Dear Parent/Carer,
I hope you all had a wonderful half term break
and are ready for the exciting lead up to the summer holidays. There are lots of exciting events taking place this half term. The dates are posted on the “Calendar” section of the school website for your convenience.
With our Finnish visitors and our Year 6s return from the Residential trip this evening, the half term has got off to a very busy start. Year 6 set off bright and breezy on Wednesday morning to Robin Wood and Miss Gascoigne has been giving me regular updates on the fabulous time had by all. We hope that the children came back full of enthusiasm following their adventure.
Message Board
Just a small reminder that the message board is
available on the website for non-urgent school based queries. Once you have
posted a message, it needs to be approved through our admin then I can reply. I
do try and check the message board every few days so that replies are timely.
As recommended at the recent parent coffee morning, we have also included a
link to the message board through the “contact us” tab.
Website update
We have moved the tab “See our learning” to the front page of the website for easier
access. This tab showcases some of the learning that has taken place in each
phase. I feel strongly that you as parents are aware of the wonderful learning
which takes place in classes. We have enjoyed a fabulous increase in attendance
at phase celebration assemblies but we want to ensure that those parents who
may be unable to attend do not miss out on what is happening in their child’s
phase.There has also been some useful E-Safety info added into the “Parents and Carers” tab. This includes some websites which may be useful when teaching your child about E-Safety at home.
I have noticed that a small number of pupils
are coming to school in black shorts as the weather turns warmer. These are
sometimes unsuitable in length. Please be reminded that girls are to wear
skirts or long trousers to school as is policy. As the weather is warmer I am
happy to accept knee length shorts. Thanks.
Voices Foundation
A special assembly will take place on Friday 20th
June to showcase the fabulous outcomes of school’s involvement with the Voices
Foundation program. Foundation and Key Stage 1 will perform between 2:30 - 2:45
and Key Stage 2 will perform between 2:45 - 3:00. You are all more than
PTA News
In connection with the Active
Team at school we are holding a sponsored event to celebrate the "Tour de
France". This will take place on the 23, 24, 25 and 26 of June.
To enable this event to go as smoothly as possible we require a little
help from any parent/carer who is available during the morning or afternoon of
the above dates. We appreciate that many people do work during the day,
but if anyone happens to be available to help out please contact
above mentioned “Tour de Robin Hood” will be a fantastic active opportunity to
raise money which will be used for equipment for our new and improved
lunchtimes next year. If you can support at all, I would be so grateful.
Have a great weekend everyone.
NEWS ROUND UPWelcome back to the last half term of the year! It was lovely to see everybody back today and all full of stories about trips and activities they had been involved with over the holidays. Our classroom looks amazing; we have a busy seaside area, travel agents (where I booked a sneaky holiday!) and a fabulous caravan.
Please keep looking on our
blog for the latest information and to see what has been happening in Nursery
THIS WEEKWe jetted off on an aeroplane to Spain this week. It was very hot so we were lucky we had thought about summer clothes and how to keep safe in the sun. We have been writing postcards about our adventures and are really focusing on writing down all the sounds we can hear and making sure we form all letters correctly. Names are coming along brilliantly so thank you for your support with that. In numeracy we have been recognising numbers, counting and matching and writing numbers all by ourselves!
We will continue with our Journeys theme and will
be travelling by boat to the Arctic Circle. We will be deciding what to take
with us and packing our suitcases. We will also be writing a postcard to tell
you about all the things we saw and did. Again we will be focusing on hearing
and writing initial sounds in words. In our topic sessions we will be making
some ice lollies and talking about what happens to water when it freezes and
then thaws out again. For home learning
can you encourage your child to ‘dress’ the attached person in appropriate cold
weather clothing. They can use any medium they like so we are hoping to see
paint, gel pens, collage materials and chalks (or anything else they choose).
The most amazing ones will be on display in Nursery.
· Please
complete the home learning task to prepare your child for next week’s learning
(see above)
· Please
ask your child to read to you for five minutes every day. By now they should be
working on spotting the sounds we have learned in phonics and a couple of the
tricky words (I, no, go, into, my etc.)
· Keep
practising writing their full names and numbers 1-5 then 1-10
PLEASE NOTE the following
diary dates: Nursery will be CLOSED on
Wednesday 2nd July 2014
We will be holding Garden
Parties/Graduations for the Nursery children on Wed 16th July times
to be confirmed.
We will also be doing
outdoor PE this half term so please can you send your child in trainers each
Wednesday? Thank you for your continued support, have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Steel, Mrs Chin, Miss
Fox and Mrs Beckwith.Reception newsletter
children bounced into school on Monday eager to tell us all about the
adventures they have had over the holidays. They are really enjoying our new
topic of journeys! We have a busy seaside area and a bustling airport and
keep looking on our blog for the latest information and to see what has been
happening in Reception at
jetted off on an aeroplane to Spain this week. It was very hot and we have all
been making sure we are being safe in the sun. We have been writing a diary
recording all of our adventures whilst we have been in Spain. We are now really
focusing on the children’s handwriting so please help them practise their
handwriting as much as possible. In
numeracy we have been working out addition and subtraction problems using
different methods including, objects, fingers, numicon and number lines to
ensure that they understand the two concepts. In phonics the children have been
learning the long i sound ie (pie)
and i_e (lime).
NEXT WEEKNext week we will be boarding a boat and heading off to the cold Arctic Circle. We will be deciding what to take with us and will be busy packing our suitcases. We will be recording our adventures in a diary using our best handwriting. In numeracy we will be practising counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s and we will be grouping objects into groups of 2’s, 5’s and 10’s. We have an exciting week of topic planned! We will start by locating the cold countries on maps and then we will be making ourselves some very yummy ice lollies. We will also be carrying out an investigation to see what happens when we put an ice cube in a coat! What do you think?
NOTE the following diary dates:
Seaside Party on Friday 20th June from 11a.m. - 12p.m. The children will
be selling all of the wonderful summer items they have made and then we will
all be going for a picnic together on the field. Miss Lambert’s graduation will be in the hall from 9a.m. - 10a.m. on the 15th July.
Miss Pyatt’s graduation will be held from 2p.m. - 3p.m. on the 15th of July.
· Please
ensure your child can write their first and second names.
· Please
read and engage with the home learning as this informs you what your child must
be able to do to reach a good level of development.
· Please
read with your child for 5 minutes every day (your child’s new book band is on
Bug Club) and please share all their holiday adventures with us using the
learning log.
· Please
note we will be doing outdoor PE this half term so please ensure your child has
an appropriate outdoor PE kit and trainers.
a fantastic weekend.
Lambert, Miss Pyatt and the Reception Team.
Key Stage 1
Home learning
week the children have been working incredibly hard in preparation for our
assessments next week. We have been very impressed with how much quicker the
children are becoming at mental recall. They are learning to pick out the key
terms/information from problems in order to answer questions. Please can you
spend some time this weekend practising rapid recall of number bonds. Begin
with number bonds to ten (7 + 3), then move into number bonds to 20 (17 + 3),
then multiples of 10 that make 100 (80 + 20), and finally mixed digits that
make 100 (47 + 53). Understanding and rapidly recalling these number patterns
will help the children to solve all kinds of different problems.
Seaside trip
hope the rain disappears before our trip to Scarborough on July 10th
and July 11th! Please can you return your permission slip to the office if you
haven’t already done so. Without this permission slip your child will not be
able to go. If you need another letter, Mrs Holland in the office will be able
to help you.
Arts week
the beginning of July the children in KS1 are very lucky to be taking part in
Arts Week. The work the children produce throughout the week will form part of ‘Arts
Award Discover’ – the first stage of a nationally recognised, accredited
qualification in the arts. The children will have the chance to work with
professionals from a range of different fields: art, photography, ballet and
song writing. The week will culminate in a showcase demonstrating the wonderful
things they have achieved. The showcase will take place during the afternoon on
Thursday 3rd July. There will
be more details to follow but we wanted to give you this date should you wish
to make arrangements to attend. It promises to be a fun filled and extremely
creative week.
have experienced just how sneaky and mischievous the children in KS1 can be
this week! At the beginning of the week the children watched ‘The Black Hole’
video as a stimulus for writing. Your child will be able to tell you all about
it, or you can watch it for yourself if you type ‘the black hole’ into YouTube
– it’s great! The children wrote their own creative story detailing all the
weird and wonderful things they would do if a black hole were to come into
their possession. They have been pinching from Greggs, reaching into Kinder
Eggs and even sneaking through the door of Morrison’s staff meeting! Their
stories were engaging, interesting and beautifully presented. They really were
a joy to read – thank you and very well done! Shortly we will be starting a
poetry unit which will involve performing, reciting and writing lots of
different poems.
well done to all the children in KS1! They have had a very busy week
consolidating all the skills we have learnt through the year. It’s very
rewarding to see how much the children have learnt and are able to apply in
order to solve a range of problems. We’re feeling very proud of you all. After
assessment week we will be learning all about time. Perhaps you could have a
look at some digital and analogue clocks around your home to familiarise the
children with the basics of telling the time.
children have applied the listening skills they have been learning in
Philosophy to work collaboratively on a project this week. Our new topic is the
seaside, which the children have been very excited about. They have watched
videos, looked at pictures and read lots of information about the seaside in
order to form an argument for or against the question: ‘is the seaside the best
place to live?’ We allowed the children free reign as to how they presented
their argument. Some groups made posters, others devised a puppet show and some
produced news reports. We have been incredibly impressed with how mature and
sensible the children have been working independently in this way. We are very
much looking forward to watching your final presentations next week.
a lovely weekend. Fingers crossed for sunshine!
KS1 Team
Lower Key Stage 2 Newsletter
a fantastic week we have had this week in year 3/4. The children have all
returned after the half term break with enthusiasm and excitement as we embark
on another fun-packed half term. We hope to share many of our outcomes at the
end of the half term at our Showcase
Assembly on Friday 27th June at 2.30pm. Thank you to all parents
and carers who attended our showcase assembly at the end of last half term. I’m
sure everyone who attended will agree that is was a wonderful event and the
children were extremely proud of their achievements over the half term.
Residential meeting for the
current year 3’s
will be holding a residential meeting for the parents, carers of the current
year 3 children who are interested in going on residential next year. The
meeting is to share information about the dates and cost of the trip and we
will be sharing a video of the centre. The meeting will be held on Tuesday 17th June at 3:30pm
in the school hall. If any parents or carers are unable to attend the meeting,
we will put all of the information onto our phase blog;
Home Learning
again, we have been inundated with learning logs from the half term break. It
has been wonderful to see so many children taking a lead in their own learning
and completing such a variety of tasks during their own time. Many examples of
these fantastic outcomes will be shared on our blog as well as at our Showcase
Assembly at the end of the half term.
would also like the children to continue to read daily and ensure they are recording
this in their reading records so we can reward their efforts with stickers! In
addition to this, the children should be practising and learning their
spellings and Times Tables as this
was the key skill that has let many children down when trying to calculate
multiplications, divisions and fractions this half term. The times table we will be testing next week is the 8 Times Table.
week the children have been practicing our written strategies for solving
problems involving the four operations. The children have then applied these
methods when solving word problems involving money and measures. Next week we
are looking at position and direction. We will be learning how to read a
compass and following directions and plotting co – ordinates on a grid.
week in literacy we have been learning how to write a biography. We have looked
at various famous people’s biographies to spot the key features and have been
practicing writing in third person. The children then wrote a biography all
about David Beckham’s life ensuring that their opening paragraph gives a brief
over view of his life and then they wrote about his key events and achievements
in chronological order. Next week we will be practicing our compound and
complex sentences and will be using these to write biographies all about last
year’s Wimbledon champion Andy Murray.
Spellings will be tested on Monday 9th
Group 1: want, were, what,
when, water, with, where, to, too, two
Group 2: dance, distance, advance, difference, notice,
place, surface, entrance, science, practice
week we have begun our very interesting unit titled ‘Sports Report’. The
children have been learning all about both the Olympic and Paralympic games.
They wrote a recount about the memorable moment by the athlete Derek Redmond,
crossing the line with a torn hamstring and created a new Olympic medal. Next
week we will be studying the artist Keith Haring and creating sporting pictures
in his style. These will be displayed in the Y3/4 mall for you to come and
new science topic for this half term is changing states of matter. This week
children have been identifying the similarities and differences between solids,
liquids and gasses and next week we will be investigating how these can change.
· As part of our history curriculum we will be
going on a trip to watch the Horrible Histories production of ‘Barmy Britain’ at
Sheffield Lyceum Theatre on Thursday 17th July. The cost of the trip
is £18 and we would like the children to bring a packed lunch and wear their
school uniform. If you would like any information regarding the trip please see
a member of the 3/4 team at the end of the school day.
· Showcase Assembly on Friday 27th
June at 2.30pm
· The current weather is very changeable and so
we ask that your child brings a suitable coat and a water bottle to school
every day.
· Please ensure all of your child’s belongings
(especially PE kits, hats and school jumpers) are clearly labelled with your
child’s full name.
· Remember the children have two PE units a
week now, one indoor and one outdoor so please ensure they are bringing the
correct kit each week.
Don’t forget to check out
our blog where you will find lots more information about this week’s learning
as well as important reminders and dates for forthcoming events.
Have a fabulous weekend!
Team 3/4
Upper Key Stage 2
Le Grand Depart
year 5/6 has been somewhat quieter this week, year 5 have been enjoying the
build up to Yorkshire’s Grand Depart! Through researching and reading about the
tour this week, pupils have applied their knowledge and creativity into a
number of wonderful outcomes; including their very own clothing range and
breath taking poetry! This is just the beginning of the excitement and there
will be some wonderful events in the coming weeks.
Road Safety
this week, our year 6 pupils spent some time with the local road safety team.
Through some fun games and activities the road safety team were able to educate
our pupils on the importance of being safe on the road. I know that the team
were particularly impressed with the maturity and awareness that our pupils
brought to all the sessions.
Times Tables
last week of term saw the most gripping finals of the times tables challenge to
date. It was so hard to separate the finalists, however after several nail
biting rounds; we managed to find our winners. Huge congratulations to Lucy in
5/6G and Danika in 5/6M for their coolness under pressure. Very impressive
week in literacy pupils have structured their Tour de France ideas into some
superb poetry. We are always so impressed with how inspired the pupils are to
write poetry- although they don’t always like to admit it! Next week pupils
will be developing their Active Leaders applications. Lessons will focus on
formal application styles and providing evidence of their own experiences. The
spellings for next week are; threw, through, guessed, guest, herd, heard,
profit, prophet, allowed, aloud. Your child has received a copy of these
spelling and will be tested on Friday 13th June.
numeracy this week, pupils have been learning different strategies for mental
addition and subtraction. This has involved rounding numbers to the nearest
ten, adding and then adjusting. Next week the children will be investigating
different qualities that numbers can have including; common factors, common
multiples and prime numbers.
Art: Printing
week Mrs Chin has helped to inspire our year 5 pupils with some Le Tour de
France printing. From using a selection of materials and paints our pupils have
produced some iconic designs featuring Leeds architecture. The final outcomes
were fantastic and the t-shirts produced are colourful, unique and above all
cool! Huge thanks to Mrs Chin for helping deliver this wonderful idea.
ICT this half term the children will be looking at photography and film. We
kicked this week off with a photo shoot of the school. Children learnt and
applied different photographic techniques such as: shots from above, action
shots and the rule of thirds.
this half term will be about living things! Pupils will be looking at the
different classes from the animal kingdom. Next week we will be exploring the
different lifecycles of these classes.
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