Thursday, 24 March 2016

Newsletter 24th March 2016

Dear Parent/ Carer,

We held a coffee afternoon on Wednesday to raise money for the Hearing Dogs and this was a real success! The children really enjoyed making and selling the wonderful things they had made! Thank you to all of you who supported this event.

Many thanks for your Easter raffle contributions. It was a lovely way to end the week and we were so pleased to see so many winners! I will let you know exactly how much we have raised next week! Many thanks to Gracie in year 2 for her fundraising ideas and organising the drawing competition.

Sport Relief last Friday was a fantastic success and we managed to raise £660 in total. Thank you so much for your donations. The children enjoyed being active and it was all for a very good cause!

Miss McSorley joined us in Assembly on Monday to say goodbye and present her with some flowers and wish her well in her new role! Mrs Wathen is also leaving us next Friday to take up a new position and we wish her all the very best in the future.

Please note that our INSET days for next year are: 5.9.16, 3.3.17, 24.7.17, 25.7.17 and 26.7.17.

Have a lovely Easter and we look forward to seeing you next Tuesday 29th March.

Mrs Harris

Friday, 18 March 2016

Newsletter 18th March 2016

Dear Parent/ Carer,

Well done to our Nursey pupils for their two fantastic assemblies on Wednesday morning and this afternoon. Thank you to all those parents who attended, enjoyed and made the wonderful costumes. The children looked fabulous!

Our year 5/6 pupils welcomed the Hearing Dogs into school on Wednesday and they had wonderful morning learning about them! On Wednesday 23rd March from 2.15pm, the year 5/6 children will be hosting a coffee afternoon in the school hall in order to raise money for this charity, Hearing Dogs for Deaf People. The children have been busy making decorative signs, key rings and cupcakes which will be on sale to the community. We would love it if you could join us!

Today’s sport relief day has been a great success and we would like to thank to all parents for their generosity in so far raising £476.75. Pupils have walked or run a mile, held a bake sale, bought Sports Relief wrist bands, played a dodgeball tournament and written to disadvantaged children in Africa. Thank you all our amazing pupils!

Another reminder that on Thursday 24th March our PTA will be holding an Easter Raffle in school… This will be a non-uniform day and we kindly ask for chocolate/ Easter donations along with a £1 or more for pupils to buy a raffle ticket in order that they can win these great prizes. We are hoping that this will be a success in order to raise funds to further improve lunchtimes and playtimes for our children! Please could we ask that pupils bring their chocolate in on or before 24th March. The raffle will be drawn in the Hall on the afternoon of the 24th.

Please remember that we break up on Thursday 24th March next week and return on Tuesday 29th March. Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Harris

Thursday, 10 March 2016

Newsletter 10th March 2016

Dear Parent/ Carer,
We have had a short but hectic week in school!

Lunchtimes are proving to be much happier for children and they are really enjoying the new equipment in the playground and using Friendly Faces! Some of our year 5 pupils have volunteered to be friend leaders at lunchtimes and this is working really well as they coordinate games and activities for younger pupils and encourage them to play. A big thank you to them!

Another reminder that on Thursday 24th March our PTA will be holding an Easter Raffle in school… This will be a non-uniform day and we kindly ask for chocolate/ Easter donations along with a £1 or more for pupils to buy a raffle ticket in order that they can win these great prizes. We are hoping that this will be a success in order to raise funds to further improve lunchtimes and playtimes for our children!

Please note that we have an INSET day tomorrow Friday 11th March and so school will be closed to pupils. We hope to be able to communicate INSET days for 2016/17 before the Easter break.

Have a lovely long weekend and thank you for your continued support,

Mrs Harris

Are you going abroad over the Easter break? If so, chances are you'll return home with a handful of foreign currency that will end up floating around your home.  Well the PTA can use them! We are starting a collection of currency from any corner of the globe, including notes. We can accept old UK, Irish and pre euro coins, even damaged ones.
This collection will help us to raise much needed funds for the new playground. Coins/notes can be left in the grey box outside the school office. Any donations of currency will be greatly received, no matter how small!

Friday, 4 March 2016

Newsletter 4th March 2016

Dear Parent/ Carer,
We have had such an exciting week in school! On Thursday it was World Book Day and we had such a fun day in our party outfits! The day began with activities in the hall for pupils and parents and this was so well attended. There were many reading activities through the day which were shared in Assembly in the afternoon. Many thanks go to all of you for sending the children to school looking so fabulous and with their books! Thank you to all the teachers but especially Miss Lambert for organising and running the day!

Well done to our Reception pupils for sharing their learning with us in assembly this afternoon. Thank you to all those parents who attended and we do hope that you enjoyed it!

On Thursday 24th March our PTA will be holding an Easter Raffle in school… This will be a non-uniform day and we kindly ask for chocolate/ Easter donations along with a £1 or more for pupils to buy a raffle ticket in order that they can win these great prizes. We are hoping that this will be a success in order to raise funds to further improve lunchtimes and playtimes for our children!

A big, big thank you to Daniel B in Miss Johnston’s class for managing to raise £22 to buy some playground equipment for school. Daniel did a sponsored story write and then also emptied the contents of his piggy bank and donated this to school!! What a lovely thing to do!

Please note that we have an INSET day next Friday 11th March and so school will be closed to pupils.

Have a lovely weekend and thank you for your continued support,

Mrs Harris