the cooking.
We have several new members of
staff joining us this new academic year; I would like to welcome Kirsty Harley,
Eddie Knight and Jodie Marriott who join us in Nursery, Year 3/4 and Year 5/6
respectively. Also, joining us are Natalie Chapman and Laura Taggart as
teaching assistants in Reception and Key Stage 1. We also welcome Alexandra
Twigg, Amanda Ward and Stephanie Bayliss who will be supporting in Year 1/2,
Year 3/4 and Reception respectively, as part of Leeds City College apprenticeship
program. Yvonne Butterfield is also taking up a part time
position in Reception alongside her lunchtime supervisory role. Finally, we
welcome Lynne Dalton as lunchtime supervisor. We look forward to working with
you all.
We have started our new
lunchtime systems, with a “family” service at our new oval tables with bright
chairs. I am very pleased with how the children have responded to this,
especially the older children who have stepped up to the challenge of “family
leader” roles, helping to serve the food at the tables and ensuring that the
younger children are encouraged to eat more and display excellent table
manners. As the weeks pass I know that the children will perfect the skill of
serving efficiently, socialising during the meal and cleaning up after
themselves. Outside, the playground is calmer with fewer children out at any
given time and the introduction of several zones dedicated to certain
We will be continuing our phase
assemblies this year, which proved to be a real success last school year.
Please note the dates for this half term’s phase celebration assemblies:
Friday 3rd October
2:30 pm- 3:00 pm – Year 3/ 4
Friday 10th October
2:30 pm- 3:00 pm – Year 5/6
Friday 17th October
10:00 am- 10:30 am – KS1 (Harvest Festival at Lofthouse Church)
Friday 24th October
2:30 pm- 3:00 pm – Reception
These are all available to view
on the School Calendar section of the website for your convenience.
I would like to inform you that
I will be taking up a part time secondment for the duration of this year as a
School Improvement Advisor for the local authority. I will be doing this for
the equivalent of 1.5 days per week and will have the privilege of supporting 8
schools in Leeds. This is an incredible opportunity for me personally but most
importantly will allow me to develop skills and knowledge from other settings
which will without doubt add value to our school provision. My priority is and
will continue to be Headteacher at Robin Hood. Miss Hinton will step up into an
Acting Headteacher position in my absence and we will be working very closely
together to ensure that our messages are consistent and that we continue to
build upon our many strengths.
I will be sharing the times and
dates of Parent Coffee mornings shortly so please watch out for them; we are
discussing ways to increase the amount of parents present so that we can hear
the opinions of a wider parent representation.
Have a great weekend!
Mrs Dale
Key Stage 1
Welcome back
would like to wish all the children, parents and carers a warm welcome back to
school. We hope you have had a refreshing, fun summer holiday and are now
raring to go for another fantastic year of learning. We have loved hearing your
children’s adventures from the holidays and it has been lovely to see all the
children’s excitement beaming from their faces as they entered their new
classrooms! The building work has now begun and we would just like to remind
you of the following important information for how the children come in and out
of school:
Year 1 (Miss Pyatt): The external classroom door on the
Reception playground.
Year 1/2 and Year 2:
(Miss Mees and Miss Snowden):
The Key Stage One entrance at the front of the school.
Parent meeting – Important date for
your diary
are inviting all parents and carers from Key Stage One to come in to school on Thursday 11th September at
3:15pm to a ‘Welcome meeting’.
These will be held in your child’s new classroom with your child’s teacher. It
will be an opportunity for you to meet the class teacher, see your child’s new
surroundings and find out about the year ahead. It will also include
information about assessments and ways you can support your child at home in
their learning. If you are unable to attend please feel free to make an
appointment with your class teacher who will be happy to share this information
with you. We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible there.
Reading Records
child will now have a new reading record for the school year ahead. Please make
sure your child brings their reading record to school every day as we are
planning on using these more regularly in the classroom. On a Monday all the
reading records will be collected and your child will receive their spellings
for the week. A test will take place on these spellings the following Monday.
Your child’s score in their spelling test will be inputted and any misspelt
words will be highlighted so you can see what spellings your child may need to
continue to practice. We are introducing certificates this year for super
spellers. Each week children who get 10/10 in their spellings will receive a
certificate to tell them they are a super speller! We will also be giving
certificates to children who may not have received full marks but have shown
they have really tried with practising their spellings across the week. Effort
is valued as just as important as full marks. Please make sure that you write
in the reading record at least 3 times each week to show you have read with your
child. You are also welcome to write about any other learning your child has
done at home. This is celebrated at school and it is lovely to read comments
about the success your children have with you at home.
Home Learning
home learning policy states the following are compulsory for Key Stage One
spellings per week (5 mins X 3 times a week)
of number facts (5 mins X 3 times a week)
and/or using Bug Club. (10 mins X 3 times a week)
child will be provided with a Learning Log which is optional to use. This can
include any learning you wish from the holidays or that has taken place at the
weekends. As this is optional there is no deadline but logs will be celebrated
at least half termly on the Key Stage One blog. There will also be
opportunities for high quality Learning Logs to be celebrated at half termly
celebration assemblies.
Learning this half term
half term is going to be a fantastic one full of learning! It will include the
Numeracy: Properties of number. Counting, understanding
odd and even numbers, sequences (e.g. in 2’s, 3’s, 4’s, and 5’s) and learning
about the differences between hundreds, tens and units.
Literacy: Non- Chronological reports. The
children will start by writing one all about themselves.
Indoor PE: Dance linked to animals.
Outdoor PE: Multi skills – Agility, balance and
Topic: Animals. This will include Science,
Geography, Art, Design and Technology.
ICT: They will learn how to use web search
engines to collect pictures of different types of animals.
Next week’s
newsletter will give you more detailed information about the learning that has
taken place across the week.
a lovely weekend.
Key Stage One Team
Lower Key Stage 2 Newsletter
have had an amazing and exciting start to the new year in year 3/4 and we are
extremely proud of all of the children for their sensible and mature attitudes
towards their learning. We are very
excited for the year ahead and would like to welcome the fabulous Mr Knight,
Miss Mc Sorley, Mrs Mistry, Miss Ward and Mrs Perry to the happy 3/4 team. Thank
you to all parents and carers who came along to meet their child’s class
teacher this week, for any parents who weren’t able to attend all LKS2 staff
are available to speak to at the end of the school day at the 3/4 steps.
Home Learning
part of the children’s home learning in 3/4, we ask that the children read as
often as they can, at home, across the week. All of the children have now
picked a new reading book and have received a brand new reading record. This is
where they can evidence all of the amazing reading they are doing at home.
Please continue to encourage your child to read on a regular basis and fill in
their reading record. We ask that your child hands their record in on a Monday morning
so we can reward them for each day they have read the previous week. If a child
reads every day they will be rewarded with a sticker. We will also be giving
spellings out every Monday that will also be written in their reading records.
If any children would like to do any additional home learning please ask them
to visit our phase blog. Our blog is where you will find lots more information
about this week’s learning as well as important reminders and dates for
forthcoming events. It is also full of activities that you can complete either
focusing on what we have learnt that week or a step ahead to what’s coming up
the following week. Please visit our phase blog at
our literacy sessions, this half term, we will be learning how to write a non-chronological
report. Every day we will be practicing our handwriting and the children will
be learning how to use grammar and punctuation accurately in their writing. The
children will also be developing their ideas into both compound and complex
sentences using a range of powerful adjectives and adverbs to further enhance
their writing. We look forward to sharing these non-chronological reports with
you at our parent consultation evening at the end of the half term.
half term your child will be looking at Number and Place Value. They will be
recognising the value of different digits, comparing numbers, rounding numbers,
estimating numbers and completing various number patterns. Across the half term
the children will also learn to develop their independence around choosing
appropriate strategies for solving mental maths questions, as well as develop
their confidence in their times tables.
Spellings will be tested on Monday 8th
Group 1: face, ace, cake,
case, gate, wave, grapes, flame, whale, snake.
Group 2: plant, month, bulb,
length, strength, insect, hundred, village, success, present.
· Year 4 swimming will start next Friday 12th
September. Please can all children remember to bring their swimming kit and
goggles if needed. They may also bring a snack to eat on the coach on the way
back to school. This can be a biscuit or a piece of fruit.
· Our first Showcase Assembly is on Friday 3rd
October at 2.30pm
· Please ensure your child’s indoor and outdoor
PE kit is kept in school from
Monday-Friday every week. They can take it home on a Friday to be washed but
please make sure they are brought back
into school every Monday.
· Please ensure all of your child’s belongings
(especially PE kits, hats and school jumpers) are clearly labelled with your
child’s full name.
a lovely weekend!
Upper Key Stage Two
Welcome Back!
of all, we must begin our first newsletter of the academic year by wishing you
all a warm welcome to year 5/6! The Year 5/6 team hope you have all had a
fantastic summer and we are excited for the year ahead!
Meet the Team!
year, we are delighted to have a new teacher join the Year 5/6 team, Miss
Marriott, will be working with Mrs Comstive and Mrs Wathen in the red classroom
(5/6JM). We also have Mr Malley in the
green classroom along with Mrs Brooks and in the blue classroom; we have Miss
Gascoigne and Miss Morris.
Parent Welcome
Tuesday September 9th at 3:30pm, we will be holding a parent meeting
in the blue Year 5/6 classroom where parents/carers can meet the teachers and
find out more about expectations for the year ahead. Don’t worry if you can’t
make the meeting, as we will send a brief overview home with the children of
the points discussed in the meeting.
child received a planner this week. They should record any reading that they do
outside of school and record the book title, number of pages and even specify
who they have read to. They should record each entry into the box which has the
corresponding day. We ask that all children aim to complete a minimum of 4
entries per week, which an adult should sign at the end of each week. The
children must then hand their planner in every Monday so it can be stamped and
signed by their class teacher and the children can be rewarded stickers.
week, the children have been warming up their brains by completing number
sentences and sequences which include negative numbers and larger numbers with
a minions theme from the film Despicable Me. The children have had lots of fun
manipulating numbers and finding the rule for challenging sequences.
week, we will be learning how to extend number sequences to count on and back
in decimal tenths and hundredths. We will also be learning how to understand
roman numerals too!
week pupils have been focusing on the features of book reviews. From a
selection of reviews pupils have identified positive, negative and balanced
comments. Next week, pupils will practice writing balanced sentences before
writing their own book review for a book of their choice. We hope that pupils
enjoy reflecting on their favourite book and we can’t wait to read all about
the unique characters and interesting storylines.
week in PE pupils will be developing their throwing and catching skills. Pupils
will practice throwing and catching techniques and will then apply these skills
into small sided games in outdoor PE. Please
note that PE kit should be brought to school on a Monday and not taken home again
to be washed until the Friday.
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