Friday, 24 April 2015

Issue 28 2014-2015

Dear Parent/ Carer,
I hope you all had a wonderful Easter break.
There has been a significant amount of work carried out on the internal building work over the holidays and the new Office area and classrooms are nearing completion. The external ground works are well underway and it is lovely to see some of our pupils watching the diggers in awe!
I would like to share some staffing updates with you at this time. I am delighted to tell you that Miss Thackeray will be returning back to school full time from early July following the birth of her daughter last year. At the end of the school year, we will sadly be saying goodbye to Miss Snowden who is returning to East Yorkshire to reside. Some more lovely baby news; Miss Lambert is expecting her first child and will be going off on maternity leave shortly into the new academic year (huge congratulations!).
We have 3 new teachers joining us in September; Miss Steel (no relation to Mrs!), Mr Hallows and Miss Johnston, who has trained with us during this year as part of her final placement.
Finally, please ensure that if you have been previously signed up to Parentmail, to change your details over to Parentmail X, as communicated last half term. Please see Mrs Holland if you have any queries.
Have a great weekend and here’s hoping for more sunshine!
Mrs Dale

Thursday, 2 April 2015

Issue 27 2014-2015

Dear Parent/ Carer,
Today we close our doors for the Spring Term. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all parents and pupils for their continued support this term.
We have been getting into the Easter spirit this week and I have to say that I have never seen such amazing egg competition entries in my life. Thank you so much everybody for your creative and outstanding efforts. Thank you also to all Year 3/4 pupils who led the Easter Service proceedings today.
As we near the end of our building work, please note that there will be no assemblies next half term due to the accessibility of the hall during the next phase of works. Thank you for your understanding.
With regards to after school clubs next half term, there has been a high demand for places. If we have been able to facilitate a place for your child, you will have received a letter by today.
Finally, I would like to say a huge well done to all of the pupils who sang for the Mayor and key representatives of Leeds Children’s Services last week at Headingley at their post-Ofsted celebration. Everyone was moved and impressed by the performance. My thanks to Miss McSorley for facilitating this.

Happy Easter everyone!!

Mrs Dale