Friday, 26 April 2013

Issue 28 2012-13

Newsletter Issue 28

Friday 26th April 2013

Dear Parent/Carer,
It’s been another busy week here at Robin Hood, with the highlight for me being the observations that I carried out in classes. As ever, there is some exemplary teaching going on and many, many, many very spirited and enthusiastic learners. I always love getting up close and personal to the brilliant practice that takes place here.

The enjoyment of learning can be evidenced in our most recent attendance data. The school is maintaining attendance levels above 95%, which is the target we set at the start of the year. At present, attendance is at 95.4%, with the strongest attendance being seen in Year 1 (96.4% average). I would like to extend my thanks once more to all families in supporting us to keep our attendance rates above the national average.

WHISE project
Mrs Wathen and Mrs Cookson returned on Friday following their trip to Sweden during the first week back. The purpose of the trip was to carry out research as part of the WHISE project (Welfare and Health in Special Needs Education). The ladies visited several schools to see how the Swedish system put a “team around the child” to ensure that children with Special Educational Needs get the correct support efficiently and when they need it.

Collection of poorly children
There have been a few nasty bugs around lately. Please can I ask that you collect your child promptly, if you are called in the event of sickness. Thank you.

Parent Governor vacancy
We currently have a vacancy for someone to take up the role of a Parent Governor. Our Governing Body is a supportive and positive group, who work closely with myself and is very much central to the evaluation and improvements made by the school. I would like to invite any parents who are interested in filling the vacancy to contact myself on We have an induction handbook and we also offer training around key agendas. This is a great opportunity for someone to be fully involved in the life of the school. In the meantime, I would like to thank Jenny Curgenven for her valuable contributions during her time as part of the Governing Body at Robin Hood School.

School Calendar
We now have a school calendar on our website, which should be used as a way of finding out about key dates and events. Our aim is to keep this as up to date as possible and to give parents as much notice as we possibly can about events that they may wish to or need to attend. Information will continue to go out on the Newsletter but the calendar does give you a reference point, should you lose or not receive the letter- or if you simply forget! I will shortly be populating the calendar with key dates already planned for next academic year but for now, please do use it as a way to keep informed on events happening on the lead up to the end of the school year.

Congratulations Miss Parker
I always love to end my bit with some good news! I am delighted to announce that Miss Parker (Louise from Friendly Faces), is expecting her first child in October. I am sure that you will all join me in wishing her a very healthy and happy pregnancy.

Firstly, a big thank you to all those who attended the meeting last night. Lots of ideas were discussed surrounding the Summer Fayre, which is to be held on 29th June on the school field with a village fete theme. Hopefully the weather will be kind to us. By now everyone should have received their invite to our Family Quiz Night to be held on 10 May at 5:30pm. Hand your RSVPs back to the OFFICE, not forgetting to let us know what you would like for supper. Over the next few weeks we will be giving details of help we need to ensure that our Summer Fayre is a resounding success, if you can help with anything at all please contact Clare Perry, our Chair.

Everyone, have a super weekend!

Mrs Dale

Nursery newsletter
We have had fantastic and exciting week learning all about castle life. The children loved learning about the different jobs in the castle. They all wanted to be brave knights but weren’t so keen on having the job of a gong farmer whose role it was to clean out the cesspit! The weather has been much better this week and the children have been really enjoying and making full use of our outdoor provision. The children are really trying hard to blend and segment sounds and 4 superstars have been to see Miss Lambert, our Foundation stage leader for a special Assistant Head teacher sticker this week. A big well done to these children.
Our non-fiction facts about castle life which were our literacy outcome this week were fantastic and some are proudly displayed on our FS blog. In numeracy we have been learning about 2D shapes through exciting bingo games and have discussed the properties of 2D shapes. The children really enjoyed the story King Jack and the Dragon and we made some fantastic castles to protect us from dragons and enemy soldiers. In phonics we have used the sound talking toy to segment words and then the children have to blend them to tell us what they are saying. They have also enjoyed playing the game ‘Cross the river.’ They are becoming much more confident in blending and segmenting so please continue to do this with your child at any opportunity.
Next week we are focusing on the story of Shrek. In literacy next week we will be looking at the setting of Shrek and thinking about the swamp that Shrek lives in. We will be doing a speaking and listening activity where we talk about the materials we can use for the swamp and will make the swamp as we talk about it. In PSE on Wednesday we will discuss the dragon in Shrek and Miss Parker will be bringing in her pet Rankins dragons (bearded dragons) which we will look at and handle. If you are aware of any allergies to these kinds of animals or you are unhappy with your child handling or being around these animals please let us know. In topic we will be making collages of 2D castles using different materials and we will make a lovely display from the masterpieces the children create.  In numeracy we will be thinking about shapes and numbers we can see in the environment around us. In phonics we will be focusing on the sounds ‘I’ and ‘n’ and continuing to play games around blending and segmenting.
We thought it would be a lovely idea to invite you all to our Leaver's Garden Parties! We hope it will be a celebration of the children's learning journey and successes across the year. Weather permitting you will be able to enjoy sandwiches and cakes in our fabulous outdoor areas but we do require you to dress up in a manner befitting a Royal Garden Party!
Dates are as follows:
Monday - Wednesday children will be Wednesday 17th July 10.30 - 11.30am
Wednesday - Friday children will be Friday 19th July 2.00 - 3.00pm

·         Please can you make sure your child has their reading book on a Monday/Thursday so that I can make sure that their books are changed at least once a week.
·         Please can you practise writing your child’s first name with them and if they can do this move on to writing their surname with them.
We hope you have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Steel, Mrs Chin & Miss Fox
Reception newsletter
We have had another fantastic and exciting week learning all about castle life. The children loved learning about the different jobs in the castle. They all wanted to be brave knights but weren’t so keen on having the job of a gong farmer whose role it was to clean out the cesspit. The weather has been much better this week and on Tuesday the children made their very own castle from an enormous box with Miss Friar. Yet again we have seen real improvement in the children’s writing so please keep helping the children achieve their targets at home. The children are also doing really well at learning the sounds and words of the week and Mrs Dale’s office was very full again this week. So a big well done to all the children who got their certificate!
This week we have discussed the difference between fiction and non-fiction books and talked about how fiction books are stories and how we get information and facts from non-fiction books. The children have found this concept tricky so please discuss it with them when you are reading with them. The non-fiction books the children produced in literacy were fantastic and are now proudly displayed in our school library where the whole school can enjoy them. In numeracy we have been learning about 3D shapes and have discussed their properties. They have built some fantastic castles with 3D shapes which will definitely be safe from enemy soldiers. In topic the children have drawn themselves as a king or queen and then framed their portraits. These pictures will be proudly displayed in our classroom shortly so that visitors to our classroom can see all our wonderful Kings and Queens. In phonics we have read the words; did, man, going, where, would and or and learnt to read and write the sounds ay in hay and the split diagraph a_e in bake.
Next week we are focusing on the story of Shrek. On the first two days we will be thinking about the different characters in Shrek. One of the characters is the dragon so to support our learning Miss Parker is bringing in her pet Rankins dragons (bearded dragons) which we will look at and handle, and we will then make our own dragons and think of adventurous adjectives to describe them. If you are aware of any allergies to these kinds of animals or you are unhappy with your child handling or being around these animals please let us know. On Wednesday and Thursday we will be thinking about the setting of Shrek and we will make our very own swamps which should hopefully be very messy and very smelly. In topic as well as making our revolting swamps we will be making collages of 2D castles using different materials.  In numeracy our starter is counting in 1’s to 100 which some children are still not confident in and we will be doing some quick fire 1 more and 1 less sums. Our main focus in maths is adding and subtracting two numbers up to 10, we will be doing this practically when the children attend Shrek’s banquet and when they look at what Shrek has bought from the market. In phonics we will be continuing to think about the different ways we can write the long a sound; eigh (quadgraph) in neigh, ey in grey and ei in veins. The words we will be learning to read the words; took, school, think, home, who and didn’t.
We thought it would be a lovely idea to invite you all to our Leaver's Garden Parties! We hope it will be a celebration of the children's learning journey and successes across the year. Weather permitting you will be able to enjoy sandwiches and cakes in our fabulous outdoor areas but we do require you to dress up in a manner befitting a Royal Garden Party!
The date is as follows:
Friday 19th July 11.00 am - 12.00 noon.
We hope you have a lovely weekend.
Miss Pyatt, Miss Lambert and the Reception Team.
Key Stage 1

Home Learning:
This half term we are focusing on developing the children’s Mental Maths skills.  Each Friday your child will have a focused Mental Maths lesson developing their understanding of vocabulary and the strategies they can use to answer the questions.
Please support your child in answering the ten mental maths questions, discuss the language which is underlined and the strategies your child has used to solve it.
This task should take about 20-25 minutes and will continue to support the learning in school.


Water bottles
Now that the summer is finally approaching (fingers crossed!) please can you ensure your child brings a water bottle to school every day. We will make sure they have lots of opportunities to drink during the day to keep hydrated.

Art Attack
In a few weeks the children will be designing their own Andy Warhol style image on the front of a t-shirt design before modelling it in assembly.  Please could you provide a white t-shirt for your child to draw their musical Andy Warhol design onto and send it into school by Friday 3rd May.

The week ahead

Elvis, the Beatles, Queen, Madonna, the Spice Girls…which do you remember most?!
To continue with our topic of ‘Music through the Ages,’ the next couple of weeks will be devoted to celebrating how music has changed over the past few decades. We’ll be twisting our way through the 50s with the King of Rock, jiving into the 60s and 70s with David Bowie and The Beatles, rocking out in the 80s before bopping to the delights of 90s boy bands and girl bands (Backstreet will well and truly be back in KS1!!) We’ll take the children on a musical journey far from the likes of One Direction (much to their dismay no doubt!). It will be fascinating to delve into the trends, sounds and fashions of the different eras. We can’t wait to find out which decade the children like best (the opinions among the teachers certainly differs massively!) If you have any music from your childhood at home it would be great if you could share it with your child. The children will then be getting creative by producing their own album cover to reflect society in 2013.

This week the children have produced some fabulous adventure stories by taking inspiration from the different books we have focussed on. The sophistication of their writing has been incredible. Over the next two weeks we will be swapping round the books within Key Stage One and shifting our focus to making the children’s writing even more descriptive. Year One will be exploring the story of ‘Hugless Douglas’, through which they will continue to learn about spoken language and adding detail with adjectives. Year1/2  will be exploring the repetitive structure of a story using speech patterns by reading ‘Don’t Wake the Beastie’. They will be learning how to choose appropriate verbs to make their writing lively and how to add adverbs for even more detailed descriptions. Year 2 will be pushing themselves to extend noun phrases and use more sophisticated adjectives and similes to really paint a picture in the minds of the reader. They will be using ‘The Rainbow Fish’ as the basis for their writing and will ultimately produce their own story about a sea creature that is reluctant to share with his/her friends.

Thanks to the slight improvement in the weather we have been lucky enough to do some learning outside this week. The children have thoroughly enjoyed estimating and measuring all kinds of different things around school using metre sticks, tape measures and rulers. They have grasped the difficult concept of length extremely well and are getting to grips with the vocabulary associated with it. We have focussed on the rules of measurement and the children have learnt the importance of starting from zero and reading the unit of measurement carefully. Lots of us were caught out initially by the tricky tape measures which include cm and inches! Much of our time has been spent discussing estimation and comparisons. Lots of discussions at home around the difference between centimetres, metres and kilometres will really help to embed this learning. Next week we are progressing onto capacity. The sessions will be very practical and I’m sure the children will love measuring and making their own fruity cocktails! If you need anything weighing or measuring at home – ask the children, I’m sure they will be happy to help and show off all their new skills!

Have a lovely weekend.

Lower Key Stage 2 Newsletter
We have had a super time in Lower Key Stage 2 this week! All of the children have showed a mature and sensible attitude towards their learning, and they were particularly excited when they got to sample the range of Indian Food. The staff of 3/4 would like to say a big thank you to Mrs Misty, for helping the children to make chapattis. This was a great experience and the children loved it!
This week the children have been continuing to learn how to write a newspaper article. This week, an unfortunate crime had taken place…all of the scooters had been stolen! Thankfully, they were returned safe and sound, and the children put their reporter heads on, in order to recount the events in a newspaper article. The children were able to ask the CSO many questions about how and why the scooters were taken, and this formed the main body of their article. We were really impressed that the children remembered to use powerful verbs within these articles, as well as top quality quotes! 
In numeracy this week the children have been learning how to tell the time using analogue and digital notation. The children have been trying really hard to learn how to tell the time to the nearest quarter of an hour, as well as to the nearest minute. The children have then used their knowledge of time to solve time related worded problems, and then further develop their understanding by answering test style questions. We would love for you to keep practicing how to tell the time at home, using both analogue and digital notation.
This week in topic we have been learning all about Indian schools, and thinking about how they compare to Robin Hood. We have also looked closely at traditional Indian food, and we have learnt about how the different religions of India view their food. Not only this, but the children have had the very exciting task of making and eating chapattis, and sampling a range of Indian delicacies.
Spellings to be tested on Tuesday 7th May (the children already have their spellings for this Monday)
Please support your child in practicing their spellings every day to help them achieve 10/10 in their spelling test every week.
Group One
Group Two

·         Please ensure your child’s PE kit is kept in school from Monday-Friday every week. Indoor P.E will be needed for the next few weeks, as we are learning the Big Dance routine.
Have a lovely weekend!
Team 3/4

UKS2 News Roundup:
·        This week’s achiever is Josh Driscoll from 5/6M. Josh was absent last week so we would like him to be aware of his fantastic progress. Josh always gives 100% in all his learning and shows a great determination to succeed. Well done Josh!  
·        Dates for your diary:
29th April: Please can parents and carers ensure that their children are at school for no later than 7.50am on Monday for the school trip to Jodrell Bank Space Discovery Centre. Please make sure that pupils have a packed lunch and a warm jacket, as some activities will be completed outside. Pupils are welcome to bring a fruit based snack for their journey home, however please ensure that no fizzy drinks are brought on the trip. 
·        13th May: SATS week.
·        5th- 7th June: Year 6 residential to Robin Wood.

·        This week, the children have been applying their learning of key concepts and operations to a variety of mathematical words problems and questions. 
·        Next week pupils will be handling and interpreting a variety of data sets. Pupils will be taught a range of strategies to help them solve problems in a more strategic way.

·        This week pupils have been developing biography paragraphs about Neil Armstrong’s life. Pupils have applied a range of conjunctions and connectives into each section of their biography. Pupils have now published their completed biographies. Next week we will look at the purpose of discursive texts and how to use connectives effectively to join ideas in writing.
·        Spellings. Next week pupils will be tested on a range of connectives. They include: whenever, finally, despite, however, hence, meanwhile, although, consequently, additionally, nevertheless.

Other areas of the curriculum:
·        This week in ICT the children have been inputting procedures to program robots to manoeuvre over canyons, which the children have made. These models aim to replicate the surface of Mars.
·        This week in Spanish, pupils have been continuing their learning about the solar system and have been introduced to the positioning of these planets in relation to each other.  
·        In PE this week pupils have been continuing to learn the Big Dance routine that will be performed by the whole school. Children have recapped the steps to the first section of the dance and have now combined this to the steps in the following sequence. The video resource is available online if pupils search Big Dance 2013.
·        In our TOPIC sessions pupils have been introduced to our new learning about space. This week pupils have been introduced to the key differences between the Earth, Sun and Moon. Pupils have researched the Earth, Sun and Moon and have presented a range of outcomes to demonstrate the key concepts of day and night, seasons and lunar months.
·        In Music, 5/6M have started to practice the key notes relating to the first section of Yellow Submarine by the Beatles. 5/6G are continuing to explore several percussion instruments; including xylophones, and have recapped on how to play scales and chords. 5/6 B have been experimenting with garage band to reflect the change of mood and atmosphere in their silent movie, through tempo and sound effects.

Friday, 19 April 2013

Issue 27 2012-13

Newsletter Issue 27

Friday 19th April 2013
Dear Parent/Carer,
I hope you are all well rested after the Easter break. I have been asking children all week how many Easter eggs they got and the highest number reported so far is 27- Alex Hopes in Year 1! The children have returned to school this week with a spring in their step, smiles on their faces and raring to go for the Summer Term.
It was my pleasure to see Foundation Stage all dressed up as princesses, knights, kings and all things royal today. They looked amazing and I have to say, it was an honour to share a dance at the ball with the very handsome William Hepworth!

British Sign Language lessons
I am putting out a plea to parents who may be interested in developing some sign language skills. As everybody knows, Aaron, Callum and Reece have been with us for 5 months now and the boys and staff with whom they work so closely, are extremely valued members of our school community. Over time a number of staff and parents have shown an interest in learning how to improve their communication with the boys. Mrs Spear (Aaron and Callum’s Mum) has kindly offered to deliver some lessons to a group of 12 on a first come, first served basis in school. The class would take place between 3:20 p.m and 4:00 p.m on a Wednesday and if possible we would like to start the sessions from Wednesday 1st May. If you are interested, please pledge your interest with Mrs Spear by contacting her on the following email address: Once we know we have enough interest, we can let you know some more details.

Headteacher Blog
I have set up a Headteacher Blog, which I would like to encourage you to visit. I will be shortly adding it to the Blog links on the front page of our website, but in the meantime you can check it out at It will be another way of sharing our good practice with you and showing outcomes or events that have inspired me in and out of school. I would also like it to serve as a way of sharing my thoughts and ideas about educational agendas and ways to take the school forward.

Pupil voice is extremely important to us so after a few approaches from children and concerns in the “worry box” about the enjoyment (or lack of it) at lunchtimes, I decided it was time to take some action. Miss Hinton and Miss Lambert were inspired by the calm and enjoyable lunchtimes seen in the school they visited in Finland in March so as a team we decided to implement some changes. Key Stage 2 children who have packed lunches now eat them in the classroom, meaning that the hall is much less congested and everyone can chat and relax in a better environment during lunchtime. Less children going into the hall means that lunches can be finished quicker, leaving children with more undisturbed time outside with friends at playtime. We now offer age appropriate trays and plates for the children who have a school lunch, meaning that portion sizes are better matched to the child. As a result of happier children, behaviour in the playground has been exemplary and interaction between lunchtime supervisors and the children is much improved. Many children have approached me with their very positive views on the new arrangements.

Breakpoint Dance Academy
We were treated to a fantastic performance in assembly this week by Corey, Elliot, Caison, Millie, Jasmine, Laura, Emily and Eleni. They showcased one of their Streedance performances put together as part of their involvement with Breakpoint Dance Academy. The class runs on a Wednesday after school and costs £4.50 per session. The academy is run by a fantastic specialist dance organization who would be delighted to take more members. If you are interested in your child taking part, please approach Mrs Holland in the office to secure your place or alternatively, approach staff from the academy personally after school on a Wednesday. If I just had a tiny bit more time to spare in my life, I would be donning my trainers and getting involved myself- It looks great!

Over the Easter holidays the committee members have got together to finalise details for our Family Quiz night, sponsored by Wilsons, which will take place on the evening of the 10th May in school- invitations and posters will be issued very shortly. Also kind parents have been contacting various businesses up and down the country requesting donations for our future events and we have had quite a few generous donations, so it just goes to prove if you don't ask you don't get. Just a reminder that the next PTA meeting will be held on Thursday 25 April in the Gardeners Arms at 8pm, if you can make it please do so as all help big and small is very much appreciated.

Everyone, have a super weekend!
Mrs Dale
Nursery newsletter
We have made a fantastic start to our Kings and Queens topic this week. The children were really excited and engaged with our new Royal areas and have been playing using their fabulous imaginations, so our classroom has been filled with beautiful princesses, brave knights and ferocious dragons. The week ended with our grand Cinderella ball which the children really enjoyed and created great excitement around our topic. The children looked fantastic in their royal outfits and we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all the wonderful food you sent in for your child to share with their friends.
We have started off the half term with the wonderful story of Cinderella. The children are becoming so confident at re-telling stories and have produced some fabulous acting this week when re-telling Cinderella. They wrote some fantastic invitations to their friends and are working really hard on their individual literacy targets. All the children looked amazing at our Cinderella balls in the super princess hats and crowns they had made during topic time and there was plenty of bling on display. In numeracy we have been thinking about time. We sequenced the events in Cinderella and then we extended it by telling o’clock times. In phonics we have been blending and segmenting words and learning the sounds s and a.
Next week we are concentrating on non-fiction books about castles and we will be learning facts about castle life.  We will be thinking about the food, drinks, the roles of the servants and why we have castles. We will also be learning about our Royal family and thinking what we would do if we were King or Queen for the day. Our final outcome in literacy will be a collaborative fact file about castle life which each group will produce. We will then publish these so that everyone in nursery can enjoy them. In topic we will be reading the story King Jack and the Dragon and we will be making our own castle outside with anything we can find just like Jack did in the story. In numeracy our starter focus will be writing numbers to 10 with super formation and counting to and back from 20. Our main focus will be naming and talking about the properties of 2D shape and we will be adopting a very practical approach, playing lots of games such as bingo and guess the shape in the feely bag. In phonics we will be continuing with blending and segmenting by playing the games cross the river and which one?  The sound talk toy says the letters in a word e.g. c_a_t and the children have to blend the letters together to work out what word the sound-talk toy is saying - please have a go at this game with your child at home. Our sounds of the week next week are t and p.
·         Please can you make sure your child has their reading book on a Monday/Thursday so that I can make sure that their books are changed at least once a week.
·         Please can you practise writing your child’s first name with them and if they can do this move on to writing their surname with them.
·         Please practice counting to 20 and beyond with your child at any opportunity. Please also practise writing and recognising the numbers 1-10 with them. If your child can do both of these, then please help them go even further.
·         Please look at our foundation stage blog which you can access through the school website and see if you can spot any of your child’s wonderful learning,

We hope you have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Steel, Mrs Chin & Miss Fox
Reception newsletter
We have made a fantastic start to our Kings and Queens topic this week. The children were really excited and engaged with our new Royal areas and have been playing using their fabulous imaginations, so our classroom has been filled with beautiful princesses, brave knights and ferocious dragons. The week ended with our grand Cinderella ball which the children really enjoyed and created great excitement around our topic. The children looked fantastic in their royal outfits and we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all the wonderful food you sent in for your child to share with their friends. Our main focus this half term is to improve the children’s writing and handwriting. We want to help the children increase their confidence and self-belief around their writing skills. This week we have been really impressed with the children’s writing and it is clear they have been working on their targets that were sent home after parent consultations, so thank you for your support and well done you Superstars!
We have started this half term with the story Cinderella. Our starter focus in literacy this week was to spell key words such as:- the, and, was etc correctly in sentences, the children tackled these tasks with determination and we have seen a real improvement in their confidence. The outcome for literacy this week was for the children to re-tell the story of Cinderella and they were fantastic. The children effectively included time connectives and adjectives in their writing and were really trying hard to meet their individual writing targets. In numeracy we have been learning about telling the time using o’clock and half past and the children have sequenced the story of Cinderella. In topic the children have designed and made some very creative carriages to take Cinderella to the ball.  In phonics we have read the words; water, away, good, want, over and how and learnt to read and write the sounds wh (what) and ph (photo).
Next week we are concentrating on non-fiction books about castles and we will be learning facts about castle life.  We will be thinking about the food, drinks, the roles of the servants and why we have castles and we will also be learning about our Royal family and thinking what we would do if we were King or Queen for the day. Our starter in literacy will be full stops and capital letters and we will be insisting on super finger spaces, so please emphasise where the full stops and capital letters are in books when you are reading with your child. Our final outcome in literacy will be a collaborative fact file about castle life which each group will produce. We will then publish these in our school library so that the whole school can enjoy their fabulous learning. In topic the children will be producing their own portrait of themselves as a King or Queen and will make their own papier-mâché frame for it. In numeracy our starter focus will be counting in 2’s to 20 and our main focus will be naming and talking about the properties of 3D shapes. We will adopt a very practical approach in numeracy and the children will be building their very own castle from 3D shapes. In phonics we will be thinking about the different ways we can write the long a sound e.g. ay in hay and the split diagraph a_e in bake. The words we will be learning to read the words; did, man, going, where, would and or.
·         Please continue to work on your child’s writing target and handwriting with them.
·         We have changed all the children’s books on bug club based on their current book band, so the books on there should now be more challenging for your child.
·         Please continue to engage with our wonderful blog so that you can have a look at what your child has been doing during the week.
We hope you have a lovely weekend.
Miss Pyatt, Miss Lambert and the Reception Team.
Key Stage 1
Home Learning:
This week we have been learning all about weight in numeracy; comparing the weight of objects using words such as heavier and lighter, using non-standard tools such as dominoes and cubes to balance objects, discussing what grams and kilograms are and reading scales. For this week’s home learning please support around this, you might feel the weight of a bag of sugar and then go on a hunt around your house to find objects, estimating whether they are heavier or lighter before checking your prediction on the scales. You might want to bake a cake together, allowing your child to measure out all the ingredients – if you do this, please encourage your child to write an ingredients list in their home learning book citing the correct unit of measurement (g/kg).

Welcome back!
We hope you all had a great Easter together, with some time to relax as well! It was so wonderful to see all the children again on Monday and to be shown some of their incredible home learning all about their favourite bands or musicians. We have had such a wide variety of learning – posters, fact sheets, USB sticks full of information and pictures and we even had a video of a wannabe Michael Jackson dancing to ‘Bad’ (sign in to our YouTube channel to view it; it’s amazing!). Thank you so much for all the time you must have invested in these, it has seen our new topic take off with gusto and enthusiasm and has eliminated any questions around whether One Direction are the children’s favourite band…safe to say yes they are!

Music through the ages:
As we mentioned above, the children have really enjoyed sinking their teeth into our new topic for the half term’s afternoon learning, which is ‘Music through the Ages’. Our curriculum focus for this week and next is science and investigating sound. We have done this by creating a ‘rubbish racket’ (that being our very own Stomp band using plastic bags, boxes, bottles, paper, elastic bands and any other rubbish we could get our hands on) to explore and identify all the different sounds we can make by bashing, rubbing, pinging and hitting them together. From this, we moved on to give the children free-reign over their own scientific experiment, for which we gave them the opening to an investigatory question, “What happens to sound when…” and asked them to complete the question to come up with their own experiment. We had all kinds of interesting ideas, such as what happens to sound when you: go under water, sit under a table, stand in a small or big room, ride your scooter, go outside, blow bubbles in different liquids and so on. Our experiments will begin next week in which we will focus the children’s learning around fair tests and evaluating the results against their predictions, before going into more depth about how sounds reach our ears from the source.

The Big Dance:
Our new PE unit for this half of the summer term is dancing, which is all in preparation for The Big Dance which will take place in May. Some of you may remember The Big Dance performance from last year as being a successful and fun day and let me assure you that this year’s will be no different. The routine has been choreographed by the English National Ballet using the muse of Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake and pulling on the inspiration, determination and excellence of the Olympic Games to create an incredible 3 minutes worth of dancing. The children are so engaged with it; it’s an awesome and grounding experience to be involved in projects such as these (like the Sign2Sing and Big Draw) where you realise that the world beyond your neighbouring community can come together and share in something special.
To ensure that everyone is prepared and in the right mind frame for PE please remind your child to bring their PE kit on the correct day (Year 1: Tuesday, Year1-2: Wednesday, Year 2: Thursday).

Speedmarks Challenge goodies:
A few children and parents have enquired this week about when the Speedmark’s prizes will be delivered. We were informed by Speedmark that we should take delivery of everything within 1 month of the event to then be able to allocate the correct prizes to each child. So it will be a couple for weeks at least, but rest assured that they are on the way!

Well our Adventure Stories unit of study has got off to a flying start! The children love the freedom and creativity that fictional writing allows them to share so the whole Key Stage is bursting with ideas. Year 1 have drawn their inspiration and point of reference from the book Rainbow Fish, about a vain fish who learns how to share and find happiness. Year 1-2 have been studying the structure and events in the book Hugless Douglas, in which a young bear goes in search of a perfect hug. Finally Year 2 have been unpicking the repetition, verbs and speech within the story Don’t Wake the Beastie; a tale about a group of animals who work together to try and steal the honey from a tree guarded by a beast. Using the structure of each of these stories the children will create their own story concentrating on the characters, settings and word choices.

This half term we are focusing on measurement around weight, length and capacity. This week we have focused on weight, using pan scales and dialled scales to compare weights of things around the classroom concentrating on everyone using the language of weight (heavy, light, balanced) accurately. Once this had been mastered we moved our learning onto grams and kilograms, reading number on the scales and finding the half-way point between marked numbers and identifying the weight. We also had our first Friday session dedicated to mental maths and arithmetic, which we are sure will be very helpful to all the children.

Lower Key Stage 2 Newsletter
We’ve had a lovely first week back in year 3/4, we can’t believe it’s the children’s final term before the end of the year, it has gone so quickly! It was great to see such wonderful home learning across the three classes. From a model of the Taj Mahal, to a fantastic painting of Indian Gods and Henna designs, a lot of children had clearly spent lots of time and effort on their learning at home, which is fantastic!
This half term we are learning about journalistic writing. The children have kicked off this topic by looking at language effects to create catchy headlines as well as how to write the different sections of a newspaper article. They have all written an article which included: a headline, orientation, main text, reorientation, picture and a caption. Why not ask your child to explain what these different words mean? They have also been practicing how to change sentences between the past, present and future tense, see if they can show you at home!
In numeracy this week the children have begun their learning around fractions! They have been finding fractions of numbers using the division methods they learned last half term and have then been practicing how to apply these to word problems. This was tricky as they had to read the questions very carefully, but we were really pleased with their attitude, no one gave up! Next week, we will be learning about time. The children should already be able to tell the time to the nearest hour and half hour so why don’t you ask them this weekend?
The children have been very excited about our new topic of India this half term! This week we have looked at where India is and what the capital city is. We’ve also looked at comparing life in Bangalore with life in Great Britain. The children found it very interesting to look at photographs of different places in India, and see the difference in lifestyle within the country itself. We have lots of exciting activities coming up next week, including some cooking of Indian food!
Spellings to be tested on Monday 29th April (the children already have their spellings for this Monday)
Please support your child in practicing their spellings every day to help them achieve 10/10 in their spelling test every week.
Group One
Group Two

·         Year 4 swimming will restart next week, the 25th April
·         Please ensure your child’s PE kit is kept in school from Monday-Friday every week.
Have a lovely weekend!
Team 3/4
UKS2 News Roundup:
·        This week’s achiever is Josh Driscoll from 5/6M for his fantastic attitude in class. Josh gives 100% in all his learning and shows a great determination to succeed. Well done Josh!  
·        We would like to thank the children for their fantastic efforts towards their home learning over Easter. The creativity and variety of outcome completed is truly fantastic. This fantastic learning will help to make our topic on space even more enjoyable and engaging.  Well done to those year 6 children who have completed their Splat the SATS packs over the Easter break, we recognise your fantastic application to your learning!
·        Dates for your diary:
19th April: This date is the deadline for the payments for our Year 5/6 trip to Jodrell Bank.
24th April: This is the deadline for the payments for the year 6 residential trip.
Please can parents and carers ensure that the final balances for the above trips are cleared by the specified date. If there are any issues regarding these payments, please contact Mrs Smith at the office.
26th April: Please can parents and carers be sure to return the personal information form relating to the year 6 residential by this date.

·        This week, the children have been applying their learning of key concepts and operations to a variety of mathematical words problems and questions. 
·        Next week we will be applying all numerical operations to answer multi-step problems involving algebraic equations with a Britain’s Got Talent theme!

·        This week pupils have been researching the life of Neil Armstrong using a range of different sources. This information is helping them to write a biography about his life. Pupils have started to organise their ideas into the relevant sections of his life and have applied connectives and conjunctions to link and develop their ideas.
·        Next week we will be continuing to write our biographies all about Neil Armstrong and we can’t wait to see the final published pieces! Our sentence level learning will be focussed on the use of subordinate clauses and the use of commas.
·        Spellings. Next week pupils will be tested on a range of words which have the same spelling but different pronunciations. They will include: heather, heat, please, pleasant, woman, women, mean, meant, fried, friend, common, money, senior, region, honour, hourly, crow, crowd. 

Other areas of the curriculum:
·        This week in ICT, the children have been practicing how to use Lego Minestorms software to program robots to perform different procedures, such as movements forwards, backwards and turning. 
·       This week in Spanish, pupils have been learning the solar system planet names in Spanish. 
·        In PE this week pupils have been introduced to the Big Dance routine that will be performed by the whole school. Children have started to learn the opening steps to the year 5/6 section and are now able to perform cannon, unison and levels in their early dance performances.
·       In our Science sessions this week, pupils have been learning about all living things. Throughout the week pupils have completed a variety of learning tasks, including living things classification keys and collecting and analysing their own data to show any relationship between age and hand span width.
·        In Music, 5/6M are continuing to develop their recorder skills. Pupils have recapped on key notes from previous sessions and been introduced to some new notes that will enable them to play Yellow Submarine by the Beatles. 5/6G have been introduced to a new range of percussion instruments; including xylophones, they have been learning how to play scales and chords. Throughout the weeks they will be developing their skills on these instruments to play a composition in class. 5/6B have begun their unit on garage band. Pupils have experimented with loops and sound effects for them to use to create a short audio sequence for a silent movie.