Newsletter Issue 32
Friday 24th May 2013
Dear Parent/Carer,
We reach the end of a great half term and I can’t believe that we have literally just weeks until we come to the end of another year in our children’s school lives. Our last week has been as busy as ever.
Big Dance
The weather was kind last Friday as all the children took to the playground to take part in the national “Big Dance” pledge. The children from Nursery right up to Year 6 (and several teachers!) rehearsed a routine created by the English National Ballet. From where I was standing, the composition looked stunning and I felt so proud of every child who was putting their heart and soul into the dance. Well done to Miss Mees for her organisation of the event. We plan to showcase the dance once more at the opening of the Sports Day on 12th July. More details to follow.
Visitors from Sweden (WHISE project)
This week we welcomed Anneli, Erika and Hulda from Sweden as part of the WHISE project (Welfare and Health in Special Needs Education). They spent time in classrooms looking at the way we use technologies to enhance learning and teaching styles which benefit the needs of all learners. As is often the case when we have visitors, they left highly impressed with the behaviour of our children, their positive attitudes to learning and our innovative approach to teaching with high quality resources. Mrs Wathen and Mrs Cookson did an outstanding job of representing the school at the welcome and dissemination events held at Carr Manor Community School , where they contributed to discussions linked to educational agendas and classroom practice with school leaders from the city.
HLTA superstars
Following on from their contributions to the WHISE project, to prove just how talented and dedicated they are, Mrs Wathen and Mrs Cookson were recently entered into a competition to find Leeds’ most outstanding Higher Level Teaching Assistant in association with Leeds Metropolitan University . I am pleased to announce that both ladies have been shortlisted and will attend an awards ceremony at Carnegie Stadium on July 2nd. Well done to both of you!
June Wood Award
Many of you will remember June Wood, our fabulous and spirited governor, who sadly passed away last year. In her memory, the Governing Body has initiated an award that will be presented to children in the school at the end of the school year. The award will be presented to two children who have made a significant contribution to the school and have excelled in areas aside from academic achievement. June believed in recognising children’s passions and strengths and that is what the Governing Body and the school would like to replicate through this award, which will be presented during an extended assembly on July 19th. My thanks to our governors for the endorsement of this award.
Parent Numeracy workshops
Thank you to all parents who attended the Key Stage 2 Numeracy workshops on Tuesday. These are a great way to keep up to date with teaching strategies that we use. My thanks to Miss Gascoigne and Miss Thackeray who led the sessions. They will be holding another on Wednesday 12th June focusing on Multiplication. Please come along.
Deputy Headteacher appointment
I am delighted to confirm that following an intense Deputy Headteacher recruitment process, Miss Hinton has been appointed as the permanent Deputy Headteacher at Robin Hood Primary School. I have worked closely with Miss Hinton for 5 years and have met very few teachers who are as gifted and passionate about teaching and learning as she is, so I am thoroughly excited about what we, with our fantastic team, can achieve for the future of our school.
Plans are definitely underway for our Summer Fayre and our members are busy contacting and sourcing various exciting things to keep you all entertained on the day. We would still like your help however and would ask that you save your empty wine bottles (with caps attached), jam jars and newspapers. As our theme this year is a traditional village fete it would be lovely if we could decorate the stalls with lots of bunting, so if anyone has any lying around, maybe from last year’s Jubilee celebrations, we would love to take it off your hands. Hopefully the weather will be glorious and we would appreciate the loan of any gazebos or marquees to keep the sun off our stall holders and whilst you are having a drink or eating your lunch. After the holidays there will be a PTA member standing at the front of school every morning to take any of the donations off your hands.
If anyone would like a stall to sell their own products, or knows someone who would, please contact Mrs Mistry who can be found at the Year 2 door every morning. Alternatively, or for any further information, please email the PTA on
Our next PTA meeting will be held on 12 June at 3:15pm at the school. We will be discussing the Summer Fayre so if you can make it your help would be very much appreciated. Have a lovely half term.
Please do remember that we have a school calendar now on the front page of the school website that will include all key dates for your diary. In the meantime, have a brilliant half term break.
Mrs Dale
Nursery newsletter
Wow I can still see sparkles in front of my eyes from all the bling that was on display in our fashion designs this week. The children have really gone to town on designing their own clothes so that they were fit for the emperor to wear and their creativity was wonderful. We would also like to say a big thank you to all those parents that attended celebration Tuesday. It was lovely to be able to share with you all your child’s wonderful learning and for your child to be able to share their own learning environment with you.
Our story in literacy this week was The Emperor’s New Clothes. The children really enjoyed designing their own clothes this week and I think the Emperor would have definitely liked them more than the ones Slimus and Slick made for him! In numeracy the children had a great time getting themselves in the correct places in our classroom by following instructions using prepositional language e.g. ‘on top’ and ‘behind’ etc. In phonics our sounds of the week were ‘c’ and ‘o’. We are really impressed with how well the children are now able to blend and segment words and now their next step is to be able to look at the letters in a word, sound them out and then blend them to make the word.
When the children come back after half term our classroom will have undergone a total transformation and it will resemble a bug hunter’s paradise. We will have a brand new garden area inside, a bug viewing area and a pond area. These new areas will help spark the children’s enthusiasm for exploratory play and provide them with wonderful and immersive learning experiences. Next half term will be the last half term in nursery for those children who will be going into Reception in September. So our learning sessions will be moving more towards the structure they use in Reception, to prepare the children for their transition into “big” school. In the first week back we will be reading the story ‘I love Bugs’ and the children will be drawing their favourite bugs and writing names underneath. In numeracy we will be counting to twenty and our main focus will be on one more and one less. In phonics we will be starting to read Bugclub books which contain the sounds in that the children have learnt so far. This will help to children begin to read simple cvc words. Our sounds of the week will be ‘k’ and ‘ck’.
On Tuesday the 2nd of July Nursery will be closed to all children as it is the Robin Hood transition day. Those children who are attending Robin Hood Reception in September will go straight to their new class at 9am until 3pm on this day.
· Please read with your child for 5 minutes every day over the holidays
We hope you have a lovely and enjoyable half term break.
Mrs Steel, Mrs Chin & Miss Fox
Reception newsletter
Wow I can still see sparkles in front of my eyes from all the bling that was on display in our fashion show today. The children have really gone to town on designing their own clothes so that they were fit for the emperor to wear and their creativity was wonderful. We would also like to say a big thank you to all those parents that attended celebration Tuesday. It was lovely to be able to share with you all your child’s wonderful learning and for your child to be able to share their own learning environment with you.
THIS WEEK - Our story in literacy this week was The Emperor’s New Clothes. In literacy we have really focussed on the structure of a story using the story mountain (beginning, middle and end) and each day they have written a bit more of the story. The stories the children produced were at a really high level and demonstrated the amazing progress the children have made over the past year. The children really enjoyed designing their own clothes this week for our fashion show with Mrs Friar and I think the Emperor would have definitely liked them more than the ones Slimus and Slick made for him. In topic the children also learnt about the Roman Emperor’s and they found out about the only surviving emperor who lives in Japan . In maths we continued to measure objects using 30cm rulers. The children are really enjoying this mathematical concept and are becoming more and more confident in measuring. In phonics the children have learnt to read the words; everyone, our, two, has, yes and play and have learnt to read and write the long I sounds; ie (pie, tie) and i_e (time, mine).
NEXT HALF TERM - When the children come back after half term our classroom will have undergone a total transformation and it will resemble a bug hunter’s paradise. We will have a brand new garden centre along with a cafe, a bug viewing area, a pond area and a mud area perfect for digging. These new areas will help spark the children’s enthusiasm for exploratory play and provide them with wonderful and immersive learning experiences. In literacy our main focus will be the use of amazing adjectives in their writing as our book of the week “I love bugs” is packed with brilliant ones. Our outcome in literacy will be the children’s very own book describing their favourite minibeasts. In numeracy we will be focussing on number bonds to 10 to reinforce the skill of counting on using their fingers. Our starter will be focusing on number sequences such as counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s. In phonics we will be learning to read the words; take, thought, dog, well, find and more and we will be learning to read and write the long I sounds; y (by, fly) and i (find, kind).
· Please engage with the home learning over the half term to help your child reach their end of year target.
· Please read at least 5 minutes every day with your child.
· Please encourage them to write things when the opportunity arises (e.g. their own shopping list). Lillie T, Sophie C and Evie T have all brought in wonderful books that they have written at home to share with the class.
Miss Pyatt, Miss Lambert and the Reception Team.
Key Stage 1
Home Learning:
Next half term our topic is going to be Animals! We’ll kick start this topic by looking at habitats and the fascinating ways in which animals adapt to their environment. We would love the children to research an animal of their choice and produce a poster about how they survive in their habitat. There doesn’t need to be lots of writing, just a lovely picture and a few simple facts.
Happy half term!
Can you believe half term is here already?! The past few weeks have flown by in the blink of an eye and we are so proud of all that the children have achieved. They blew us away with the incredible whole school ‘Big Dance’, created some wonderfully creative adventure stories and journeyed back through the ages to find out how music has changed. Check out some of our amazing Pop Art pictures on the KS1 blog which can be found at We hope you all have an amazing half term – fingers crossed for some long awaited sunshine!
This week we reached the end of our adventure story narrative unit. The children have produced some incredibly sophisticated writing incorporating all the skills they have acquired over the half term. All the children took so much pride in their stories – presentation has been amazing! It is incredibly impressive to see how the children have learnt to write a story in line with the five stages of the story mountain (opening, build up, climax, resolution, ending). They have effectively painted a picture in the reader’s mind with some well-chosen descriptive language. Their creativity is so inspiring and it has been an utter joy to share their ideas with them.
Next half term our focus is poetry. We will be performing a collection of poems and learning about a whole host of poetic devices: rhyme, alliteration, simile and repetitive structures. If the children have a favourite poem we would love them to bring it in to share with the class. In order to support your child’s understanding of poetry please read some poems over the half term. Remember to record this in your child’s reading record so we can celebrate this together.
We couldn’t keep up with the rapid pace of learning in numeracy this week. The children are whiz kids at adding and subtracting ten, identifying missing numbers, ordering and sequencing. Their tenacity has been admirable, as we have really encouraged them to learn outside their comfort zone. It has been lovely to see their confidence grow in mental maths. They are really beginning to get to grips with the terminology of different question types. The support from home has helped with this no end - thank you so much for all the time you have devoted to this.
Over the half term it will be extremely helpful if you keep asking the children a few mental maths questions based on the ones we have sent for home learning, little and often so the vocabulary and metal strategies can really become embedded. There are some great games on the numeracy section of or website which you might want to spend a few minutes on.
The Andy Warhol inspired T-shirts have turned out beautifully! The children took so much time over them and feel really proud of their final outcome. They loved learning about block colours that contrast and their colourful musical T-shirts are truly fantastic. Next half term we’ll be exploring Animals. The children will start by investigating habitats, improve their observational drawing skills, sew their very own stuffed animal and produce an innovative animation using the iPads. It is certainly going to be an action packed half term so make sure you enjoy your time off and come back well rested!
Have a fantastic half term.
Lower Key Stage 2 Newsletter
The children did a fantastic job at representing Robin Hood and we are extremely proud of them. We have had another exciting week in 3/4 and had a visit from an Indian drummer on Tuesday afternoon, who showed the children some traditional Indian drumming and taught us all some exciting dance moves. We all had lots of fun dancing to the beats and some of us even won some prizes! We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all the year 4’s on their wonderful behaviour during our residential at East Barnby last week. All of the centre staff commented on how mature and sensible the children all were and how well everyone worked together as part of a team.
We have been looking at narrative story writing this week and the children have been describing different settings and characters using a wide range of adjectives and similes. When describing a different setting the children have used the four senses to describe what they can see, hear, smell and how they feel. The children then used these descriptions to write a fantastic opening to a story! We were really impressed with the great range of adjectives the children are using in their writing to describe. Why don’t you ask your child to write you a character description of someone in the family for you to guess who it is?
In numeracy this week the children have been learning about 3D shapes and their properties. We have had a great time making lots of different 3D shapes out of art straws for our shape museum and then recording how many edges, vertices, faces and parallel lines they have. Next half term we will be looking at how to solve problems involving money and position and direction.
This week the children have learnt all about the Taj Mahal and have had a go at sketching this into their art books. Why not ask your child to tell you a fact about the Taj Mahal? We have also used all of the new knowledge we have learnt about India to write a non-chronological report.
Home Learning
Next half term our new topic is Africa . For the children’s home learning we would like them to research something about this continent to share with the class when we are back after the holidays. They can present this any way they choose.
Spellings to be tested on Monday 10th June (the children already have their spellings for this Monday)
Please support your child in practicing their spellings every day to help them to achieve 10/10 in their spelling test every week.
Group One
Group Two
· Next half term our PE unit is athletics, please ensure your child brings their outdoor PE kit into school every Monday morning.
· As the weather is getting warmer please make sure your child is bringing a water bottle to school every day.
Have a lovely half term!
Team 3/4
UKS2 News Roundup:
· This week’s achiever is the whole of year 5/6! Last week pupils worked hard to plan and produce a piece of space art using a variety of new techniques including blending, flicking and templates. We could not separate any of the children’s work across the phase, as it is all astonishing. Well done to everyone, your creativity and artistic skill have impressed us all!
· We would like to thank any parents who attended the numeracy parent workshop this week. It was great to have your support for these workshops and we welcome any more parents who would like to attend.
· Any year 6 pupils, who have been given a rising stars grammar and punctuation book, please return this as soon as possible.
· Dates for your diary:
· 5th- 7th June- Year 6 residential to Robin Wood. A letter regarding the final details of the trip and kit lists will be sent home with your child on Friday 24th May.
· 12th June- Multiplication parent workshop (16:30- 17:15).
· 13th June– Year 6 information evening for prospective Rodillian pupils (16:30-19:30).
· 1st, 2nd and 3rd July- Year 6 induction day for prospective Rodillian and Royds pupils (8.20- 14.30). Please can all pupils wear their Robin Hood school uniform.
· This week pupils have been recapping on division strategies and applying them into a variety of word problems. Pupils have also attempted to solve a range of logic based problems.
· During the first week back pupils will be readdressing addition and subtraction strategies. Pupils will also be learning how to develop rapid recall strategies to help them when mentally calculating addition and subtraction problems.
· This week pupils have been developing their explanation texts on how to look after their alien creature. Pupils then published their explanation texts with developed paragraphs and diagrams.
· During the first week back pupils will be getting creative and writing poetry. Pupils will be using a variety of descriptive techniques through figurative language.
· Spellings: Pupils will be tested on a selection of spellings from last half term.
Other areas of the curriculum:
· In PE this week 5/6M and 5/6B have enjoyed some fresh air and enjoyed a game of rounders. 5/6G applied their previous learning of passing and receiving into a game of bench ball.
· In our SCIENCE sessions this week pupils have been introduced to the various concepts of light, including shadows, rainbows and refraction. Pupils have explored this learning further through investigations and a poster to demonstrate how the eye works.
· This week in ICT the children have continued inputting procedures to program robots to manoeuvre over canyons, which the children have made.
· In Spanish this week pupils have completed their Spanish fact files for a planet of their choice. This has included information relating to the size, location and the chosen planet.
· In Music, 5/6M have continued to learn the Yellow Submarine by the Beatles on the recorder. Pupils have now combined all sections of the piece and performed this with great confidence. 5/6G have continued to explore several percussion instruments; including xylophones, and have continued to develop learning twinkle twinkle little star. 5/6 B have continued to develop their compositions on garage band. Pupils have been reviewing and editing and publishing their final compositions.