Friday, 15 February 2013

Issue 21 2012-13

Newsletter Issue 21

Friday 15th February 2013

Dear Parent/Carer,
February half term is upon us and it is this point that marks the exact half way point of our school year. I hope you are all in agreement that it has been a fantastic year so far and I am certain that the next three half terms will be even better.

The Robin Hood big recycle
Do you have any old mobile phones, tablets, mp3 players, digital cameras, handheld games consoles, Sat Navs lying around the house collecting dust? If so, we need them. Mrs Secretan (Mummy of Imogen in Year 2) has kindly teamed up with the PTA to engage with the O2 recycle for schools project – We are asking that you donate any such items throughout February and each donation will raise money for the school. Dig deep!

PTA Valentines disco
Well, they did it again! Our fabulous PTA organised another fantastic disco to celebrate Valentines day on Tuesday of this week. As usual, it was exceptionally well attended and supported by parents, carers and children and a great time was had by all. I had a lovely dance with Key Stage 1 and have to say, the highlight for me was dancing with the lovely William Hepworth in Reception! What struck all the members of the PTA and the staff who were present, was the impeccable behaviour of the children. They really got into the spirit of the event and really did impress us with their high standards of behaviour so thank you to the children for making all the effort feel very much worthwhile.

ICT Mark
We have had such a busy half term with all things ICT, including the launch of our new website, our visit to the BETT show and the visit from our Finnish colleagues to look at exemplary practice. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that the school has been re- accredited with the ICT Mark. This is a significant achievement, which celebrates the success of our outstanding ICT provision. Schools involved in a range of initiatives such as building programmes, curriculum development and working to ensure that every child matters, have found that the ICT Mark has helped them demonstrate effective use of technology. I am very proud that our school very much remains at the forefront of such brilliant ICT practice. This accreditation would simply not have been possible without the commitment and hard work of Miss Darroch, who continues to lead our ICT curriculum and keep Robin Hood well and truly on the map.

We are noticing that many children are discreetly throwing their sandwiches on the floor during lunchtimes. Would you please encourage your child to keep any uneaten food in their lunchboxes so that they can let you know what they like and what they don’t! Our brilliant lunchtime supervisors are struggling to keep up with the mess created when this happens. Thanks.
Well done Green Team!
Well done to Green team, who were our winners for this half term’s house winners treat. The children enjoyed a session in the hall, relaxing with friends and sharing their toys from home. We wait in anticipation to see who next half term’s winners will be.

Head lice
We have become aware of a couple of cases of Head lice in school. Please check your child’s hair over half term and treat accordingly if necessary. Please do let us know if you become aware of your child having head lice. Thanks.

If you have not already done so, please do access the Parentview survey at As a school we pride ourselves on working together in partnership with parents and putting the wellbeing of the children as the very first thought in everything we do. We would really value some feedback as to how you feel we support you and your child. Thanks.

Please have a wonderful half term break. I look forward to seeing everyone back on Monday 25th February.
Mrs Dale

Nursery newsletter
The whole Nursery team are ending this half term feeling very proud and with big smiles on our faces because the children have amazed us with the progress they have made over the last half term! Well done Nursery children we are extremely proud of you and you should be very proud of yourselves.   
This week we have been thinking about what we would wish for if we could wish for anything in the world.  The children came up with some wonderful and creative ideas and hopefully all of our wishes will come true. The children also had a fantastic time making their own star biscuits. In phonics we have been continuing with alliteration and have been playing Bertha’s bus game. This week in maths we have been thinking about different shapes and the shapes we can see around us. The children have impressed us with their knowledge of shape!
Next half term our topic is food! Our story in the first week back will be The Very Hungry Caterpillar. In topic we will be making a large scale display of the Hungry Caterpillar and the children will be making their own fruit salad. In literacy we will be looking at the story in the book, as an interactive story and as a video clip. In numeracy our mental maths focus will be counting to 15 by rote and our main focus will be matching the correct amount of food to the correct number. In phonics we will be moving on to aspect 6 which is voice sounds. We will be using books such as Peace at Last and We’re Going on a Bear Hunt to show the children how our voices can make sounds e.g. splish splosh sounds like water.
·        Please listen to your child’s fabulous reading once a day and comment in their reading record. Please feel free to drop in and change their books when you pick them up.
·        Please practice counting to 10 and beyond with your child at any opportunity. Please also practise writing and recognising the numbers 1-6 with them. If your child can do both of these, then please help them go even further.
·        Please practise writing the first letter of your child’s name and if they can do this try going even further with them.
·        Please support your child in completing our home learning task over the half term holiday.

Thank you for your continued support. We hope you and your child have a wonderful half term.
Mrs Steel, Mrs Chin & Miss Fox
Reception newsletter
The whole reception team are ending this half term feeling very proud and with big smiles on our faces because the children have amazed us with their high attainment during assessment week. The progress made by the children in the last 6 weeks has been excellent and we are going to be very proud when showing off their results to Mrs Dale & Miss Hinton. Well done Reception, we are extremely proud of you and you should be very proud of yourselves!   
This week we have been thinking about what we would wish for if we could wish for anything in the world. The children came up with some wonderful and very creative ideas, here are just a few; “I would wish for a rainbow because they are beautiful”, “I would wish for lots of chocolate and a kitten” and “I would wish for a talking robot”.  The children made their very own sparkly and shiny star and we attached their wishes to them, hopefully all of our wishes will come true. The children also had a fantastic time making their own star biscuits which were delicious. In phonics we have been reviewing all of the phase 3 sounds, the children’s confidence is brilliant and a pleasure to see. This week in maths we have been thinking about different shapes and all of the shapes we can see around us. The children became shape explorers and we went on a shape hunt around school to see what 3D and 2D shapes we could find.
Next half term our topic is food! Our story in the first week back will be the Very Hungry Caterpillar so in topic we will be making a large scale display of the hungry caterpillar and the children will be making their own fruit salad, learning the skills of chopping and peeling. In literacy we will be reading the story and solving the case of the missing caterpillar by ordering the lifecycle of the butterfly. In numeracy our mental maths focus will be counting in twos and our main focus will be sharing in 2’s and then in 4's. We will be sharing the food the hungry caterpillar ate between ourselves and playing an exciting hungry caterpillar board game. In phonics we will be revisiting the sounds; ai, ee, igh and oa and we will be reading the words; don’t, old, I’m, by and time.
·        Please read with your child as often as possible and comment in their reading record to let us know how they are doing at home. The children will be moving on to yellow band reading books after the holiday so we hope all children who are red band readers will be reading their new yellow books confidently after a week of practice during the holidays.
·        Please support your child in accessing the ‘Bugclub’ website. We will be putting yellow books onto ‘Bugclub’ for the children to access as these consolidate all the sounds we have learnt so far.
We hope you and your child have a wonderful half term.
Miss Lambert, Miss Pyatt and the Reception Team

Key Stage 1

Home Learning:

Next half term we are travelling back in time 3 days a week to discover everything we can about the Romans! For the home learning over the holidays please support your child in finding out all you can about this topic which can be presented in any way that you would like: picture, writing, model, video of a dramatization of a story or character. This learning will culminate in an exhibition on the 27th of March in the school hall, which everyone is invited to.  You will receive an invite from your child through the post closer to the event…look out for this!

Assessment week:
All week the children have been taking part in the end of term assessments in reading, writing and numeracy. Although we as adults tend to find the idea of ‘tests’ quite daunting, the children have been (as they always are) enthusiastic and excited about filling in the assessment papers! The knowledge that we as teachers attain from such weeks is priceless in mapping our steps for next term. As always the children have wowed us with their determination, learning and attitude towards the week.

Farewell to Ye Old Ocean Explorers:
That’s right, this week saw the completion of our topic on Ocean Explorers, which has been so enjoyable for us as teachers as well as the children: who doesn’t love a great adventure story about intrepid travellers?! Our Photo Stories on Christopher Columbus and Captain Scott have been edited and submitted to the powers that be and our 3D model boats have been painted, given sails and have found their sea legs to be able to journey home to you. Our wider curriculum topic next half term will be set around the topic of The Romans and Easter, which will lead on to our next star performance at Lofthouse church where we hope to rival the Year 3-4 Harvest Festival performance! Watch this space!

The Valentines Disco
The PTA put on another cracker of a party this Tuesday. Hot dogs, face paint, tattoos and chart topping music got the shindig started and kept the energy going throughout our hour long slot. Thank you so much to all the parents who volunteered on the night to ensure everything ran smoothly; it was yet another occasion on which we could feel blessed by having such supportive parents and a wonderful sense of community. In total we raised almost £600 for the school, what an achievement!

House Points Winners:
Well, for the second time in three half terms Green saw themselves topping the charts in the house points race and celebrated their win in style on Thursday afternoon. House teams were only introduced to the school in autumn but it seems to have been the way of life for much longer! Rewarding great learning, behaviour and effort with class and head teacher’s stickers has always proven to be an effective motivator for all the children, but this added sense of team work and camaraderie has created more depth and bonds throughout the school. It is always such a tight competition to the finish line to find the winner so keep encouraging your child to get those stickers in!

As part of our writing assessment we completed our unit on recounts by showing the children some images of a train station and asked them to imagine they were the solitary figure in one of the pictures, about to embark on a day out. We followed the structure that the children have become used to (four paragraphs using time connectives to link one to the next) to build our past tense stories. As always in assessment week this was a ‘cold write’, meaning that the children were given minimal input and left to show what they had retained from the half term’s learning. Everyone put in a great effort and we are really happy with the writing that has been produced. Moderations will take place in the first week back and a photocopy of your child’s writing with their level will be sent home soon after.
Next half term sees us move onto traditional tales and invitation writing because who wouldn’t want Little Red Riding Hood at their party?

All year two children and a good number of the year one children completed the year 2 SATs paper this week, with wonderful results. As you know, our learning in numeracy has been focused on doubling, halving, fractions, shapes and direction which has left us little time to focus on addition and subtraction. However, it was fabulous to see so many of the children using the skills and strategies that were embedded throughout the autumn term in school and at home. As mentioned above, the assessments have helped us identify what the children need additional practise on.  Next half term our learning moves onto multiplication, division and counting in groups of 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10.  Please support your child over the half term by rote counting in 2’s, 3’s, 5’s and 10’s beyond 20, 30, 50 and 100. 
Lower Key Stage 2 Newsletter
We have had an incredible week in LKS2 and have been extremely proud of the children’s sensible and mature attitudes towards their assessments. It’s been a great opportunity for the children to show off all of their amazing learning from across the half term and we are so pleased with the progress the children are making. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank you for all your continued support with the children’s learning at home. Ensuring they have this support really does help them to make even more progress in school as it supplements and reinforces what they are learning in class.
Home Learning
For our holiday home learning we would like the children to research and learn about the Ancient Egyptian Gods. The children can present their learning in any format they choose; a presentation, a drawing of a god, a video, a model or some factual notes about one or more of the Gods. We look forward to sharing these during our topic sessions after the  holidays. We would also like you to encourage your child to read at home as much as possible over the half term break and record this reading in their reading records. Please can you also encourage your child to access their Bug Club account online if they are part of the scheme and complete the quizzes to check their understanding of the text. 
The children have blown us away with their incredible writing this week. Everyone has written a story and the children have worked extremely hard to incorporate lots of adjectives, adverbs, nouns and amazing compound and complex sentences in their writing. They have also tried super hard to use a balance of action, description and dialogue to move their stories on. Next half term we are learning how to write a variety of different recount texts effectively, such as; letters, reviews and reports.
This week in numeracy the children have carried out assessments covering the different units we have looked at since September. The children managed to tackle a variety of question types and showed an increased confidence in choosing the appropriate strategy to solve these. We were very pleased to see the huge improvement in the children’s mental maths scores and the ability to answer a question within a time limitation. We can see children in year 3/4 have been busy learning their times tables, well done. Next half term we will be learning both written and mental strategies to solve multiplication and division problems.
This week the children have been carefully decorating their Egyptian Pharaoh masks, according to the designs they created in their topic books. They have also completed a great fact file about the discovery of Tutankhamen’s tomb as well as a Kar2ouche animation on the computer to re-tell the story of this great discovery. We look forward to sharing these with you at parent consultations next half term.

Spellings to be tested on Monday 4th March (the children already have their spellings for this Monday)
Group One
Group Two
·    Next half term’s PE sessions will be outside so please ensure all children bring a warm tracksuit and trainers.
Have a lovely weekend!
Team 3/4
UKS2 News Roundup:

·        Our achievers of the week are Evan and John H in 5/6G for their astonishingly high scores in their end of half term assessments. These boys are only in Year 5 and are already achieving a high level 5 in Numeracy and Reading – Miss Gascoigne is extremely proud!
·        Congratulations to this half term’s Times Tables Champions, Billy in Year 5 and, once again, Ellis in Year 6. The competition is so close each half term which just goes to show that practise does make perfect. Well done boys.
·        We welcomed Sandra, Anne and Baz the dog from the charity Hearing Dogs for Deaf People to our Celebration assembly. They were presented with a cheque for the money raised at the Coffee Afternoon last Tuesday. Thank you once again to all parents and carers who attended the afternoon. We really do value your support in such enterprising and inspiring events.
·        In PE next half term the children will need to ensure they have their indoor kit every week; this includes black/blue shorts and plain white t-shirt.


·        This week, the children have been applying their knowledge of the four operations to find the area of compound shapes. The children have been creating their own compound shapes for a theme park and then finding the area of their designs.
·        In mental maths, we have been focusing on a random selection of times tables. If you would like any further practise, visit and click on Numeracy. There is a link to Hit the Button which is being used to practise all times tables. There are also lots of free iPad apps to help with times tables – Multiple Wipeout is a particular favourite of ours.
·        After the half term break, the focus will be on finding angles in shapes as well as reading and writing co-ordinates. To practice angles, there are a number of games at
A game which is a particular favourite of ours for co-ordinates is Billy Bug, which can be played by visiting Remember, when reading and writing co-ordinates, the rule is along the corridor then up or down stairs!


·        This week, the children have been exploring the features of book reviews and exploring how connectives and conjunctions can be used to express both positive and negative views. We have been writing reviews of our favourite books, ensuring that our learning from the last few weeks is included.
·        After half term, the children will be writing news reports. We will be looking at the journalistic features associated with news reports both on screen and in newspapers. If you find any news articles related to the extreme weather or climate change then please do bring them in after half term, as we will be focussing our attentions on these sorts of stories.
·        SPELLINGS: During the first week back we will be testing the children on 20 random spellings from this last half term. All spellings should be recorded in your child’s planners.

Other areas of the curriculum:

·         In Science, we have been carrying out lots of exploratory investigations into static electricity and magnetism, and discussing the theories around the behaviour of atoms. Through our investigations we have been able to form scientific opinions and establish rules associated with both of these amazing phenomena. Like poles repel and opposite poles attract.
·         In ICT, the children have continued to use Prezi to create a presentation about a superhero such as Bananaman, Super Ted, She Ra and He Man. They have focused on ensuring that the templates selected are suitable and that the presentation is consistent in font and style. You can use Prezi at home by visiting
·        This week in Spanish, we have completed our journeys to school, including directions left and right.
·         In Music, 5/6B have been learning about a musical note called a ‘tie’. We have also played tunes on the recorder with our new notes E and C.  5/6G have been finalising their musical compositions using the iPad – they really do sound great! 5/6M have completed their Samba percussion workshops with Mr Major.

To find out more, visit our blog:


Friday, 8 February 2013

Issue 20 2012-13

Newsletter Issue 20

Friday 8th February 2013

Dear Parent/Carer,
How on earth did it get to Friday already?! This week has flown and with only one week to go until the end of this half term, I cannot believe how quickly we have managed to get to half way through the academic year. What a lot of excitement and amazing learning has taken place.

Year 5/6 coffee afternoon
Thank you to all of the parents and carers who joined us on Tuesday for the charity coffee afternoon in aid of the Hearing Dogs for the Deaf and helped us raise an amazing £395. The quality of the products was incredible and it was amazing to see the pride on the faces of the children who had made them. The children have taken real ownership over their learning in this unit and to see the learning come to life and present opportunities to be enterprising is very exciting. I sampled the cupcakes (for quality control purposes, you understand) and they tasted incredible. I am also now the proud owner of a heart shaped sign and a funky key ring. Of course these events would not be possible at all without the support of yourselves so from all of the Year 5/6 team, we thank you wholeheartedly.

The children congregated in the hall on Wednesday afternoon for the Sign2Sing event. This was a national event organised in aid of “Sign Health”, whose mission is to improve healthcare and achieve equal access for deaf people. The children signed along to two songs (simultaneously alongside thousands of other schools in the country) in a bid to break the world record for the most people signing at the same time. We hope to receive our “World Record Breakers” certificate in the next few weeks.  Since we welcomed Callum, Reese and Aaron into our school, we have strived to raise awareness of deafness and have learnt to recognise and respect that deaf culture is important. The children are benefitting hugely from this. Thanks (again) to everyone for their kind donations which amounted to £211.70.

Friends from Finland
I mentioned last week that we would be welcoming 10 Finnish visitors to school as part of the project “Developing outstanding schools”, funded by the British Council. The group had an incredibly brilliant afternoon with us, observing how we use technology as an embedded feature of our whole curriculum. They observed our youngest learners in Nursery and Reception using iPads, Beebots and computer software to enhance their learning. They also saw Year 3/4 using Kar2ouche as a way of showcasing stories around their learning about the Ancient Egyptians. Year 5/6 showed the visitors how to use Prezi, a highly sophisticated presentation tool on the Apple Macs. My thanks to Miss Darroch, Miss Gascoigne, Miss Thackeray, Miss Lambert and Mrs Steel for welcoming the visitors to our school and into their classrooms to see such world class practice.

I would like to encourage you as parents to complete the Parentview survey at As a school we pride ourselves on working together in partnership with parents and putting the wellbeing of the children as the very first thought in everything we do. We would really value some feedback as to how you feel we support you and your child. Thanks.

Well I shall be celebrating with family and friends this week end as it is Evan’s 5th birthday and I’m sure like all of you at these times, I feel a little emotional about where the years went. Childhood is an amazing time and watching our little ones grow before our eyes is unbelievably brilliant!

Have a really great weekend!

Mrs Dale
Nursery newsletter
This week our classroom has been transformed into outer space! All our activities and learning have been focused around the story ‘Whatever Next’ and the children have produced some amazing outcomes including space buggies and some very inventive role play in our planetarium area. The amazing planets the children made for home learning have been displayed in our trendy space café.
On Monday we travelled to the moon just like Baby Bear did. When we arrived we enjoyed a picnic and then we flew back and got ready for our baths! We had in-depth conversations with the children about what they would take to the moon and what they would like for their picnic. In topic Mrs Chin and the children have been getting creative and designing their own transport into space. They look amazing so well done Nursery children! The children have amazed us with their creativity and their excitement for this topic is wonderful. In phonics we have been playing exciting alliteration games and encouraging the children to think about the initial sounds of words within the setting. In maths we have been thinking about what we do during the daytime and what we do at night-time.
Next week we will be continuing with our topic of space and our activities and learning will be focused around the story To Catch a Star. We have lots of exciting activities planned, including baking star biscuits and we will be writing our very own wishes which we will hang around our lovely classroom. In numeracy we will be going on shape hunts for different 2D shapes. In phonics we will be continuing with alliteration so please encourage the children to tune into first sounds in everyday words e.g. d for dinner, c for cat etc.
·        Please listen to your child’s fabulous reading once a day and comment in their reading record. Please feel free to drop in and change their books when you pick them up.
·        Please practice counting to 10 and beyond with your child at any opportunity. Please also practise writing and recognising the numbers 1-6 with them. If your child can do both of these, then please help them go even further.
·        Please practise writing the first letter of your child’s name and if they can do this try going even further with them.
We hope you have a lovely and relaxing weekend.
Mrs Steel and the Nursery team
Reception newsletter
This week our classroom has been transformed into outer space. All our activities and learning have been focussed around the story Whatever Next and the children have produced some amazing outcomes including space buggies, papier-mâché planets and some very inventive role play in our planetarium area. The children are continuing to impress us with their fantastic phonics knowledge and many children achieved their words and sounds of the week certificates last week. 
On Monday we travelled to the moon just like Baby Bear did in the story Whatever Next! When we arrived we enjoyed a picnic and then we flew back and cleaned ourselves up. We wrote lists of what we would take to the moon and we designed our very own packed lunch to take with us. In topic Mrs Friar and the children have been getting very messy making papier-mâché planets, so now we have our very own hanging solar system above our space café. They have also designed and made their own transport to space. The children have amazed us with their creativity and their excitement about this topic is a pleasure to see. In phonics we have been learning the sounds air (hair), ure (pure) and er (dinner) and we have been learning to write the tricky words; you, they, all, are, my and her. In maths we have been thinking about what we do during the daytime and what we do at night-time, this built up to the children sequencing events during their day.
Next week we will be continuing with our topic of space and our activities and learning will be focussed around the story ‘To Catch a Star’. We have lots of exciting activities including baking star biscuits and making our very own salt dough stars which we will then attach our wishes to. We will hang our beautiful salt dough stars around our classroom to remind us of the things that we have wished for. In numeracy we will be going on shape adventures hunting for different 2D and 3D shapes. Next week is the last week of this half term so we will be assessing the children on all the sounds and words they have learnt this half term. Please see the home learning sheet for a list of the sounds and words they need to know.

·        Please remember that it is P.E. on Friday and the children need to have their P.E. kits with them. Please feel free to leave the children’s P.E. kits in their lockers.
·        Please make sure that your child has their reading book and reading record in their bag every day.
·        Please read with your child as often as possible and comment in their reading record to let us know how they are doing at home.
·        Please support your child in accessing the ‘Bugclub’ website and ‘I am learning’.
Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Lambert, Miss Pyatt and the Reception Team
Key Stage 1

Home Learning:
Following on from some of the great portraits we received over the past week we are sticking with the artistic theme for this week’s home learning and asking that the children follow the template enclosed in their books for drawing different animals (or a gruesome looking pirate, depending on which picture they get!). These templates have proven to be really powerful and helpful to the children as they layer up the details in their illustrations to make a finished piece. Once they have followed the picture diagram please encourage them to create a background scene that suits their illustration and colour the whole thing in ensuring, you got it, one direction pencil strokes!
PTA Valentines Disco:
Last week we reported the upcoming disco to celebrate love being in the air, but Cupid’s bow didn’t quite hit the target and we reported the wrong date. So, the children need to get their sequined trousers and dancing shoes on Tuesday 12th of February between 16:30-17:30. Please send your reply slip plus £1 in to school, which will also get your child a drink on the night.

Bug Club and I am Learning:
We are continuing to use Bug Club and I am Learning within our literacy and guided reading sessions in school, much to the delight of the children! They are so engaged and motivated by both that many are choosing to continue to access them within their independent learning times. If you haven’t yet had the opportunity to log on to either of these amazing learning resources with your child then please do. There are a number of children who struggle to either remember or input their usernames and passwords so your support around this would be much appreciated!

Sign to Sing:
This Wednesday the whole school gathered to participate in the Sign2Sing world record attempt. Whether we get into the Guinness Book of Records or not, nothing can be taken away from how powerful and moving seeing so many children signing was. A reporter from the Wakefield Express was on hand taking pictures to document our fame, but make sure you sign on to the Robin Hood TV site on YouTube through our website to watch the video live. We hope to hear if we’ve broken the record sometime next half term, once every child throughout the participating schools in the UK have been counted.

Ocean Explorers:
This week we have been getting sticky throughout KS1 as we followed our plans and took the first creative steps to creating our own 3D papier mache boats. Decoration and sea-worthiness checks will take place next week with the addition of sails and masts. There are Lego men aplenty eager to climb aboard!

The Big Recycle
Does our PTA ever sleep?! No I think is the answer! They have come up with another initiative to gather some pennies together for the school through O2’s Big Recycle for schools. Please send in any old phones, cameras, tablets, sat navs that we can send off for recycling in return for some cash to spend on the school. You’ll also of course be supporting our learning around global warning, so double winner!

Well, the air is clearing between Miss Hinton and Miss Mees as they put their differences behind them after the BIG Fall Out. This unit ended today with another successful and positive Star Write by the children. We have been looking in more depth at the kinds of choices we make within our writing – specifically around verbs and adverbs, nouns and adjectives, and how the right choice isn’t always the first one you come to, but can make your writing more exciting and lively. For instance, instead of saying “Mrs Dale came in” we would play verbal ping pong with this sentence until we built it up to, “Mrs Dale thundered into the room furiously”. Next week sees the end to our unit on recounts, which has been the stimulus to some truly great developments and progress throughout all classes in the Key Stage. The format of recounts (living the event you’re reporting on before writing begins and the writing style) lends itself perfectly to the consolidation of the core, fundamental skills of writing, like the use of connectives, meaning that when we tackle another fictional writing unit the children should/will be more equipped to develop their thoughts and ideas.

This week has seen the end to our unit on shape, space and fractions, with our focus being on investigating how to halve and quarter shapes and numbers. We have even gone in to fractions like 1/3s, 1/5s and 1/10s! The children have been enabled by teaching them various methods to carry out these processes, for instance by drawing a circle underneath the whole number, splitting it in half and dividing the number equally between each half in dots (or Malteser packets for two digit numbers) before counting up one half’s total. This method was also used when we challenged the children to shade in half of any given shape made up of X amount of boxes. Almost all children could shade in a block of colour to denote one half but when shown a square made up of 16 boxes with 8 randomly selected boxes shaded in they couldn’t explain why half of the whole square was still shaded. And so the learning began! As with all topics within numeracy, it is so important the children’s knowledge and understanding is tested further than simply accepting the correct answer.

Lower Key Stage 2 Newsletter
What another busy week we have had in year 3/4! The children participated in our Sign2Sing record breaking attempt on Wednesday along with the rest of the school and thoroughly enjoyed it! We’ve also been very impressed with the children’s attitude to their learning this week!
Home Learning
Thank you for your continued support at home with the children’s reading, writing and numeracy. Ensuring they have this support really does help them to make even more progress in school, as it supplements and reinforces what they are learning in class. As our literacy unit is story writing, we would like the children to show off all of their skills learned in class by writing an adventure story in their star write challenge books. We have not been copying their writing to send home this half term as they have been producing a guided paragraph a day, instead of writing it all in one session. However, it would be good to see if they can put all their skills into a story at home and will be good practice for them ahead of next week’s assessed write.
This week, as part of our narrative unit, we have been continuing to write mystery stories. The children have been learning about conjunctions and how to use them to create effective compound sentences. As well as this, they have learned more about complex sentences. Why not ask your child what a subordinate clause and a main clause are in a sentence? See if they can give you an example! We have been really encouraging them to not just go with the first sentence they think of, but to then try and improve it with adverbs, adjectives and powerful verbs and we have been blown away with some of the beautiful prose they have come up with!
In numeracy this week we have been learning about capacity. The children have found out how to convert litres to millilitres and read different scales on measuring jugs. They’ve then had to apply this to word problems to find the difference (subtract) or add the extra amount. This has involved a lot of sophisticated skills and we have been impressed with their willingness to learn and tenacity they have shown when tackling such problems.
The children are continuing to enjoy our Ancient Egypt topic and this week has seen them all begin to create their own Pharaoh mask using papier mache. Next week, they will be carefully decorating them according to the designs they created in their books last week. In addition to this, they have also produced a great fact file about the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb as well as a Kar2ouche animation on the computer to re-tell the story of this great discovery.

Spellings to be tested on Monday 25TH February (the children already have their spellings for this Monday)
Group One
Group Two
·    All year 4 boys need to ensure that their swimming shorts are above the knee and girls need to take their earrings out for swimming. If they have been recently pierced their ears must be covered up with a swimming hat.
·    Next week’s PE session will be outside so please ensure all children bring a warm tracksuit and trainers.
Have a lovely weekend!
Team 3/4
UKS2 News Roundup:

·    We must first of all begin our newsletter by congratulating each and every child in Year 5/6 for their amazing effort and dedication towards our coffee afternoon, which we held on Tuesday, in order to raise money for Hearing Dogs for Deaf People. Everyone put their heart and soul into making either: delicious cupcakes, bespoke shabby chic signs, rustic plant pots and stylish key rings, mobile phone covers and cushions. We are very proud to announce that we have raised a whopping £395! A big thank you to all who attended and contributed and we cannot wait to present Sandra, Anne and Baz the dog, with a cheque on behalf of Hearing Dogs for Deaf People, on Friday 15th of February in our Celebration Assembly.
·    This week, our achievers are Louie, Josh L, Kian and Kavan for their attention to detail and ability to help others whilst making their professionally made signs for our coffee afternoon. Well done boys, you were excellent role models and a great help towards the success of our coffee afternoon!


·    This week, the children have been handling data by using a calculator to crunch numbers and organise into tables, they have also been carrying out their own investigation to find out the mode, median, mean and range of shoe sizes in their class.
·    In mental maths we have been focussing on a random selection of times tables. If you would like any further practise, visit and click on Numeracy. There is a link to Hit the Button which is being used to practise all times tables. There are also lots of free iPad apps to help with times tables – Multiple Wipeout is a particular favourite of ours.
·    Times Table Challenge will be held next week, so get practising!
·    Next week we will be applying our knowledge of all 4 operations, to some investigative multi-step problems by finding the area of compound shapes to form the plans for an Alton Towers theme park! The children will also be creating their very own theme park by creating their own compound shapes, before finding the area and perimeter of their own designs!


·    In Literacy, the children have been writing their own reviews for a holiday and for the iPad. The children have been trying to write a balanced review containing both positive and negative opinions and have been applying their knowledge of conjunctions in order to support them with the development of their sentences. The outcomes produced have been amazing– well done!
·    If you would like to enhance your learning on connectives, conjunction and clauses even further, visit the iamlearning website where you have been allocated some games in the ‘My Room’ section if you click the calendar picture.
·    Next week, we will be continuing to apply our knowledge and understanding of connectives and conjunctions to write balanced reviews for a variety of books, films and products. 
·     SPELLINGS - this week’s spellings are focussed on prefixes of non, mis and dis: non-fiction, non-slip, nonsense, nondescript, mismanage, mistrust, misunderstood, disappear, discovery, disbelief.

Other areas of the curriculum:

·    In Topic, we have finished our cupcakes, signs, plant pots and key rings. We have all been so proud of the outcomes each and every child has produced and they were worth every penny that they were bought for in the coffee afternoon – well done 5/6!
·    In ICT, the children have continued to use ‘Prezi’ to create a presentation about a retro superhero. The children really impressed our visitors from Finland when they came into class to look at our excellent ICT learning – we can’t wait to see the finished outcomes!
·    This week in Spanish, we have developed our conversational skills around discussing how we travel to school and what we see on the way.
·    In Music, 5/6B have been exploring what a dotted minim is and have been playing recorder pieces containing these sorts of notes.  5/6G have been continuing with their Garageband compositions and are nearly ready to add the finishing touches! 5/6M have been by combining rhythm, tempo and dynamics to a samba composition using percussion.
·    In PE pupils have been learning the key points involved when pivoting in Basketball to improve their movement and protection of the ball.

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