Friday, 27 March 2015

Issue 26 2014-2015

Dear Parent/ Carer,
Congratulations to our talented rugby squad! On Wednesday, boys from across KS2 were crowned tag champions at the Rodillian Rugby Academy. Our boys showed a tremendous appetite to win and after being narrowly beaten in the final last year- it was truly deserved! A special mention goes to: Charlie, Archie, Matt, Jacob M, Jacob H, Lewis, Ben, Alfie and Lewis N- our tag rugby champs 2015! Mr Malley is extremely proud of the way the boys have represented our fantastic school! 
I was honoured to attend the Art Club led by Mrs Chin and supported by Miss Morris, this week. The children have created beautiful hangings as well as 3d animals, which will be on display at Tropical World over the next week or two. They are truly inspirational pieces of work of which all pupils involved are incredibly proud.
All in all, another tremendous week!
Have a great weekend.
Mrs Dale

Friday, 20 March 2015

Issue 25 2014-2015

Dear Parent/ Carer,
I started my week speaking to the children about the partial solar eclipse in assembly. Pupils in KS2 experienced the eclipse this morning collectively. So many of the children already had lots of prior knowledge about this and were very excited to be witnessing this first hand.
Our Easter celebrations will take place on Thursday April 2nd in school. We will hold 2 assemblies; one for all children during the morning and then parents and carers are welcome to come and join Year 3/ 4 who are leading the proceedings at 2:30. All parents are welcome.
Thank you everybody for the generous donations at last Friday’s Fitness Friday/Comic Relief day. I am pleased to announce that we have raised a grand total of £496.55 which will be split between Comic Relief and the British Heart Foundation.
We now have a new phone system in place so if you wish to report your child off ill please use the attendance line.

Have a great weekend!
Mrs Dale

Friday, 13 March 2015

Issue 24 2014/2015

 Dear Parent/ Carer,

A fabulous week started with our World Book Day; the children looked fabulous in their costumes and thank you to all who came into class to see the wonderful outcomes at the end of the day.

Today has seen the children and staff in their sports gear getting active for our Fitness Friday. An incredible amount of (sweaty) fun has been had by all. We have raised a significant sum for the Comic Relief charity and the British Heart Foundation. Thanks to everyone for your support.

And if that wasn’t enough, our Y6’s have enjoyed the privilege of laying down a brick onto the new expansion building, which will leave their permanent mark.

Miss Hinton and I have attended a conference this week to gain more support around our ongoing developments of implementing the government driven “assessing without levels”. We are confident that by the end of the year we will have developed a system which works for our school and will be key to driving improvement. We will keep you posted!

Finally, please be aware that Reception playground will be locked at 8:15 a.m. and opened at 8:35 a.m. so children attending Friendly Faces can get out for a morning playtime and remain safe. Thank you.

Have a great weekend.

Mrs Dale

Friday, 6 March 2015

Issue 23 2014-2015

Dear Parent/ Carer,
It’s been another wonderful and busy week at Robin Hood.
Reverend Mandy started the week for us with an assembly in the hall. We welcome the Reverend each half term to deliver an important message.
Next week on Monday, we will host our World Book Day, which will see children dressing up as their favourite characters. Next Friday (13th) is Red Nose Day. Children will need to wear something red (red hair colour is allowed) and be in sport kit for the day with appropriate trainers. They will take part in a 'Fitness Friday' and learn all about staying healthy and the importance of exercise. We ask that the children bring a donation of £1- money will be split between Red Nose Day and the British Heart Foundation. An optional extra is to bring in a bun donation, which we will allow children to sell at a minimum donation of 20p (we appear to have many budding and willing bakers in Year 5/6!)
Have a great weekend!

Mrs Dale