Friday, 31 January 2014

Issue 19 2013-14

Newsletter Issue 19

Friday 31st January 2014

Dear Parent/Carer,

I hope you have all had a good week. We’ve had a great week here in school, with my observations in each class continuing. The quality of teaching and learning is by and large outstanding and I know that teachers will continue to improve and develop their practice to ensure that we sustain and build upon our excellent standards. I have shown an Executive Headteacher and her colleagues from another area of Leeds around the school this week. They went away inspired with many ideas based on general outstanding practice and our use of technology in the classroom.

Website developments
We have some exciting developments to our website that I must share with you. Not only can you now see our staff’s cheerful faces in the Members of Staff section but you will also see that there is a section dedicated to helping you support your child at home. Inside the “Parents and Carers” tab, there is a section entitled “Information to help you support your child at home”. Here you will find a wealth of helpful information to support Reading and Numeracy- Writing will be developed shortly. You will also find a section which explains Levels and Grades and what is deemed to be typical achievement for your child’s age.

The Life Channel
You may be aware that our “Life Channel” screen in the playground as you enter the gates by Key Stage 1, has now been updated so that the content reflects what is happening in school. My rationale for the installation of the Life Channel was to replace our Robin Hood TV with a better system which could be shared with parents, carers and visitors to the school. I also intend to stream The Life Channel to our school website so that parents who are not able to collect their children from school, get to see what is happening in their child’s classroom. As a full time working mum myself, I find this a challenge so I am striving to make the learning as accessible to all as I possibly can.

James Driver
I must give a special mention this week to James Driver who gave us all a lump in the throat moment this week. James has been receiving some intensive physiotherapy following his major spinal operation over a year ago and this week we have had the absolute pleasure of watching James walk all the way down the mall and back with the support of his sticks and only a tiny bit of support from the physiotherapist. An absolute joy to see!

PTA News

 Not long now for the valentines disco....  Our helpers have been counting your invites, printing the tickets and buying the goodies to sell to all you wonderful dancers.  Thank you so much to all the parents and carers who have come forward to offer their services for the evening to help, without your help these events, our children really enjoy, could not go ahead.  If anyone else is available on the 12 February to help out at either disco please contact us at  If you haven't already posted your invite, with your details and parents/carers details and your £1 in the silver box outside the office please do so as soon as you can so we can then issue you a ticket.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

 Mrs Dale

Don’t forget!
Our next parents coffee morning will be on Monday 10th February 2014 between 9 am and 10 am with Miss Thackeray in Friendly Faces. You are invited to come along with positive suggestions which are relevant to the agendas that we set. Any other issues can come directly to me. It is important that we use the limited time that we have together to best effect. The agendas for next time will be:

·    Home learning- Do you think the children get too much/too little? Is it purposeful? Any ideas for improvement.

·    Holiday projects- what do you and your child think of them?

·    Just a question for discussion- what would we think of a shorter summer holiday but longer half terms?
If you cannot make it, we value your views so you can email me at

Nursery newsletter

We have had a very busy Chinese kitchen this week! The area was decorated beautifully and now we have displayed their amazing home learning it looks brilliant and has really enthused and inspired the children for the week ahead. The children have been practising their chopstick skills and love showing off!

This week our topic has been Chinese New Year. We have found out all about Chinese New Year and the children enjoyed role-playing their celebrations. We also learnt about the story of Chinese New Year and all the different animals which represent each Chinese Year. We found out that most children in our class are either an ox or a tiger (unlike Mrs Steel who is a dragon!). In topic we constructed a real Chinese dragon using box modelling and tie dyeing skills. Thanks to Mrs Chin and Miss Fox for being brilliantly creative! During our PE sessions, the children made up their very own Chinese dance which was wonderful.

Next week we will be learning all about the deep dark jungle. For home learning please can your child create a Jungle animal mask or model that we can use to enhance our classroom? Our literacy sessions will be focused around the book ‘Rumble in the Jungle’ and we will become jungle explorers. We will be focusing particularly on rhyming words, so any extra practice you can do on that would be great. There is a clip of the book on You Tube and the link is: In numeracy we will be playing hide and seek with the animals, making sure we give our clues using positional language (behind, between, next to etc.)
Next Friday (7th February) we will be having a real life rainforest experience and we will get a chance to meet some real animals from the rainforest. I have attached a letter to this newsletter about it. Please complete the reply slip and hand it in to your child’s teacher if your child attends Wednesday to Friday.

·        Next week I will be assessing the children’s reading so please can you spend some time practising reading together and writing a comment in their books.

·        Keep practising writing the first letter in your child’s name and beyond as soon as they are ready (some children are now writing their first name independently – which is amazing!)

·        Please complete the home learning task with your child (see above) to give them a head start for our new learning next week

Thank you for your continued support and we hope that you have a great weekend!

Mrs Steel, Mrs Chin, Miss Fox and Mrs Beckwith.
Reception newsletter
NEWS ROUND UP - We have had a very busy Chinese restaurant this week! The restaurant was decorated beautifully and we were amazed at how much effort the children had put into their home learning. This super effort really enthused and inspired the children for the week ahead. The children have been practising their chopstick skills and have eaten lots of noodles and rice.
This week our topic has been Chinese New Year. On Monday we took a trip to China with Barnaby bear and learnt lots of interesting facts about the country. Then we learnt all about Chinese New Year and the children celebrated with Mrs Friar in our Chinese restaurant. The children even got to eat a fortune cookie thanks to Katie who brought her party food in early. We also learnt about the story of Chinese New Year and learnt about all the different animals which represent each Chinese Year. We found out that most children in our class are either a rat or an ox. In topic the children made some beautiful Chinese lanterns and when they have dried we will be hanging them in the windows so you can appreciate them. At the beginning of the week we constructed a real Chinese dragon and in PE today the children made their very own Chinese dance which was wonderful. I was very shocked to find a cooked pizza in my classroom on Monday but it all became clear when I realised we were learning about halves. The children have had a really practical and hands on learning experience this week so they are now all confident with the concept. This week the children learnt to read the phase 3 sounds or, ur, ow and oi and wrote the Phase 3 tricky words he, she, we, me, be and was.
Next week we will be learning all about the deep dark jungle. Our literacy sessions will be focused around the book Rumble in the Jungle and we will become jungle explorers. In topic the children are going to have an amazing experience which has been planned by our very own artist Mrs Chin. The children will be making animal prints using the method of printing. In numeracy they will be learning about length and by the end of the week we hope that the children will be able to successfully measure using rulers! In phonics we will be learning the phase 3 sounds ear, air, ure and er and writing the Phase 3 tricky words you, they, all, are, my and her. Next week is assessment week so please ensure that your child knows all the phase 2 and 3 sounds and words. The lists of these can be found on the home learning.
Next Friday (7th February) we will be having a real life rainforest experience and we will get a chance to meet some real animals from the rainforest. I have attached a letter to this newsletter about it. Please complete the reply slip and hand it in to your child’s teacher.
Kung Hei Fat Choy!
Miss Lambert, Miss Pyatt and the Reception team.
Key Stage 1
Home learning
It is extremely important that your child is reading daily or as much as possible across each week. Even if this is for ten minutes a day this is so much more worthwhile than once a week for an hour. This week your child’s home learning is simply: extra reading! BUT, with a catch…..It must be for at least 30 minutes across the weekend and recorded in the reading record. Any child who reads over the weekend and this is recorded in their reading records will receive a sticker on Monday. If teachers notice that some children have gone above and beyond with their reading across the weekend this may equate to two stickers and maybe even a Head Teacher sticker as soon as your child walks in on Monday! Any reading on Bug Club will also count so please record this too. Happy reading!
Thank you
Thank you for all the parents and carers who attended our second Key Stage One Showcase assembly. We hope you are enjoying the new style assemblies and getting to see much more of what fantastic learning your children do at school. If your children receive any medals, trophies or certificates across the coming weeks then please save them and bring them in nearer to the time of our next assembly and we will make sure they all get mentioned.
This week the children have been learning about positions, directions and movements. The children have been using language such as: next to, underneath, above, left, right, forwards, backwards, clockwise and anti-clockwise. The children have also been learning about rotation and the difference between a whole turn, half a turn and a quarter turn. The children have enjoyed using the electronic Bee Bots around different mazes and using co-ordinates to explain where an object may be. If you have an iPad at home have a go at downloading the free application called Bee-bot. There is also a more difficult one called Bee-Bot Pyramid which costs 69p which your child may also enjoy. The application is a really fun way in getting your child to think about different types of directions. Next week the children will be beginning a new unit of learning on fractions. They will look at what a half of a fraction is with an object (half of a pizza), with shapes (circle, rectangle, triangles and squares) and quantities (what is half of 10?). The children will also progress their learning in to thirds and possibly tenths! Fractions are a difficult concept to understand and throughout the week the children will use lots of visual prompts to help them understand the different types of fractions. Any sharing or cutting of food at home will also help this learning at school.
Writing super sentences has been the focus this week! The children have been giving attention to what makes a fantastic sentence and most importantly checking if a sentence makes sense. The children have been using one sentence and then seeing how they can add adjectives, information at the beginning or end, changing the whole sentence, using a simile or alliteration. This gives them at least another five sentences just out of one! They really have wowed us with their knowledge of what to do to write interesting sentences! The children have also enjoyed playing sentences games with a selection of mixed up words and checking if the sentences they have made make sense. A useful way at home to help your child write sentences that make sense is by listening to how your child speaks a sentence. Would it make sense if it is written down? If not, ask them how they could change it. Such sentence activities are being used to help the children before they plan and write their next invitation. This will be a letter to you to invite you to our up and coming Key Stage One Print Workshop! Expect something in the post next weekend!
One word for art this week has been: PAINT! The children have begun their fantastic three week project learning how to use paint to print and replicate images. The children have been using the theme of the rainforest and started the week by finger painting and making patterns with different colours. We saw lots of beautiful flowers and colourful leaves! After this, the children were given the opportunity to experiment using paint with rollers and different types of textures. They added paint on top of paint on top of paint and so on and made lots of wonderful printed images! The children ended the week with using gelatine in tin trays to continue exploring other ways they can print images. We would like to thank Mrs Chin with her creative and talented mind around the project as the children are learning so many new skills and we know the final results are going to be fantastic!
Have a relaxing weekend.
The KS1 Team
Lower Key Stage 2 Newsletter
We have had another busy week in Year 3/4 this week. We have been acting out scenes from the Blitz in literacy, baking wonderful rock cakes in numeracy, investigating the changes in electrical circuits during science and hopping over obstacles out in the playground during our outdoor PE sessions. On Friday we hosted our second Showcase assembly and we were thrilled to see so many parents and carers attending once again. We really do value your support in these types of events and the children were really pleased to be able to show off so much of their amazing learning. Well done to our 3 achievers of the half term, Ben, Lauren and Matthew, who have proved themselves to be incredible learners for so many different reasons. We can’t wait to see who will be our achievers next half term.
Home Learning
As well as the children reading daily and practicing their weekly spellings, we would like everyone to be learning their Times Tables. We will now be testing the children weekly on a different times table as this will help us all greatly when solving multiplication and division problems. Links to any on line games to support your child with this will be on our phase blog as well as the Times Table Wall of Fame (a list of everybody who managed to score 12 out of 12 on their weekly test). The times table we will be testing next week is the 6 Times Table.
This week in numeracy the children have been looking at word problems based on weights. We have been using our list of problem solving criteria to help us understand the problem, solve it and check our answers with much success. One  we were finding a little tricky was the conversion of weights (1000g in every Kg) so any practise around this at home will be much appreciated. On Thursday we all got the opportunity to help weigh out and measure ingredients for some tasty rock cakes which were then handed out in our celebration assembly. Next week, we will be continuing to develop our measuring skills by looking at how to measure liquids (ml, l) and we will be applying these skills to making our own cocktails.
This week in literacy, the children have been writing about what happened in the inner cities during the Blitz. They have written a diary entry as though they were a child who has travelled back to the city for the day to visit their mother.  Next week, we will be continuing to write our diary entries to document even more of the highs and lows of World War 2. The completed diaries will be on display at the end of the half term.
Our topic sessions this week have focussed on the Blitz and what happened to the major cities when they were plunged into darkness during the blackout. The children created their own comic strip to retell the story of a Blitz survivor. We have also looked at how people carried on during these tough times using the power of ‘Blitz Spirit’.
These Spellings will be tested on Monday 3rd February.
Group 1: born, fork, short, morning, forget, park, shark, yard, parcel, garden
Group 2: quicker, quickest, colder, coldest, taller, tallest, closer, closest, bigger, biggest
·    Please ensure your child has an art shirt in school at all times.
·    The current weather is very changeable and so we ask that your child brings a suitable coat to school every day.
·    Just a gentle reminder to ensure all of your child’s belongings (especially PE kits, hats and gloves and school jumpers) are clearly labelled with your child’s full name.
·    As the weather is that little bit cooler at the moment, we would like to remind children to ensure they have an appropriate PE kit for our outdoor sessions on a Wednesday. Unless the weather is so severe, we will still be taking part in our outdoor activities, therefore we ask that all children have the following kit with them:
o    suitable footwear (trainers)
o    t-shirt/long-sleeved top
o    Full-length jogging trousers/leggings
o    Warm socks
o    Warm jumper (not their school sweatshirt)
o    Hat and gloves (optional).
o    Inhalers for those who need them.
These exciting sessions have been well received by everyone taking part and we would like to ensure that everyone is warm and safe whilst doing so.
Don’t forget to check out our blog where you will find lots more information about this week’s learning as well as important reminders and dates for forthcoming events.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Team 3/4
UKS2 Newsletter
Times Table Challenge will be on Tuesday 11th February, so get practising! Visit and select the bingo machine for the game we use in school.
Next half term we will be creating something very special in our art sessions. Therefore each child will need a plain pillow case if possible. It will be painted and cut up so unfortunately it won’t be retuned in the same condition. If any parents/carers are able to spare any more pillow cases, this would be fantastic! Thank you in advance!
Our next Celebration Assembly is on Friday 7th February, we have lots more learning to share so we really hope you can make it!
As part of our celebration assembly, the children will be dressing up in togas. Therefore we are hoping that all the children would be able to come to school with a white sheet and some safety pins to use to make a toga over their school uniform. The sheet shouldn’t be damaged so will hopefully be returned in the same condition!
Core Subjects:
This week in Numeracy the children have been handling data, which will including reading and interpreting various graphs and databases, we even created our own graphs to illustrate our own results. Next week the children will be learning about mean, median, mode and range and will also be looking at probability!
This week in literacy pupils have enjoyed researching all about Alexander the Great for their own biography. After some thorough research about his life, pupils have written an introduction to their biography, which has included the 5 W’s. Next week pupils will continue to use their research to write further biography paragraph; which look at Alexander’s early life, conquests and legacy.
SPELLINGS: This week, the spellings are: impress – impression, progress – progression,  discuss – discussion, permit – permission, compare – comparison, conclude – conclusion, decide – decision, collide - collision, divide – division, extend – extension. Your child has received a copy of these spelling and they will be tested on Friday 7th February.
During PE this week pupils have continued to build on their skill development in rugby. This week pupils have been practicing how to beat an opponent using the side step. It was really great to see this applied into small sided games- and as a result some exciting tries were scored!
The timetable for PE sessions is as follows; 5/6M and 5/6MO PE sessions are on Monday afternoon and 5/6G PE sessions are on a Tuesday morning. The outdoor sessions will be held on a Thursday afternoon for all classes. Outdoor kit includes; a warm hooded top or jumper, warm jogging bottoms, a white t-shirt and outdoor trainers.
Please ensure that your child has the appropriate kit in school for each session. Thank you in advance.
This week, the children have been continuing to learn about E-Safety. They have begun to compile the images and text needed for their own promotional video to raise awareness of cyber bullying.
We took Science outside this week to observe the effects of mixing materials to create an irreversible change. Firstly, we mixed mints and cola, and then we mixed bicarbonate of soda and vinegar. Both of these experiments, while being very messy, created the gas C02!
This week the children have been creating their presentations for the topic of Ancient Greece. The children have done a superb job in bringing their ideas and research to life, either using a written, ICT or art focus.
Visit our blog:

Friday, 24 January 2014

Issue 18 2013-14

Newsletter Issue 18

Friday 24th January 2014

Dear Parent/Carer,
It’s been a very busy week with many great learning opportunities happening both in and out of school. I have had the pleasure of observing lessons in many classrooms and am as usual, very pleased and encouraged by the commitment, dedication and talent of all of our staff.

Young Voices
Well done to our amazing Choir for helping to raise the roof off Sheffield Arena on Wednesday night. It was a magnificent event which gave our children a fabulous opportunity to perform live to a huge audience of thousands. This event is I believe, one of the best in the area for children who are passionate about music and singing. It was a privilege to be part of it and I can’t wait for next year. Many thanks to our wonderful Miss Thackeray who organised and coordinated the event and to Mrs Comstive, Mrs Cookson and Miss Parker, who gave up their evenings to accompany the children and enable so many of our pupils to attend.

500 words competition
Mr Firth has kindly brought a competition to my attention that I think would be great for children from RH to enter. Chris Evan’s on the Radio 2 show has launched a competition whereby children under the age of 13 can enter a story they have written and the golden rule is that it must be no more than 500 words. We get many children bringing stories into school that they have written and this would be a fabulous way to submit these talented pieces in order to potentially gain some recognition. More information can be found at

BETT Show, London
Our excellence is reaching far and wide as Robin Hood venture down to the Bett Show in London today. As you are reading this, Miss Hinton, Miss Pyatt, Miss Thackeray and Miss Lambert will be researching ways to improve our ICT curriculum and use technology to enhance the children’s learning. The ladies will also be visiting the Naace stand to receive a certificate for the school’s ICT Mark Champion School award. If that wasn’t enough, they will also be delivering talks at the 2Simple stand to show visitors how to use the 2Buildaprofile app which we currently use in Reception and are trialling in Key Stages 1 and 2.

Miss Parker
Congratulations to Miss Parker, who has completed her Apprenticeship with us. I am delighted that she will now be joining our fabulous team of teaching assistants as a qualified member of staff. We have all been very impressed by Miss Parker’s energetic dedication in achieving her goals. She has built up wonderful relationships with staff, pupils and parents and I very much look forward to continuing to work with her.

PTA News
Posters will be going up shortly for the Valentines Disco.  The nursery, reception and KS1 disco is from 3:45 until 5:00 and the KS2 disco is from 5:15 until 7:00.  Invites have gone out this week.  Please could you return them with your name, class, carers name and contact number and your £1, in an envelope marked for the attention of the PTA.  If you could put the envelope in the silver box outside the office and the lovely ladies will ensure that we get them.  One other thing....of course the disco, like all our other events could not go ahead without the help of the wonderful parents, grandparents and carers, if you are able to help out at either or both of the discos please contact us at or alternatively speak to one of us before or after school.  We have already had some volunteers say they are able to help, but we do need some more. Thank you to those who have already volunteered their time.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

 Mrs Dale

Don’t forget!
Our next parents coffee morning will be on Monday 10th February 2014 between 9 am and 10 am with Miss Thackeray in Friendly Faces. You are invited to come along with positive suggestions which are relevant to the agendas that we set. Any other issues can come directly to me. It is important that we use the limited time that we have together to best effect. The agendas for next time will be:

·    Home learning- Do you think the children get too much/too little? Is it purposeful? Any ideas for improvement.

·    Holiday projects- what do you and your child think of them?

·    Just a question for discussion- what would we think of a shorter summer holiday but longer half terms?

If you cannot make it, we value your views so you can email me at
Nursery newsletter
Thank you to all our fabulous parents and carers who came to our Celebration Assemblies last week. It was so lovely to see how confident and happy the children were. Mrs Dale said how much she had enjoyed both assemblies! We are pleased to let you know that we have put the money raised at our Christmas shop to good use by booking a visit from the Zoo Academy. They will be visiting us on Friday the 7th of February and will bring with them lots of exciting rainforest animals, which will link in with our topic of Jungles for that week. Once again thank you so much for your support! We know the children will be thrilled with the experience and it will be a valuable learning opportunity for them.
We started off our week with tasty home-made bread which some of our children had made at home – this is a fantastic way for the children to get a real life understanding of their learning, so thank you for your support. The children continued to deepen their understanding of Farms and Farm animals and we have been sharing the story of ‘The Little Red Hen’. We used Pie Corbett to add actions to the story and the children have done really well with their retelling. We have also used our knowledge about the Little Red Hen to mix, knead, roll out and make our own bread rolls. Jill from Friendly Faces kindly baked them in the oven for us so we could then enjoy them with butter at our snack time – delicious!
Next Week we are learning all about Chinese New Year. On Wednesday (29th) and Friday (31st January) we will be holding our very own Chinese New Year celebrations, so for home learning this week please can the children bring in some Chinese food for our party on Friday? Please could your child also make a decoration for our new Chinese restaurant; all the children’s home learning will be used to decorate it so it will look fabulous.
If you would like to give your child a head start with their learning about Chinese New Year then there is some information about Chinese New Year on the activity village website At the bottom of the web page there are some links to different activities.
·    Please continue to read every day with your child and bring in book bags Mondays and Wednesdays so we can change their books.
·    Keep practising writing the first letter in your child’s name and beyond as soon as they are ready (all children were given a name book just before the Christmas break)
·    Please complete the home learning task with your child (see above) to give them a head start for our new learning next week
Thank you for your support. Have a great weekend!
Mrs Steel, Mrs Chin, Miss Fox and Mrs Beckwith.
Reception newsletter
We are pleased to report that we have put the money raised at our Christmas shop to good use by booking a visit from the Zoo Academy. The Zoo Academy will be visiting us on Friday the 7th of February and will bring with them lots of exciting rainforest animals, which will link in with our topic of jungles for that week. Once again thank you so much for your support! We know the children will be thrilled with the experience and it will be a valuable learning opportunity for them.
This week we have been learning about British wildlife and the children have really enjoyed thinking about the animals they might see if they went for a walk in a local wood or forest. We learnt about lots of animals in detail including a fox, badger and barn owl by watching lots of factual video clips about them. The literacy outcome this week was a fantastic fact file about the animals they had learnt about and they have been put in our library for the other children in school to enjoy. There have been lots of exciting activities taking place in our outside area this week with Mrs Friar! The children made exciting dens, houses for the animals, mud pies and magic fairy wands from the sticks Miss Pyatt had collected on her forest walk at the weekend. In numeracy the children have really understood doubling and enjoyed doubling the sweets they had on their plates. They have really got to grips with the numicon equipment that we have started to implement to help the children understand maths in more detail. This week the children learnt to read and write the Phase 3 sounds oa, oo, oo and ar and learnt to read the tricky words; out, when, what, one, there, were and little.
Next week will be all about Chinese New Year. On Monday our home corner will have been transformed into our very own Chinese restaurant where the children will be able to dress up, enjoy oriental cuisine and eat it with chopsticks. We will introduce the children to the topic of China by taking an aeroplane trip there and learning facts about the country. We will learn all about how people celebrate Chinese New Year and the story behind it. The children will get a chance to write their name in Chinese and will learn what Chinese year they were born in. In topic they will be making their very own papier-mâché lanterns and collaboratively we will make a large scale Chinese dragon. We will be holding a Chinese party on Friday (31st) and the children will get a chance to enjoy delicious Chinese food and perform a traditional dragon dance with the dragon we have made. In numeracy we will be learning about halving numbers. In phonics we will be learning the phase 3 sounds or, ur, ow and oi and writing the Phase 3 tricky words he, she, we, me, be and was.
Have a lovely weekend!
Miss Lambert, Miss Pyatt and the Reception team.
Key Stage 1
Home learning
For the next few weeks we will be extremely artistic in KS1. We will be learning different printing techniques and exploring with a range of materials. In preparation for our art extravaganza please can you do some leaf rubbings? See if you can make a picture. All you need to do is put a piece of paper on top of a leaf and colour it with a pencil, crayon or chalk.
Singing Superstars!
We have some budding performers in our midst! We would like to say a MASSIVE well done to Caiden, Ellis, Alyssa, Francesca, Adam, Ella, Kate, Cerys and Eleanor who performed with the rest of the school choir at the incredible Young Voices event. Young Voices is an organisation which arranges enormous concerts for school children to take part in. The children performed at Sheffield Arena alongside thousands of other choirs… they even supported some celebrity singers! This truly was a wonderful opportunity for the children and I know they all thoroughly enjoyed the experience. They have all shown such dedication by attending regular rehearsals and learning the words to a variety of songs from a range of genres. You should all be exceptionally proud of yourselves. Very well done indeed!
Arriving on a morning
Please can you make sure you arrive before 9am on a morning so your child is not marked as late in the register. The Year 1 and Year 2 doors need to close at 9am so that support assistants can return promptly to class for the start of the school day. If you arrive after that time, please make your way round to the school office to sign in there. This system is in place to ensure with absolute certainty that children who are in school are marked as present. The register is sent back to the office by the teacher as soon as the bell goes at 9 o’clock so Mrs Holland takes responsibility for marking in anyone who arrives after that time. We can’t open doors after 9am firstly because there is a risk children won’t be marked as present and also because we want to avoid disruption to lessons.
This week we have consolidated our knowledge of 2D and 3D shapes before moving on to look at symmetry. The children have been cutting and folding shapes to identify and draw lines of symmetry. After that we looked at reflective patterns, like the wings of a butterfly. Some children were carefully measuring shapes to accurately reflect them in a mirror line. Can your child find anything symmetrical around your house or out and about?
The star write challenge reflected some of the children’s most incredible writing so far! Their invitations to their favourite Mister Men were fantastically creative and well structured. Having spent two weeks practising skills, generating ideas and building sentences together, we passed control over to the children so they could apply all their new skills. They truly have blown us away with some of their incredible outcomes. Not only are they thinking really carefully about where full stops and capital letters go, they are applying conjunctions to extend, adjectives to describe and time connectives to order events. WOW! Keep your eyes peeled because you may very well be receiving an invitation of your own soon!
Our Geography learning this week progressed onto the subject of deforestation. The children were extremely interested in the causes and effects of deforestation and showed an incredible depth of understanding around this important topic. They produced some lovely writing outcomes outlining their thoughts on deforestation and also enjoyed finding out about endangered creatures. The next three weeks will be dedicated to Art. In a few weeks’ time we will be hosting an exhibition for you to view the children’s learning. More details to follow… We will also keep you well informed by putting lots of pictures of the children’s learning on the KS1 blog.
Have a lovely weekend.
The KS1 Team
Lower Key Stage 2 Newsletter
What an exciting week we’ve had in year 3/4! The children are thoroughly enjoying our World War Two topic so far and are using lots of their new found knowledge to write some extremely detailed war time diaries. We are really looking forward to sharing all of our fabulous learning about our new topic at our phase assembly on Friday 31st January at 2:30pm in the school hall.
This week in numeracy the children have been looking at measures of weight. We have been exploring the various intervals on a scale, reading scales to the nearest gram and kilogram, marking weights on a given scale and calculating weights on a scale using addition strategies. Next week we will be applying our problem solving skills to answer questions related to weight and mass. We will also be applying all of our measuring skill to bake some tasty treats on Thursday ready for our phase assembly on Friday.
This week in literacy, the children have been writing letters from the perspective of a mother living in the city in World War 2. They have written to their evacuated child telling them all about their new jobs in the factories, rationing and the many air raids. In order to empathise and draw on these women’s thoughts and feelings the children have been doing drama, making freeze-frames of different women’s jobs in WW2. We focussed on extending these thoughts and feelings into detailed compound sentences this week, ensuring that the children are using a variety of conjunctions to extend these ideas. Next week, we will be continuing to write our diary entries detailing many of the events encountered during the evacuation.
In our topic sessions this week, we have been looking at the ‘home front’ and what life was like for people living in the cities during World War Two. The children created their own ration book, including all of the food they would be allowed to buy in a week and used this to create a family meal. They have also researched all of the different jobs that women took on during the war and will be using this information during their literacy sessions to write letters to their evacuated children. Next week we will be looking at the Blitz and how it impacted upon the lives of people living in the city.
This week in science we have been finding out about electrical insulators and conductors. Next week we will be carrying out an investigation to find out what happens when we vary the number of components (resistors) within a circuit.
During our indoor PE unit, we have been practising our football skills, looking at how to dribble, pass and shoot the ball accurately. The children have been trying super hard to ensure they are keeping their heads up whilst running with the ball to ensure they are running into space. Next week we will start to play some mini matches against each other to put these skills to use. During our outdoor PE unit, we have continued to develop our ABCS multi-skills – Agility, Balance, Co-ordination and Speed.
Home Learning
As well as the children reading daily and practicing their weekly spellings, we would like everyone to be learning their Times Tables. We will now be testing the children weekly on a different times table as this will help us all greatly when solving multiplication and division problems. Links to any on line games to support your child with this will be on our phase blog. The times table we will be testing next week is the 5 Times Table. Keep an eye on the phase blog for the Times Table Wall of Fame. We would also like to say Thank You to all parents for supporting the children with their weekly home learning.
These Spellings will be tested on Monday 27th January.
Group 1: boat, coat, road, soap, book, bookcase, cook, could, would, should
Group 2: taught, caught, straight, weight, eight, tough, cough, rough, enough, through  
·     Please ensure your child has an art shirt in school at all times.
·    The current weather is very changeable and so we ask that your child brings a suitable coat to school every day.
·    Just a gentle reminder to ensure all of your child’s belongings (especially PE kits, hats and gloves and school jumpers) are clearly labelled with your child’s full name.
·    Children will be required to bring an outdoor PE kit (t-shirt, jumper, jogging bottoms, outdoor trainers) every Wednesday and an indoor PE kit (shorts and t-shirt) every Thursday.
·    Please make sure year 4’s have their swimming kit with them every Friday.
Don’t forget to check out our blog where you will find lots more information about this week’s learning as well as important reminders and dates for forthcoming event.
Have a lovely weekend!
Team 3/4
UKS2 Newsletter
News Roundup:
PE kit reminder:
Pupils are now enjoying 2 hours of PE in school lessons. The extra outdoor session has been fantastic for children to develop their fundamental movement skills, which are so vitally important at their age. It is therefore imperative that all children have both PE kits in school at the start of the week. The indoor kit consists of indoor trainers, black shorts and a white t-shirt. The outdoor kit includes; trainers, a hooded top or warm jumper and tracksuit bottoms. We would like to thank all pupils who have consistently remembered to bring the appropriate kit for these sessions.
Core Subjects:
This week in Numeracy the children have been learning how to find percentages of amounts, including increasing and decreasing amounts by 9%, 35%, 60% and 75% to find price increase and decreases of the toys from the Toy Story film! Next week, the children will be handling data, which will include reading and interpreting various graphs and databases, we will even be drawing our own graphs to illustrate results.
SPELLINGS: This week, the spellings are: piano, pianist, cycle, cyclist, floral, florist, art, artist, special, specialist, science, scientist, style, stylish, tickle, ticklish, Ireland, Irish, fool, foolish. Your child has received a copy of these spelling and they will be tested on Friday 31st January.
Next week pupils will be researching Alexander the Great in order to write their own biography. Pupils will identify the key features of a biography and apply their research to write their own biography introduction all about Alexander the Great.
In PE this week pupils have been continuing to develop their skills in rugby. This week pupils have focused on the backwards pass and have concentrated on the timing of their runs in small teams.
The timetable for PE sessions is as follows; 5/6M and 5/6MO PE sessions are on Monday afternoon and 5/6G PE sessions are on a Tuesday morning. The outdoor sessions will be held on a Thursday afternoon for all classes. Outdoor kit includes; a warm hooded top or jumper, warm jogging bottoms, a white t-shirt and outdoor trainers. The timetable is sometimes subject to change so it is important that PE kits are brought into school on Monday mornings.
This week, the children have been learning about E-Safety. They have been devising their own motto which represents each of the elements of being safe whilst using technology. They have also been evaluating the validity and effectiveness of various websites to see if they are fit for purpose and user-friendly!
In Science this week, the children have been learning about materials and their properties. We had a portion of ‘Alien Soup’ which contained lots of secret materials which the children had to extract using a different piece of apparatus and process, these included using magnets to extract paper clips, sieving to extract rice, filtration to extract sand and finally evaporation to extract salt from the water. We had loads of fun and learnt so much about the different processes involved when separating materials!
Each Year 5/6 class has been learning about a different aspect of Ancient Greek life this week. The children are now in small teams and have been busy gathering research which will form the basis of a presentation which they will continue to build next week.
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