Friday, 23 October 2015

Newsletter 7 2015-2015

Dear Parent/ Carer,

I cannot believe that half term is upon us already!
What a great half term we have had with lots of fabulous learning and wonderful experiences.
Thanks to you all for attending the Parent Consultations this week; we really value having that time with you.
We enjoyed our first PTA event of the school year on Tuesday at the Fashion Show, which not only was a very enjoyable evening but also raised in the region of £250 for our PTA funds. My sincerest thanks to all who attended and supported.
Well done to the “Red Team” who won the prize for receiving the most house points this half term. Pupils celebrated with a toy afternoon treat.
This year Children in Need is running a campaign for schools called 'Champions of Change'. It is encouraging school children to be enterprising in devising their own fundraising activities within school. We are very proud to say we will be taking part in this, with our year 5/6 children taking the lead in becoming Champions of Change and leading the fundraising across school as part of their enterprise development. This will culminate in a non-uniform day on Friday 13th November where children will be asked to come to school dressed as something they might want to be when they grow up. More details about the events will be coming after half term so watch this space! 
Have a great week with lots of Halloween-y fun!

Mrs Dale

Friday, 16 October 2015

Newsletter 6- 16th October 2015

Dear Parent/ Carer,

It’s been a wonderfully creative week! We started our Monday with our annual “Big Draw” event. The children created lots of interesting pieces of art work built around a different story. The outcomes were then displayed in the hall which really showed the impact of these large scale pieces. Thanks to the many parents, carers and pupils visiting the hall on Tuesday after school to marvel at displays.
Today was all about the Harvest Hunt celebrations. Many came along to join in the hunt and we are grateful for all of the food contributions that have come flooding in. Mandy, our local reverend joined us for a Harvest assembly this morning and spoke to the children about the tradition of Harvest. She will be assisting us in distributing the collection to the less fortunate within our local community.
If anyone is interested in booking a stall at the PTA Xmas Craft Fayre on November 28th, please email
A polite reminder that children need a water bottle in school so that they can stay hydrated throughout the day. Thanks.
Unfortunately due to an unforeseen rise in prices we will have to increase the price of school dinners to £2.40 per day/£12.00 per week from Monday 2nd November.
Hope to see many of you next week during the consultations and at the PTA Fashion Show.
Have a great weekend.

Mrs Dale

Friday, 9 October 2015

Harvest Hunt- 16th October 2015

Newsletter 5- 9th October 2015

Dear Parent/ Carer,
Autumn has well and truly arrived and the temperatures have dropped. Please ensure your child has a warm coat for school.
You should have received this week notification of times for our first Parent Consultations of the year, which take place during the week beginning 19th October. I hope you will find these brief meetings a valuable way to find out how your child has settled into their new class and to maximise opportunities for us to support each other for the benefit of your child.
Monday is our annual “Big Draw” event. Please send your child to school in plain clothes. The children will be engaging in some magnificent drawing activities based on story themes. You are all welcome to join us from 3p.m on Tuesday 13th October to view the outcomes which will be displayed in the hall.
Please ensure that all school photograph orders are handed in to the office no later than Wednesday 14th October.
Advance notice- Please note that if your child is in Year 6 and attending Rodillian High School next year, their last day at Robin Hood will be Friday 1st July 2016.They will start Rodillian on Monday 4th July 2016.
Have a great weekend!

Mrs Dale

Friday, 2 October 2015

Newsletter 4 2015-2016

Dear Parent/ Carer,
It was lovely to see the children and many siblings looking super- smart and smiley ready for photos on Wednesday, which you should have received on Thursday. Could you please return your orders to the school office as soon as possible.
This week, I have visited many classrooms as part of my first round of formal classroom observations. The classrooms really do look stunning and the teaching and learning is on a par with the best I have ever seen. There is some inspirational practice which takes place here at Robin Hood and I am looking forward to sharing outcomes through our up and coming assemblies.
Following on from last week, I hope that as many of you as possible will join us for the PTA Fashion Show. To make this really worthwhile, we need to sell quite a few more tickets so please do email Kay at or enquire via the Facebook page.
I would like to thank all of those who have attended various Parent Meetings over the past few weeks. Communication with parents is very important to us so we appreciate your support and input at these meetings. Please remember that the School Calendar on the website is updated frequently for your reference and past newsletters can be accessed via the Newsletter or Phase blogs also on the website.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Dale