Friday 7 March 2014

Issue 23 2013-14

Newsletter Issue 23

Friday 7th March 2014

Dear Parent/Carer,

Thank you
First of all I would like to thank everybody for their understanding and patience with some tricky staff management situations this week. With Miss Thackeray and Miss Lambert in Finland and Miss Pyatt involved in Jury service, not to mention some staff illness, we have had to be very efficient with our staffing. We insist on rigorous consistency in these situations and ensure that any changes do not affect the quality of teaching and learning or our systems.

Home School agreement
You will have received your Home School agreement booklet. By returning these, we are gaining confirmation that you are happy to work in partnership with us for the benefit of your child. It will give us new and updated contact details and clarify your wishes on the use of images and videos which may involve your child.

Fractions workshop
As part of our continuing partnership with parents, Miss Thackeray and Miss Gascoigne will be delivering a further Numeracy workshop to demonstrate how we teach fractions to Key Stage 2. This will take place on Monday 10th March from 4:30- 5:15. All welcome!

Sport Relief Day
March 21st is SPORT RELIEF DAY! We are going all out on the physical activities this day so the children will need to wear a red top (in keeping with the theme), sport clothes and trainers. We are asking for a £1 optional donation to support the British Heart Foundation. There will also be Sport Relief wrist bands that the children can buy if they want to but this is purely optional.

Due to Sport Relief, the Upper Key Stage 2 assembly has been rescheduled for Friday 25th April. Apologies for any inconvenience.

Reminder of training day
Please be reminded that next Friday (14th March) is a staff training day so school will be closed to the children.

PTA News

After last Friday's EGM Kay Millson was appointed as Chair of the PTA after Clare Perry stepped down. I'm sure you will all agree that Clare has done a fabulous job over the past year and a half and the PTA has raised a fantastic amount of money for the benefit of our children during that time.  More from Kay will follow.....  Bags to school will be collecting at 9am next Tuesday morning.  As the bags cannot be stored in school, if you are having trouble dropping them off before 9am on Tuesday please contact us via and Kay has very kindly offered to collect your bags and deliver them to school.

I would like to personally extend my sincere thanks to Clare Perry who effectively re-established our PTA after a period of disintegration and offer my congratulations to Kay Millson, who I know will continue to drive the marvellous work of our PTA. Without the support of so many of you, our great events simply could not take place so thanks everyone and I look forward to this new phase.

Have a great weekend everybody.

Mrs Dale

Don’t forget! Next Coffee Morning
The next Coffee Morning will take place on Monday 17th March at 9 a.m. - 10 a.m. The agendas for discussion will be:

·         How could we improve our school environment?

·         What could make playtimes better/more enjoyable?

·         How well are the children looked after in school?

I look forward to hearing both parent and pupil views on this one.
If you are unable to attend but would like your views to be known, as usual you may email me:

Nursery newsletter

Thank you for all your fabulous home learning and the brilliant amount of reading you are doing at home with your child. We are delighted to see the children’s enthusiasm for sharing stories and have been really impressed with their verbal retelling over the last couple of weeks of traditional tales. Don’t forget to check on our blog to see what we have been doing in Nursery and Reception this week!
We are sharing the story of The Three Little Pigs (my favourite tale) and encouraging the children to develop their sequencing and storytelling language using puppets, props, books and audio CDs. The children are becoming much more confident at talking about the characters and settings and we love the way they are acting out the stories using fabulous voices for the characters! In Numeracy we have been continuing learning about division and have had races in the outdoor area deciding who has come first, second and third. Ask your child if they can tell you about ordinal numbers at home – but beware as you might have to do some running!

Next week we will be sharing the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears and continuing to develop our storytelling skills; using the correct phrasing for the opening and closing of the story, talking about characters and settings and developing our acting skills. The children will be discussing their ideas about Goldilocks and her actions and even making a ‘wanted’ poster to display on the window. In numeracy the children will be practising ordering by size and talking about all the different words we can besides small, middle sized and big. For home learning this week can you watch/read the story of Goldilocks and make us a Goldilocks to display in our forest.  OR
PLEASE NOTE the following diary dates: Nursery will be CLOSED on Wednesday 2nd July 2014


·        Keep reading for 5 minutes every day if you possibly can.

·        Keep practising writing the first letter in your child’s name and beyond as soon as they are ready (some children are now writing their first name independently – which is amazing!)

·        Please complete the home learning task with your child (see above) and bring it in on their first day back.
Thank you for your continued support and enjoy your weekend – let’s hope the suns shines!

Mrs Steel, Mrs Chin, Miss Fox and Mrs Beckwith.
Reception newsletter
Thank you for all your fabulous home learning and the brilliant amount of reading you are doing at home with your child. We are delighted to see the children’s enthusiasm for reading stories and have been really impressed with their verbal retelling over the last couple of weeks of traditional tales. Don’t forget to check on our blog to see what we have been doing in Nursery and Reception this week!
We are sharing the story of The Three Little Pigs and encouraging the children to develop their sequencing and storytelling language using puppets, props, books and audio CDs. The children are becoming much more confident at talking about the characters and settings and we love the way they are acting out the stories using fabulous voices for the characters! In Numeracy we have been continuing learning about division and the children have been amazing at writing the division number sentences as well as working out the answers to division number sentences. The children were amazing at counting in 2’s, ask them to show you their amazing counting skills, but beware you may be blown away! In phonics we learnt to read the sounds; oo (look), oo (moon), ar (car) and to read the words; about, your, day, made, came and make.
Next week we will be sharing the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears and continuing to develop our storytelling skills; using the correct phrasing for the opening and closing of the story, talking about characters and settings and developing our acting skills. The children will be discussing their ideas about Goldilocks and her actions and even making a ‘wanted’ poster to display on the window. In numeracy the children will be practising ordering by size and talking about all the different words we can use besides small, middle sized and big. Our mental starter will be counting in 5’s this week. In topic we will be making 3 different porridges for the three bears. The children will use different ingredients and then discuss the consistency and how the different porridges taste. They will also be pretending that they are Goldilocks and will make and write a sorry card to The Three Bears to apologise. In phonics we will be learning to read the sounds; or (corn), ur (turn), ow (cow), oi (coin) and to read the words; here, saw, very and put.
·        Keep reading for 5 minutes every day and don’t forget to access bug club too.
·        Please support your child in writing their full name.
·        Please help your child count to as far as 100 if they can and write their numbers to 20.
Thank you for your continued support and enjoy your weekend – let’s hope the suns shines!
Miss Lambert, Miss Pyatt and the rest of the Reception team.
Key Stage 1
Home learning
We hope you all received and digested the new Home Learning policy. Our new, simplified approach ensures that we can focus on the key areas of spelling, reading and number facts. Your time at home will be best spent helping your child to become confident in these areas. The compulsory weekly home learning is as follows:
·         10 spellings 5 mins x 3 times/week
·         Rapid recall of number facts 5 mins x 3 times/week
·         Reading/Bug Club 10 mins x3 times/week
Please make a brief record of the learning you do together in your child’s reading record. To support our learning around multiplication, please can you practise the 10, 5 and 2 times table with your child (the times tables get progressively harder in that order – so if you only manage 10s that’s absolutely fine). If your child is already confident with these times tables, please move onto 3s and 4s.
Water bottles
Please can we ask that your child brings a water bottle into class every day. It is so important that the children drink regularly, particularly now that the weather is getting warmer. This is in addition to any drink your child might bring for lunch time. We will remind the children to take their water bottles home at the end of the day.
Reading Focus Day
Thank you very much for your support with Reading Focus Day this week. The children looked amazing in their costumes. We used the story of Cinderella to explore the theme of bullying. The day was jam packed with lots of different drama activities to help the children empathise and see things from someone else’s point of view. The children were excellent at reflecting and considering the feelings of others. It was very interesting to see how deep you can delve into what appears on the surface to be a very simple story.
Our two week unit on the Great Fire of London culminated in a big write in the style of a diary. The children stepped back in time to imagine they were actually there when the great fire happened. The children explored feelings and emotions through lots of drama activities. This enabled them to actually experience life in someone else’s shoes and worked well to improve the quality of the children’s writing. Our focus has been around choosing interesting, powerful verbs, adverbs and in some cases even similes! Once again, the children have blown us away with their unbelievable learning.  Next week we will continue our focus on recounts by writing some informative pieces about protecting ourselves from the spreading of germs!.. Lovely! We’ll be looking into the use of more interesting time connectives to make our writing appeal to the reader and flow. For example, instead of simply saying ‘next’, ‘after’, ‘then’, ‘first,’ – try to add more detail with phrases like, ‘at that very moment…’ or ‘a few moments later’.
This week we continued learning about division. The children have used physical resources, drawings and metal strategies to solve a variety of division problems. The children have explored the methods of ‘grouping’ and ‘sharing’ to find answers to problems, investigated to make up their own sums and started to use multiplication as the inverse of division to quickly work out answers. Next week we will move into multiplication – starting initially by explaining multiplication as repeated addition (5 x 3 is the same as 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3). We will then move into using arrays. This simply means representing multiplication with pictures – such as showing 5 groups of 3 apples to represent 5 x 3. The next step from this will be to multiply two digit numbers by one digit numbers then applying methods by tackling worded problems.
This week has been spent exploring how germs spread and learning how to prevent the spread of infection. The children thoroughly enjoyed using UV light boxes to see the germs on their hands. It was interesting to see how thoroughly hands need to be washed in order to get rid of all the germs! Next week we will be starting our Geography unit learning all about the many famous landmarks in London.
Have a lovely weekend.
The KS1 Team
Lower Key Stage 2 Newsletter
What an exciting week we have had in 3/4 this week! It was fantastic to see the children dressed as their favourite characters on World Book Day – and what a selection it was! We had great fun looking more closely at the story of Cinderella, making character profiles and of course doing lots of reading! Aside from this, we have learnt about and made a salt dough model of the Loch Ness Monster and started an investigation in science to find out what will happen to plants if they don’t have everything they need to grow. Next Friday 14th March is a staff training day, so please remember there is no school for the children!
Home Learning
For home learning all we ask is that children are reading daily, practising their spellings and learning their times tables. The children should be able to recall their times tables quickly and out of sequence to ensure that they are embedded in their memory! Any pockets of time could be used for this, such as car journeys or waiting in a queue. The times tables we will be testing next week is the 10 Times Tables. Don’t forget that those who are achieving 12 out of 12 are celebrated on our blog ‘Wall of Fame’ on a weekly basis.
This week the children have been practising their multiplication skills through use of the grid method. We have been partitioning numbers before multiplying a variety of 1, 2, 3 and 4 digit numbers and using column addition to find the final answer.  We then applied these skills and completed some questions that are worded in a similar way to the assessments. We were confident using the grid method, however some stumbled when the sum required a times table they weren’t confident with. Next week we will be looking closely at the use of the bus stop method for division, examples of which can be found on our phase blog.  If you would like some support on helping your child at home with fractions, (which we will be covering in two weeks’ time) Miss Thackeray and Miss Gascoigne will be holding a parent workshop on Monday 10th March. If you are unable to attend, hand-outs are available to download via the school website.
This week in literacy, the children have continued to explore journalistic writing. We have been recapping the structure of a news report and using a report to answer some questions about the mystery of the Loch Ness Monster. This week, the children have written their own news article about the moment our old head teacher, Mr Wilson, caught sight of the mysterious creature on a family trip to Scotland. Next week we will be looking to the skies to write another newspaper article to inform our readers about a UFO sighting- the truth is out there!
These Spellings will be tested on Monday 10th March.
Group 1: many, very, house, three, tree, sister, brother, another, please, come.
Group 2: loose, loosen, simple, simplify, pure, purify, class, classify, solid, solidify.
This term we are delving into the world of mysterious and curious phenomena. This week we have written a fact file about the mysterious creature that is the Loch Ness Monster and have made a 3D model out of salt dough, showing what we think the ‘Nessie’ looks like. Next week we will be searching the skies as we discuss UFO sightings! Have you or anyone you know seen a UFO?
This week we continued our topic all about plants. We reminded ourselves about what a plant needs to live and grow; light, warmth, water and nutrients. We have set up investigations to see what will happen to the cress if we change the variables. Next week we will be discovering how water is transported through plants and we will also be checking in on our cress investigations and recording any changes.
We continued to learn about the Easter story this week, focussing on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday. We talked of Jesus’ crucifixion and His resurrection and what these actions meant to Christians and His followers. We will continue to study the story over the next few weeks on the lead up to this year’s Easter service on Friday 4th April at 10:00 a.m. at Lofthouse church, which Year 3/4 will be hosting. We look forward to seeing you there.
·     Next Friday 14th March is a Staff Training Day so there is no school for the children.
·    Year 3/4 will be hosting this year’s Easter service on Friday 4th April at 10:00 a.m. at Lofthouse church therefore there will be no showcase assembly this half term.
·    Please ensure your child has an art shirt in school at all times.
·    The current weather is very changeable and so we ask that your child brings a suitable coat to school every day.
·    Please ensure all of your child’s belongings (especially PE kits, hats and gloves and school jumpers) are clearly labelled with your child’s full name.
·    Remember the children have two PE units a week now, one indoor and one outdoor so please ensure they are bringing the correct kit each week.
Don’t forget to check out our blog where you will find lots more information about this week’s learning as well as important reminders and dates for forthcoming events.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Team 3/4
UKS2 Newsletter
News Roundup:
We would like to congratulate all of year 5/6 for being a credit to the school. Our trip to Wagamama last week was a great success. Pupils learnt a great deal from the trip and enjoyed tasting Japanese foods, experimenting making smoothies and even tried their hand at using chop sticks! We were particularly impressed with the level of food knowledge that our children already have! Some future master chef stars are inevitable!
Friday Celebration Assemblies:
A date for your diary, our next phase assembly will on Friday 25th April.  We look forward to seeing you there to show off the amazing learning from this half term.
Year 6 Numeracy Book
The children in Year 6 have been given a ‘study guide’ and a ‘question book’ to work through ahead of the SAT’s. Last week in Numeracy the children learnt about angles and coordinates.  In order to develop their understanding, children can complete pages: 27- 28 on angles and then page 35 on coordinates. 
This week we have been learning about symmetry (p33), reflection (p34) and rotation (p36).  If your child would like to complete these pages at home and bring the book back into school they will be rewarded for their hard work.
Although completing the pages is not compulsory, we do want to reward your child’s effort.  You can support your child by marking the questions; you will find the answers in the back of the book.  Alternatively, your child can mark their own learning and make any amendments to their answers in pen so we can see the changes made.  Your child can also bring the ‘study guide’ book into school each day and even use it to support them in their Numeracy session.
Child Line
Year 5/6 will be having a visit from ‘The Child Line Team’ on Wednesday 12th March and Wednesday 19th March during the afternoon. Your child will have brought a letter home regarding this, if you have any concerns over this, please contact either Mrs Wathen or Mrs Cookson.
Core Subjects:
This week in Numeracy the children have been learning how to reflect, translate and rotate shapes, using the co—ordinates to help them with accuracy. Next week, the children will be learning about measures, including length, mass and capacity!
For further support and quizzes on this week’s Numeracy focus, visit the KS2 bite size website which is full of amazing resources and further explanations:
This week pupils have learnt the key features of a formal letter of thanks. We have compared informal and formal letter writing styles and generated ideas around our trip to Wagamama. Pupils have then written an opening to their letter.
Next week pupils will continue to write their letters of thanks. Pupils will be grouping their ideas into paragraphs which focus on their favourite activities during the trip. Sessions will provide emphasis on the use of formal language and pupils’ thoughts, feelings and emotions.  
SPELLINGS: This week, the spellings are: catch - caught, hear - heard, find - found, fight - fought, choose - chose, bring - brought, see - saw, creep - crept, wear - wore, shake - shook.
Other areas of the curriculum:
PE: This week pupils have learnt a side break fall (Yoko ukemi). In addition pupils have also learnt a second throw (Tiatoshi). All pupils have enjoyed combining these fantastic new moves and have also recapped on the previous weeks learning.
Spanish: This week in Spanish the children have been learning the Spanish vocabulary for objects related to the seaside.  So far the children have learnt how to pronounce: en la playa (at the beach), las aletas (flippers), el alga (seaweed), la arena (sand), el traje de bano (swimsuit), la crema bronceadora (sun cream).  If your child would like to learn additional Spanish at home, the following website will help with their pronunciation:

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