Friday, 27 February 2015

Issue 22 2014-2015

Dear Parent/ Carer,

Welcome back everyone! I hope you had a good half term.

We have had a productive and enjoyable week; new topics and learning have commenced in class. I had the pleasure of walking round classes with the School Improvement Advisor, Mr Richards this week, who commented that learning behaviours at Robin Hood are exemplary and teaching is focussed.

Parent governor, Mrs Millson and I also met with a landscape consultant this week, to talk about initial plans for the transformation of our outdoor area. More to come as plans unfold.

You will notice that the Year 3/ 4 corridor entrance is now back in use. We ask that you supervise your children so that they do not swing on the railings at the start and end of each day.

Have a great weekend everybody!

Mrs Dale

Friday, 13 February 2015

Issue 21 2014-2015

Dear Parent/ Carer,

Today concludes another successful half term at Robin Hood. Well done to Reception who closed the assemblies for this half term and congratulations to all of the children who have put on a marvellous showcase for our parents and carers. The Year 6 violin performances are always a highlight for me.

This week I have thoroughly enjoyed hearing our youngest learners across the Early Years telling us about their learning as a result of the planetarium visit on Tuesday.

Equally enjoyable was the discussions with children through our Safer Internet week. Even the younger pupils were able to articulate very well how they would keep themselves safe. And if all that wasn’t enough, we have also enjoyed further support from Jayne Leadbeater, our Voices Foundation leader, to develop our singing skills.

All in all, a fantastic week and a fantastic half term!

Have a restful week.


Mrs Dale

Friday, 6 February 2015

Issue 20 2014-2015

Dear Parent/ Carer,

It’s been another eventful week at Robin Hood. Miss Hinton and I have conducted a series of Numeracy learning walks in KS1 which have given us some great development points to further support teachers and improve our Maths practice.

If your child is in KS2, please do come along to the Multiplication Maths workshop at 3:30 pm on Thursday next week (12th). It will be held in Miss McSorley’s class and both she and Miss Gascoigne will lead the proceedings.
All parents are welcome to join us on Wednesday morning from 8:15a.m. to discuss ways to improve our report formats. WE have gathered the views of the children and staff and with your opinions will be ready to move forward on this.
Next week, all classes will be continuing their brilliant singing developments with the support of the Voices Foundation.


Could we please remind you that no money for trips, dinner money etc. is to be handed in to the class teacher. All monies must be in an envelope clearly marked with your child’s name, class and what the money is for. This should then be posted in the silver box outside or handed in to the office.

Have a great weekend!
Mrs Dale