Friday, 27 June 2014

Issue 36 2013-14

Dear Parent/Carer,
It was great to see the photographers outside this week as the children posed for their end of year group photos. I was reliably informed that the photos are so much more appealing when taken outside so I hope that everyone will be pleased with the results.

We as a city are now on countdown to the Tour de France passing through. In homage to this brilliant and exciting event, we have had a very active time in school carrying out sponsored events as part of our Tour de Robin Hood activities. Sincere thanks to all parents who offered to help out and those who were in attendance. We really do appreciate your involvement.

Our own Tour de France superstar!
Amelia in Year 5 will be taking part in the Tour de France opening event on Saturday 5th July, performing a dance on Scott Hall playing fields. Amelia's dance team DAZL will perform between 10.45 - 11.45 am on the fields which has an expected crowd of up to 10,000. Naturally, Amelia’s parents are delighted for her, as are we and wanted to share the news. 

Next Year SATs dates
Important dates for Year 5 parents- The Year 6 SATs will take place during the week beginning May 11th 2015.
I will be sharing further assessment week dates next week.

Arts Week
Next week is Arts Week, where children in KS1 and Year 3 will have the opportunity to gain credits towards the “Arts award -Discover”; a prestigious award supported by the Arts Council, England. We are very lucky to have Miss Thackeray and Miss McSorley, who have worked very hard to put a fantastic week of creative learning opportunities in place for the children.

Lunchtime supervisors
I am very excited about our plans to improve our lunchtime experience from September. Our lunchtime supervisors have carried out two lengthy training sessions in the past two weeks around the themes of “Positive Lunchtimes” and “Outdoor Games”. I must commend all of them for entering into the spirit of the sessions and contributing so positively. I know that they were keen to trial some of the games immediately and this is testament to the proactivity and commitment of our lunchtime supervisors.

Textile hangings
Next time you are in school, please take a moment to admire our new textile hangings in the “mall”. They are breathtaking and unique and the result of artwork carried out by the children with a very talented and amazing lady; Mrs Chin. Mrs Chin has worked incredibly hard not only to give our pupils the chance to create these amazing hangings but to display them to an amazing standard; they would not look out of place in the most prestigious of galleries. My sincere thanks to Mrs Chin.

Training Day
Please be reminded that next Friday (4th July) is a training day; school will not be open to children.

PTA News

What a busy week the children have had this week, raising money for their new playground.  I had the opportunity along with other parents to help the children in their Tour de Robin Hood sponsored event and can confirm that they have well and truly earned every penny they have raised.  A huge thank you to the parents/carers who gave up their time to help and a huge thank you to the teachers and children involved, you really did yourselves proud.  Please remember all monies need to be with the school office by Thursday 3rd July.  We have a total profit figure for our Shorts and Shades Disco which was a wonderful £529.  To celebrate our success over the year we are having a celebration next Thursday 3rd July, meeting at 8pm at the Gardeners Arms.  Please feel free to come for an hour or three or four......  If you would like to get in touch please contact us at

Have a great weekend everyone.

Mrs Dale

Nursery newsletter

We have had a very active week this week and the children had a great time today at our Tour De France day. They really pushed themselves and we were really impressed with the determination and resilient attitudes they displayed. Even when they were exhausted they kept going and supported their team members.

In literacy this week we have been learning all about the story Noah’s Ark. The children really enjoyed the story and were very knowledgeable and enjoyed following up their learning in our Noah’s Ark area by independently retelling the story with the puppets. This week the children have been writing and drawing what their favourite activity is at school for their reports. To support the sporting events that are happening, our numeracy lessons have been very active this week -  we have been timing ourselves doing lots of challenges like how many balls can we get into the bucket in a minute and how many star jumps can we do in a minute.

Please remember we have a training day next Friday (4th July) so the children will not be in school that day. Nursery is also closed Wednesday 2nd for the new Nursery stay and play sessions. Next week we will be thinking about growing and emotions. We will be reading the story of Elmer in literacy and the children will be taking part in team building games to promote and instil good team working skills in preparation for their new classes. In numeracy we will be practising repeating patterns and continuing to spot numbers and count and write numbers independently.
PLEASE NOTE the following diary dates:
Golden Day is Wednesday 9th July where we will have a visit from Punch and Judy courtesy of the PTA

Meet your new teacher letters have been sent out. Your child will attend our Reception class either morning or afternoon on Monday 14th July

Wednesday 16th July will be the Nursery Graduations. If you haven’t received your letter please let me know. Thank you.

·        Please keep encouraging your child to write their name, read to you daily and write the numbers to 10 and work on the enclosed letter formation activities
Have a fantastic weekend – Mrs Steel, Mrs Beckwith, Mrs Chin and Miss Fox.

Reception newsletter

We have had a very active week this week and the children had a great time today at our Tour De France day. They really pushed themselves and we were really impressed with the determination and resilient attitudes they displayed. Even when they were exhausted they kept going and supported their team members.
In literacy this week we have been learning all about the story Noah’s Ark. The children really enjoyed the story and were very knowledgeable about what happens in a church. They followed up their learning in our Noah’s Ark area by retelling the story with the puppets. The children have been writing and drawing what their favourite activity is at school for their reports. In topic the children have built an Ark for Noah and all of his animals. The children discussed what materials would float so fingers crossed all of the animals remain dry. Our numeracy lessons have been very active this week as we have been timing ourselves doing lots of challenges, like how many balls can we get into the bucket in a minute and how many star jumps can we do in a minute. We have also been learning the days of the week and the months of the year so challenge your child to tell you them all. I think they may impress you.  In phonics the children have been learning the long o sounds; o (no, go) and the split digraph oe (Joe, toe).

Please remember we have a training day next Friday (4th of July) so the children will not be in school that day. Next week we will be thinking about growing and emotions. We will be reading the story of Elmer in literacy and the children will be taking part in team building games to promote and instil good team working skills in preparation for Key Stage 1. In numeracy we will be practising repeating patterns and then we will be measuring ourselves to see how much we have grown since September.  In phonics the children will be learning the long oo sounds; ue (blue and Sue) and ew (grew and blew).
PLEASE NOTE the following diary dates:
Our next big events are our graduation ceremonies:
Miss Lambert’s graduation will be in the hall from 9am-10am on the 15th July.
Miss Pyatt’s graduation will be held from 2pm-3pm on the 15th July.

Please note we will be doing outdoor PE this half term so please ensure your child has an appropriate outdoor PE kit and trainers.
Have a fantastic weekend - Miss Lambert, Miss Pyatt and the Reception Team.

Key Stage 1

Home learning
This week we have continued our learning around time. The children are doing so well with this extremely difficult concept! Please can you continue helping the children to learn the time by looking at some digital and analogue clocks. The children are going to prepare some presentations to explain all that they have learnt about time. Perhaps they could have a go at teaching you everything they know. Can they explain it clearly? Do they know how many minutes are in an hour? Do they know what each of the hands mean and where they should go? Can they write digital times? Start with o’clock, move onto half past, then quarter past and quarter to and if they are ready for it move onto the five minute intervals.

Arts week – dressing up and showcase!
As you will be aware next week is arts week – an action packed week which will involve taking part in and learning about a range of different art forms. On Monday we are all dressing up as our favourite artist to kick start the event. This could be anything from a ballerina to a singer or a rapper, a film star, an artist or musician. The list of possibilities is endless. There are lots of professionals from various fields coming in to teach the children different skills. On Thursday 3rd July from 2:30 in the hall we will be showcasing some of the children’s learning in an assembly. We hope you can join us to see all their fabulous outcomes. Finally, please can the children bring in an old T-Shirt to protect their uniform.

To celebrate the fact that Le Tour de France is coming to Leeds, the children have been performing some cycling poetry. They loved finding out all about the event and came up with some wonderful rhymes of their own linked to the thrill of riding a bike. We watched some Michael Rosen poetry to learn what makes a powerful performance: intonation, expression and actions. The children treated us to some wonderfully energetic and engaging performances! As well as learning about rhyme, they also learnt about onomatopoeia. This enabled them to add some brilliant sound effects to liven up their performances!

Music and Philosophy
For the past few months the children have spent their Friday afternoons studying Music and Philosophy. Thank you to those parents who attended our singing assembly last week where the children performed some of the songs they have been learning. So far the children have learnt to recognise individual voices and respond to a simple melody by matching the pitch. It’s amazing to see how much progress they have made in such a short space of time. Many of the children are now becoming confident to sing short solos in class, even children who were nervous of doing so initially. We want to thank the children for engaging so beautifully with our music learning. It’s a pleasure to teach them. In Philosophy we have focussed specifically on the art of listening and building a conversation in a respectful way. The children have blown us away with their maturity and enthusiasm for this. They devise their own philosophical questions and discuss them with a partner or in small groups. In the last few weeks they have mastered the skill of acknowledging what the other person is saying in order to show they have been listening. They are not afraid to disagree in a respectful way and they back up their ideas with sound reasons. Who would believe they are only 5, 6 and 7?!

What a hard working week the children have had in topic! Now that they have designed their beautiful sea creature toys, they have spent the week cutting, sewing and stuffing. This is no mean feat with shiny, stretchy fabric that likes to slip and slide out of their fingers – but they have persisted and worked so well together to create some truly fantastic outcomes. Very well done!

Have a lovely weekend.

The KS1 Team
Lower Key Stage 2 Newsletter
We have had another fabulous, fun and jam packed week in LKS2 and again have been extremely proud of all the children for their sensible and mature approaches towards their learning. On Tuesday the whole of LKS2 took part in the Tour de France themed sports day as part of the national sports week. The children had a great time working together as a team to try and earn the most miles in relaying, high jump and climbing. Thank you to everyone who came along to watch our phase assembly this week. I’m sure you will all agree the children have been very busy with their learning over the last half term and it was fantastic to celebrate all of their magnificent outcomes with you.

We would like to remind you that next week the year 3 children will be taking part in an Arts week, where they will be working to achieve the arts award Discover. Across the week the children will be working alongside different arts practitioners, in order to learn more about our local artists. They will record all of their findings in an arts log and we look forward to sharing this with you at the Arts week showcase at the end of the week, Thursday 3rd July 2:00. To kick off the week, we would like to invite the children to dress up as an artist of their choice for the day on Monday 30th June. This might be a ballerina, an artist, an actor, singer / musician or any other artist you can think of.

Home Learning
We would like the children to continue to read daily and ensure they are recording this in their reading records so we can reward their efforts with stickers! In addition to this, the children should be practising and learning their spellings and Times Tables as this was the key skill that has let many children down when trying to calculate multiplications, divisions and fractions.

This week, the children have been learning all about symmetry and how to recognise lines of symmetry in different shapes and patterns. We then have been using our skills to identify lines of Symmetry in world flags and everyday objects. Next week the year 4’s will be solving lots of tricky problems. They will be using all of their knowledge and understanding of the number system and both mental and written strategies.

This week in literacy the children having been learning all about different sporting personalities and using this information to write a biography about them. The children included lots of information about their early life, successes and what the sports men and women are doing now. Next week the year 4’s will be writing more biographies about each other. We look forward to sharing these with the children’s new class teachers.


These Spellings will be tested on Monday 30th June.

Group 1: than, that, them, then, tree, those, these, tried, their, there

Group 2: famous, various, dangerous, curious, furious, cough, enough, rough, dough, though

This week the children have been working in groups to create their very own stop, motion animation showing a different sport taking place. The children had to carefully plan out each scene of their movie and create a back drop to show where their sport is taking place. They then had to carefully move their characters into the different positions to take a series of photographs, and then use the I Can animate software on the iPads to create their own Stop Motion Animation.

Y6 Leavers Assembly

Mrs Dale recently mentioned in the newsletter that siblings of Year 6 would be able to join in the Year 6 Leavers Assembly celebrations. Because of it being a week early this year, please be aware that this coincides with the final swimming session which is the fun/play session. We will ensure that Year 4 siblings are able to enter the hall as soon as they are back and an appropriate space is saved for them.


·    Please can we remind all Year 3 parents that if your child wishes to go on residential in Year 4, their deposit must be in by the 3rd July– Thank You!

·    As part of our history curriculum we will be going on a trip to watch the Horrible Histories production of ‘Barmy Britain’ on Thursday 17th July.  We would like the children to bring a packed lunch and wear their school uniform. If you would like any information regarding the trip please see a member of the 3/4 team at the end of the school day.

·    As the weather is hotting up, please ensure your child brings a refillable water bottle, a sun hat and sun block as we will be spending more time outside.

·    Please ensure all of your child’s belongings (especially PE kits, hats and school jumpers) are clearly labelled with your child’s full name.

·    Remember the children have two PE units a week now, one indoor and one outdoor so please ensure they are bringing the correct kit each week.

Don’t forget to check out our blog where you will find lots more information about this week’s learning as well as important reminders and dates for forthcoming events.

Have a fabulous weekend!

Team 3/4
Upper Key Stage 2 Newsletter
Tour de Robin Hood
Huge congratulations to all our pupils for their hard work and effort during our ‘Tour de Robin Hood Day’ on Thursday. We were all massively impressed with the intensity and teamwork showed by our pupils when completing themed athletic events, inspired by the Tour. We would like to thank all parents and carers for any kind donations. I know that our wonderful PTA have been working hard, to ensure that the children receive some fantastic goodies; which will help them all in keeping fit and active.
Violin performance
On Thursday 10th July, from 2.30- 3.00pm, our year 6 pupils will be showcasing the wonderful progress that they have made in their violin lessons this year. Mr Brown has been really impressed with our pupils and he has kindly offered his time, so parents and carers can pop in and listen to their beautiful playing skills. We look forward to seeing you on Thursday the 10th from 2.30- 3.00pm. Thank you.
Year 6 Dates for the Diary:
·         Fish & Chip lunch Thursday 10th July.
·         Year 6 violin performance- Thursday 10th July (2.30- 3.00pm).
·         Year 6 Prom – Thursday 10th July (5:00pm – 6:30pm).
·         Sports Day- Monday 7th July (parents welcome for the afternoon class races).
·         Leaver’s Assembly – Friday 11th July (2:00pm).
School Captain Election:
The School Captain election for the current Year 5 pupils is looming. The election will be held Thursday, July 10th. The children will be asked to give a short 2 minute presentation to the rest of the phase and teachers, explaining why they should get the job and what they can bring to the role. There will be six School Captain places, two per term, which will enable more children to experience the position. We cannot wait!
Growing and Changing
On Monday, June 30th, the children will be learning about growing and changing, in accordance with the National Curriculum and the school’s PHSCE policy. The children will learn about changes that humans experience in their lifetime in a sensitive environment and there will be plenty of opportunity for children to ask questions anonymously throughout.
In numeracy this week, children have been learning all about sequences in numbers; including the Fibonacci sequence, Pascal’s triangle, square and triangular numbers. For the remainder of the week, pupils have focused on ordering decimals and identifying the rules in decimal number sequences. Next week, pupils will once again show their detective skills to solve some murder mysteries, by applying a variety of numeracy operations and strategies. 
This week, pupils have been reflecting on their experiences and challenges in year 5/6 and writing their report front cover. Children have really impressed, using a range of fantastic features and their final pieces are a joy to read. The spellings for next week will be randomly selected from all the spellings across the year. Pupils will be tested on these on Thursday 3rd July.
This week the children have continued to edit and refine their pictures- using iPhoto. The children have now fully explored the editing features on the software and exported their pictures. Next week the children will create their own slideshow with their final edits.


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