Friday, 24 June 2016

Newsletter 24/6/16

Dear Parent/ Carer,

Well done to our Year 3/4 pupils last week who delivered a lovely assembly last Friday, I was so upset to have to miss it. Miss Hinton did tell me how very well they all did.
It was the turn of our KS1 pupils this afternoon who really entertained us with their learning.

We have had D;side delivering PHSCE in school this week; they have been talking to our children about keeping their bodies healthy.

Well done to our Year 5/6 cricket team who competed in the Leeds City Finals last Friday. Each team member played exceptionally well, however we didn't quite make it through to the West Yorkshire finals but a fantastic performance considering this is our first year competing in the competition.

Please note that for many of our Year 6 pupils next week is their last week at Robin Hood. We have the prom to look forward to on Wednesday and a leavers’ assembly on Friday for the parents of our Year 6’s.

Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Harris

Friday, 10 June 2016

Newsletter 10th June 2016

Dear Parent/ Carer,

Welcome back after half term and I hope you all had a lovely time. Apologies for the shortness of the newsletter but hopefully, we will be on our way back from London after our residential and that we have all had a brilliant time….

Our year 4 pupils had a fabulous time at Robinwood before half term! They really did have a go at everything and did themselves and RH proud. Many thanks to them all but also to Mrs. Brook for organising the residential and to the other staff who gave their time to ensure that they could all go and have the best time possible.

Congratulations to our year 5 pupils, who completed their first triathlon on Monday! It was a fantastic event and hopefully this event has ignited an interest in triathlon for many of our pupils in the lead up to the World Triathlon series in Leeds this weekend! For more info see our PE BLOG

You should all have received a letter about how to download our new school app today. This is such an exciting development and we hope that it will improve home/school communication further.

We are also very pleased to tell you that Miss. Hinton is expecting a baby in the Autumn Term and we are all very pleased for her and wish her well.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Harris