Key Stage 1
This week please use the sheet/s provided
to practice adding and subtracting. The children can either put the biggest
number in their head and count forward (adding) or put the biggest number in
their head and count back (subtracting). Please feel free to allow your
children to also count on their fingers to help them solve the problems. You
could do this as a game to see how many they can do against the clock!
first Celebration Assembly:
Thank you to all parents and carers who
attended our first Key Stage One assembly. We hope you enjoyed our showcase of
learning and have been able to see much more of how many wonderful and rich
learning experiences your children have at school.
Jungle Book, Yorkshire Playhouse
Next week the children will be enjoying a
trip to the theatre to watch the Jungle Book.
All Year
Two children from Miss McSorley’s and Miss Pensom’s will be going on Tuesday 10th December.
All Year
One children from Miss Pensom’s and Miss Mees’s will be going on Wednesday 11th December.
Thank you to all parents who have paid for the cost of this trip. If any
payments need to be made please do this at the front office with Mrs Smith or
Mrs Holland.
Earlier this week your child brought home a
detailed letter on the new PE arrangements at Robin Hood. We are really looking
forward to having two hours of PE a week! It is extremely important that the uniform
stated is adhered too.
classes outdoor.
hooded top, warm jogging bottoms, white t-shirt and outdoor trainers.
Wednesday: All classes indoor.
t-shirt, black or dark plain shorts.
PE uniform can be kept in school in your
child’s locker for the duration of the half term if you so wish. If uniform is
not brought in or worn your child will miss out on a play time. We thank you
for your support in this matter and look forward to having more Physical
Education within the curriculum. We know your children will enjoy it too.
This week the children have worked extremely
hard to show off all of their fantastic learning since entering their new
classes in September. The children have really shown how much they have already
progressed in their new classes and these assessments will be used to inform
teaching for the new year of 2014. Your children are amazing; it really is as
simple as that!
In Literacy your children will begin a unit
of learning on instructions where they will be making a seasonal calendar and
unique Christmas card. In Numeracy the children will also be continuing to
develop their mental maths skills with lots of fun Christmas number games. They
will continue to develop adding and subtracting quickly, doubling numbers and
learning skills to add or subtract 9 and 11 from a number. In Topic the
children will also be learning about the different seasons, the equator and why
different animals are suited to different parts of the world.
around the tree
This year our annual carols around the tree
will take place in separate key stages. Key Stage One’s will take place on Friday 20th December at the
new time of 11.30am until 12pm. We
hope to see lots of faces there to sing along with us and get you in the mood
for a merry and enjoyable Christmas!
dates for your diary to do with parties and toys!
On Thursday
19th December will be Key Stage One’s Christmas party. On this day
your child will be able to bring in a separate labelled carrier bag their own
party clothes to wear whilst partying. We would kindly appreciate any donations
of savoury or sweet foods, drink (Squash or juice) plastic plates and cups.
On the last day of term, Friday 20th December the children will take part in
their annual toy day where they will be able to bring in a toy or game of their
choice. Please make sure that all items are labelled with your child’s name and
class. If your child chooses to bring in anything electrical please ensure this
is fully charged at home.
Ten school days left until the Christmas
holidays, time most certainly flies when you are having fun!
Have a lovely relaxed weekend.
The Key Stage One Team
LKS 2 Newsletter
We have had another fun
filled week of exciting learning in 3/4! The children have blown us away with
their amazing attitudes towards their assessments and we are very proud of the
great progress everyone is making. We have also been busy with rehearsals for
our Christmas production and are very impressed with the children’s superb
acting, singing and dancing. This year’s show is absolutely fantastic and we
strongly recommend that you come along to see all of our amazing, talented
children in 3/4. Our performances are on Tuesday
17th December 2:00pm –
3:00pm and Wednesday 18th
December 6:00pm – 7:00pm.
Costumes for the show
children in 3/4T will be dressed as elves, 3/4B dressed as fairies or in
Christmas attire (jumpers, hats, scarves, etc.) and 3/4S dressed in Christmas
attire or as reindeer. If you require any further details of costumes, etc.
please do not hesitate to contact us.
Home Learning
well as the children reading daily and practicing their weekly spellings, we
would like everyone to be learning their Times
Tables. We will now be testing the children weekly on a different times
table as this will help us all greatly when solving multiplication and division
problems. Links to any on line games to support your child with this will be on
our phase blog. The times table we will be testing next week is the 11 Times Table.
week in numeracy the children have been applying their written and mental
strategies involving the four operations whilst tackling our numeracy
assessment papers. We are really pleased with the children’s improvement in
their mental maths scores and can already see how the children’s times tables
knowledge is helping them to solve problems more quickly.
This week in literacy, the
children have continued to apply their persuasive skills to write a letter to Santa,
trying to persuade him to visit by explaining why they deserve lots of presents
this year. We have been impressed with how the children are developing their
fantastic ideas into both compound and even complex sentences and how they are
using lots of different adjectives to make their writing more interesting.
week the children have been working super hard designing and customising their
own pumps. They have tried really hard to ensure they are copying their detail
from their designs onto the final product. We have also been creating our own
adverts to promote our products using lots of different persuasive techniques.
Spellings will be tested on Monday 9th
December. For this week’s spellings we are giving the children some of the trickier
words from this half term.
Group 1: slightly,
lightly, useful, truthful, doubtful, powerful, spiteful, skilful, lovely,
Group 2: passed,
jumped, shouted, tried, cried, travelled, explored, discovered, explained,
Our last swimming session for this half term
will be Friday 13th December.
Please ensure your child has an art shirt in
school at all times.
Now that the weather is turning colder, we
ask that your child must bring a
coat to school every day.
Just a gentle reminder to ensure all of your
child’s belongings (especially PE kits, hats and gloves and school jumpers) are
clearly labelled with your child’s full name.
Don’t forget to check out
our blog where you will find lots more information about this week’s learning
as well as important reminders and dates for forthcoming event.
Have a superb weekend!
Team 3/4
UKS2 Newsletter
News Roundup:
reminder about our Celebration Assembly:
As many of you may be aware
the format for our Friday assemblies has now changed. We will now hold Phase
Assemblies on a rota basis. These will continue to be celebratory and will help
give parents who cannot attend every Friday, the chance to come along when it
is their child’s turn to be involved. The forthcoming upper key stage 2
celebration assemblies have been scheduled for: Friday 10th January, 2.30- 3.00pm followed by Friday 8th February… we look
forward to seeing you there!
of term assessments:
A huge ‘well done’ to all
the children in Year 5 and 6 for giving 110% to their end of term assessments.
The children tackled the papers with confidence and have achieved some
excellent results! Keep up the amazing effort to your learning everyone!
6 Parent Consultations:
All year 6 children have
received a letter about Parent Consultations for these children only to discuss
your child’s progress and targets, well ahead of the formal end of year
externally-marked assessments. Miss Hinton’s class appointments are on Monday
January 13th, Miss Gascoigne’s class appointments are Tuesday
January 14th and Mr Malley’s class appointments are Wednesday
January 15th. Each parent will be allocated a 15 minute time slot,
therefore we ask parents/carers to specify a time on the letter which is most
suitable and hand it into your child’s class teacher, or to the office. We will
try our very best to accommodate all parents/carers, so do not hesitate to
contact us should there be any major concerns regarding this.
Core Subjects:
In Numeracy this week the children have been
applying the 4 operations to create their very own ‘I’m a Celebrity’ camp by
using compound shapes. The children have found the area of their shapes,
including using
Next week we will
continue to apply the 4 operations to some multi-step Christmas problems!
In Literacy this week pupils have been finalising
their letters of complaint to Alton Towers. The children have been busy
including engaging and firm features to stress their anger at being turned away
from Alton Towers, whilst stating what compensation would be suitable and
recommendations that the park should take on board in order to improve customer
service. We clearly have some strong-minded children who are not afraid to say
their piece! Well done, everyone!
Next week pupils will be looking at the key features
of a travel guide. They will then apply these features into their own Lapland
travel guide. This festive topic will no doubt motivate children and help them
in writing a very appealing and descriptive guide of what Lapland has to offer.
SPELLINGS: This week, the
spellings are: prepay, prehistoric,
premolar, precaution, prevent, adherence
adverb, although,
almost, altogether. Your child has received a copy of these spellings which have been glued
into their planner. They will be tested on these words on Friday December 13th.
Other areas of the curriculum:
PE: This week pupils have continued
to develop their own sequence routines by applying a range of key criteria
including; rolls, balances, canon, flight and travelling. Each group has also
learnt and refined the key skills needed to mount and dismount using the vault
using the trampette.
again, please ensure that your child comes to school with the appropriate PE
kit each week.
5/6M and
5/6MO PE sessions are on Mondays and 5/6G PE sessions are on now on Wednesdays.
As the PE unit this half term is Gymnastics, the children only need their plain
white PE t-shirt and black shorts.
This week in Spanish, pupils
have continued to embed their pronunciation and spelling of the days of the week
and months of the year. Pupils have been
putting their knowledge of los objetos de la classe (classroom objects) into
sentences using the sentence starter ‘Tengo…’ (I have) and ‘No Tengo…’ (I don’t
have). Check out the Year 5/6 blog for
photos of the amazing team work and the Spanish classroom objects made.
our ICT sessions, the children have been challenging themselves this week to
program their robot to perform a tricky procedure which was to reverse in the
shape of a square and then drive forward into an equilateral triangle.