Friday, 25 April 2014

Issue 28 2013-14

Dear Parent/Carer,
I hope you had a wonderful Easter break. I was fortunate enough to visit the beautiful nation of South Africa, where I enjoyed experiencing firsthand some of the wonderful history linked to the country, including visits associated with the great Nelson Mandela; a figure whose impact on the world is shared often with the children of Robin Hood Primary School. This takes me seamlessly into my first item…

Celebrate Mandela across Leeds
If you are thinking of something to do with your children this weekend, Leeds City Council is hosting a week of celebration of the values of Nelson Mandela’s phenomenal achievements. Events for the young and old will be held in communities across Leeds, including performances of the traditional African Gumboot Dances in Headingley on Saturday and Mandela portrait graffiti art at Trinity Shopping Centre on Sunday. For more information visit

Late arrivals in school
Through our rigorous monitoring systems, we have noticed that there are an increasing number of late arrivals into school. I must clearly stress how important it is to get your children into school before the bell goes. Lessons start promptly and due to the pace of learning, missing even a few minutes of lessons can be detrimental to the children’s understanding. This also leaves many children feeling uncomfortable entering the class after everybody else. Thank you for your cooperation.

Some lovely news
I am delighted to inform you that Miss Thackeray and her fiancé, Mike, are expecting a baby in the Autumn term. I am sure you will all join me in congratulating Miss Thackeray on this lovely news.

Whole School Celebration Friday
The date for this half term’s Celebration Friday will be Friday 16th May. You will be welcome to come into school and view your child’s learning from the half term between 3:15 pm- 3:45 pm.

Phase Celebration Assemblies

A quick reminder that the phase assemblies this half term will run as follows:

Friday 25th April- Upper Key Stage 2

Wednesday 30th April - Nursery (1) Friday 2nd May – Nursery (2)

Friday 9th May- Reception

Friday 16th May – Key Stage 1

Friday 23rd May- Lower Key Stage 2

The assemblies for Summer 2 will be announced on next week’s newsletter, along with other key summer dates.

PTA News
We hope you all had a lovely break and enjoyed the sunny weather we had.  This week has seen the arrival of the sports bibs, so whether your child is in the red, blue, green or yellow house there will be no headache trying to find the appropriate coloured t-shirt come sports day in the summer.  We are meeting with Mrs Dale next week so we can book some dates in the diary for the up and coming exciting events we would like to hold.  If anyone has any ideas for events or ways to spend the PTA funds that have been raised then please contact us at  Please also use this email if you think you may be able to help in any way to raise funds for your children.  If you are unable to help out on the event days we do require help with ringing around for donations from local companies.

Have a great weekend.

Mrs Dale

Don’t forget:
The next parent coffee morning will take place on Monday 19th May with Miss Thackeray in Friendly Faces. The agendas for discussion will be:

·    Website and blogs- how well used are they? How could we make them more engaging/useful for your children?

·    How do you rate our improved parental engagement this year?

      If you are unable to come, please do not hesitate to share your views with me at

Nursery newsletter
Welcome back to our new term at Nursery. We hope you have all had a wonderful Easter break – it has been lovely to see the children coming back enthused and excited about their learning! Please keep looking on our blog for the latest information and to see what has been happening in Nursery at

Our classroom has been transformed into a Pirate world with treasure, sand, water and a Pirate ship! We have been dressing up as a Pirate and will continue to dress up next week too – so please dig out your stripy t-shirts and jeans. We have been finding out what the children know about Pirates and there are some super quotes from the children on the blog. We have also been learning the song ‘Portside Pirates’ ahead of our assembly next week.
We will continue to learn about Pirates; we will be sharing some Pirate stories and thinking about what it would have been like to be a Pirate in the past. We will be hosting the celebration assemblies next week on Wednesday at 11.00 and Friday at 2.30 and would love you to join us. For home learning please can you make us a flag, treasure chest or other pirate object to put on our display in the class room and ahead of the assembly could you please practice the song ‘Portside Pirates’ (it is quite long so please could you focus on the chorus) which is on line at:

PLEASE NOTE the following diary dates:
Nursery will be CLOSED on Wednesday 2nd July 2014


·       Please complete the home learning task with your child (see above) and bring it in on their first day back.

·       Keep practising writing names (first and then second) and encourage your child to read to you for five minutes every day.
Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Steel, Mrs Chin, Miss Fox and Mrs Beckwith.
Reception newsletter
Welcome back to our new term at Reception. We hope you have all had a wonderful Easter break. It has been lovely to see the children coming back enthused and excited about their learning! They looked fabulous dressed up as pirates and the fact they were dressed up as pirates really made their learning come to life. Please keep looking on our blog for the latest information and to see what has been happening in Reception at
Shiver me timbers! Our classroom has been transformed into a Pirate world with treasure, sand, water and a Pirate ship! We have been dressing up as a Pirate and will continue to dress up next week too – so please dig out your stripy t shirts and jeans. We have been finding out what the children know about Pirates and we have learnt all about the scariest pirate in history Blackbeard. Those terrible pirates of the sea even kidnapped Geraldine the Giraffe this week so on our quest to rescue her we made some fabulous treasure maps, made ourselves a pirate passport and described the dazzling treasure we found on our voyage using amazing adjectives. In topic we made some fantastic maps of the playground which we then tea stained to make them look like authentic treasure maps. In numeracy we have been focussing on ordering and recognising numbers to 20 and quick-fire maths asking the children to tell us what one more and one less of given numbers were, first to 10 then 20.
Next week the children will become authors and they will write their very own pirate story using time connectives e.g. first, then, next etc. In topic the children will be making a boat for their pirates. They will be testing lots of different materials to see which materials sink and which materials float. They will use the materials which float to construct a pirate ship. Good luck me hearties! In numeracy we will be focussing on single digit subtraction and addition problems using the counting on and the counting back method. In phonics we will be learning the alternative long a sounds; Mr End ay (play) and the split digraph a_e (make) and we will be learning to read the words; about, your, day, make, came and made.
PLEASE NOTE the following diary dates:
Our next class assembly will be on Friday the 9th of May at 2.30pm in the hall. We look forward to seeing you all there.
·         Please engage with the home learning and the learning logs.
·         Please read for 5 minutes daily and help your child learn their spellings.
·         Please send in any spare shoe boxes you have and plastic bottles to help support our pirate role play.
Thank you for your continued support.
Miss Lambert, Miss Pyatt and the Reception Team
Key Stage 1
Home Learning:
Please continue to support your child in reading, learning their spellings and counting.
For mental maths you can continue to support your child in learning the following number facts.
Times tables – X2, X5 and X10
Division facts – by 2 , by 5 and by 10
Any other practice of number facts such as 3s, 4’s, 6s, 7s even 8s and 9s will help your child in all of their Numeracy.
You can do this through using counters/objects, through rote counting (counting in 2’s, 5’s or 10s from a given number) or simply writing down a number sentence and your child using their fingers or doing this mentally in their heads to work this out.
Welcome back
The Key Stage One team hope you have had an enjoyable and relaxed half term. We can’t actually believe the summer term is here already! How quickly this year has gone. It only seems like yesterday we were welcoming in all of your fantastic children in to their new classrooms! The children have lots to look forward to and we know they will enjoy all of the fun things that we have planned!
This week the children have begun their new unit of learning all about Disney. The children found it fascinating watching the following clip which shows the first recorded sound to the first recorded moving picture. We have then looked at what Disney films look like now and how they are made. How fast technology changes! They have found it so much fun making their own slap stick comedy movies and we hope to show some of these in our up and coming Key Stage One Assembly.
A plea for newspaper
Next week the children will begin to make their favourite Disney character out of modroc and for this fun task we need LOTS of newspaper! If you have any spare or are planning on throwing any away please can you send this in to school with your child. We will be doing this from Monday for the next two weeks and any newspaper would be greatly received. We thank you in advance for your help in this!
This week the children have started a story writing unit. The children have spent the week exploring different characters in Disney films. These have included Woody and Buzz Lightyear, Alice from Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan, Tinkerbell and Snow White to name a few! The children have been learning about character types (heroes, heroines and villains). They have also been learning about the difference of a character on the outside to the inside. So a character may look beautiful and pretty on the outside but this may not be the case on the inside! They could be nasty and jealous! Please feel free to discuss different types of characters with your child at home.
This week each class has started learning about a different type of measure. Year One have started learning about weight, Year One/Two about capacity and Year Two about length. Across the half term all classes will learn about each of these types of measurement. The children have been learning the different types of measurements (grams, kilograms, millilitres, litres, millimetres, centimetres and kilometres. They will learn how to read different scales of these types of measurement (weighing scales, liquid containers and rulers). Where possible you could use this language at home.
Bug Club
We know that many of the children enjoy accessing using this facility at home on the computer. Each teacher has updated their classes Bug Club so you may find some new books on your child’s own log in to read at home. If you are unsure of your child’s password please ask a class teacher and we can provide this for you.
Have a lovely weekend.
The Key Stage One Team
Lower Key Stage 2 Newsletter
What a fantastic week we have had this week in year 3/4. The children have all returned after the Easter break with enthusiasm and excitement as we embark on another fun-packed half term. We hope to share many of our outcomes at the end of the half term at our Showcase Assembly on Friday 23rd May at 2.30pm.
Thank you to all parents and carers who attended our residential meeting on Wednesday evening. The meeting was arranged to answer any final questions that parents, carers and children may have about the trip. Kit lists and further information are available on our blog but if you do have any further questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch. Could we please remind all parents to ensure any medication is clearly labelled with your child’s name and any relevant details to ensure they are administered correctly?
Home Learning
Once again, we have been inundated with learning logs from the Easter holidays. It has been wonderful to see so many children taking a lead in their own learning and completing such a variety of tasks during their own time. Many examples of these fantastic outcomes will be shared on our blog as well as at our Showcase Assembly at the end of the half term.  Just a gentle reminder that we are no longer sending home photocopied resources for home learning. We have saved many resources onto the phase blog for you to download at home along with links to games and activities that we have been using in class. There are also paper copies of resources from in class often available daily for the children to take home. We would also like the children to continue to read daily and ensure they are recording this in their reading records so we can reward their efforts with stickers! In addition to this, the children should be practising and learning their spellings and Times Tables as this was the key skill that has let many children down when trying to calculate multiplications, divisions and fractions this half term. The times table we will be testing next week is the 4 Times Table. We are really impressed with the children’s continued effort with learning their times tables and all the children who are getting 12 out of 12 are celebrated on our  blog ‘Wall of Fame’ on a weekly basis.
This week the children have been delving into the world of 2D shapes. They have been identifying common properties (vertices, angles, sides, lines of symmetry and right-angles) as well as learning the correct mathematical terms for regular and irregular shapes. Next week we will be turning our attention to the properties of 3D shapes.
This week in literacy we have begun the very exciting unit on narrative. The children have been looking closely at how to use speech marks correctly as well as how to use well-chosen adjectives to enhance the detail and description in an opening paragraph. Next week we will be continuing our story-writing and looking closely at how to use adverbs to add to the fabulous description.
These Spellings will be tested on Monday 28th April.
Group 1: their, there, people, can’t, don’t, didn’t, couldn’t, wouldn’t, hasn’t, hadn’t
Group 2: circuit, certain, century, ocean, city, circle, receive, special, except, ancient
This week we have begun our very interesting unit titled ‘Where We Live’. The children have been using maps of the UK to locate Leeds and its surrounding cities, rivers, mountain ranges and railways. Next week we will be taking a closer look at some of the more iconic buildings and landmarks in and around the bustling city.
In science this week the children have been investigating forces. They have identified a number of forces that require contact between 2 surfaces (push, pull, twist, squeeze, etc.) and have learnt about friction. Next week we will be carrying out an investigation into which surfaces create the most/least friction.
This week in PE we have begun to learn our section of this year’s BIG DANCE routine. The children have really enjoyed learning the steps and moves and will contribute to a whole school performance at the end of the half term in the hope of breaking a world record.
·    Year 4 residential – Wednesday 7th May- Friday 9th May. Please can all children who are going on this trip be in school by 8.45am on the Wednesday morning?
·    Showcase Assembly on Friday 23rd May at 2.30pm
·    The current weather is very changeable and so we ask that your child brings a suitable coat to school every day.
·    Please ensure all of your child’s belongings (especially PE kits, hats and school jumpers) are clearly labelled with your child’s full name.
·    Remember the children have two PE units a week now, one indoor and one outdoor so please ensure they are bringing the correct kit each week.
·     As the weather is getting warmer, can all children please be provided with a named water bottle, especially on PE days?
Don’t forget to check out our blog where you will find lots more information about this week’s learning as well as important reminders and dates for forthcoming events.
Have a fabulous weekend!
Team 3/4
UKS2 Newsletter
News Roundup:
Friday Celebration Assembly:
Thank you to all the parent/cares who attended our Celebration Assembly today, we are sure you will agree the children completed some amazing tasks last half term; from their Japanese artwork to learning some Judo moves.  Well done to all children in Year 5/6 for continuing to work hard.
Year 6 Numeracy Book
The children in Year 6 have been given a ‘Study Guide’ and a ‘Question Book’ to work through ahead of the SAT’s.  This is a resource the school have paid for as we feel it will be beneficial for the children to continue to practise and reinforce their learning at home.  We ask for your support in encouraging your child to complete a page or two on a regular basis and send it back into school.  For each 5 pages completed your child will receive a Headteacher sticker.
Year 6 SAT’s
The Year 6’s will be completing their SAT’s in three weeks, the week commencing Monday 12th May.
As we have the privilege of having two additional qualified teachers we have decided to split the Year 5’s and 6’s for the next three weeks.  The luxury of this is all children will be in a smaller class than they would be normally.  All children will be covering the same learning but they will just be working in a smaller group, this will therefore mean more 1:1 time with the adult in the class.     
Core Subjects:
This week in Numeracy the children have been recapping some taught strategies from across the year.  This week the children have been looking at measure (Length, Mass and Capacity).  They have been discussing the language used and converting numbers into different units of measure; for example 1000g = 1 kg, 100cm – 1 metre.
The children have also looked at time, telling the time, both on digital and analogue clocks.  They have then been using this knowledge to complete word problems.
This week in Literacy the children have been discussing a controversial question: ‘Is modern technology affecting the sleep patterns of young people?’  This has led to interesting conversations about modern technology and if this does affect young people’s sleep patterns and  social skills.    
SPELLINGS: This week, the spellings are: stapled, enough, umbrella, released, familiar, surprised, mattered, disruptive, physically 
Other areas of the curriculum:
PE: This half term the children will be learning the routine to ‘The Big Dance Pledge’ which is a chance to learn a dance routine with the rest of the world!  If your child wants to continue to learn the dance at home they can use the following website:
Please ensure your child brings in their PE kit on a Monday for 5/6G and 5/6M, Tuesday for 5/6H and outdoor PE continues to be on a Thursday.  Due to the weather becoming warmer, we would highly recommend the children bring in a water bottle in order to rehydrate themselves. 
Spanish: This half term the children will continue to learn the Spanish vocabulary for objects related to the seaside.  They will be creating a picture which will include a number of the vocabulary to describe the images.  A number of children have been using the Spanish dictionaries to find different Spanish words which they want to include within their picture.  If your child would like to learn additional Spanish as home, the following website will help with their pronunciation:

Friday, 4 April 2014

Isuue 27 2013-14

Newsletter Issue 27

Friday 4th April 2014

Dear Parent/Carer,

Today marks the end of another successful term. We have had a very exciting week with chicks hatching in Reception and this morning, a fabulous Easter service led by Lower Key Stage 2 at the church. Thanks to everyone once again who was able to come along and support us; a lovely, uplifting way to end our Spring Term.

Team Point winners
This week, not only did our pupils all enjoy a delivery from our Easter bunnies, aka Kay, Stephanie and Emma (thank you ladies!)  but the Yellow house team enjoyed an additional treat for being the house team winners for this half term. Mr Truffles the magician gave an awesome show with very positive feedback from the children.

Mr Malley
Many of you will know that Mr Malley suffered a serious leg injury at the weekend. Unfortunately his leg was broken in two places during a football match. It is unknown just how long Mr Malley will be absent from school but we wish him all the very best for a speedy recovery. Thankfully this week, we welcome back Miss Darroch, one of our most talented and experienced teachers, from her maternity leave. Miss Darroch will lead the learning in Mr Malley’s class in his absence during the morning lessons and afternoons will be covered by mostly myself and Miss Hinton. Although not under the best circumstances, I look forward to getting into class and doing what I love best!

Please ensure that you close the gates behind you when entering the playground and Nursery. It has been brought to my attention that they are being left open on occasion and I must stress that security and the safety of our pupils is of prime importance. Thank you.

Universal Free School Meals
You may have gathered from news reports recently, that all children up to the age of 7 (not including Nursery) will be eligible to take up a school meal each day without charge. This is a government initiative designed to help parents towards the cost of school dinners and to ensure that all children have a healthy and filling meal each day to optimise learning. The implementation of this will have huge implications for the design of our lunchtimes and how we will work this into the school day. I will keep you informed as plans unfold and more information is available.

Friendly Faces
Please ensure that if your child attends our Friendly Faces before or after school care that Jill Grenfell is informed of the following; when a child has taken up or left a school after school club, when a child is ill, absent from school or going to a friend’s house and therefore not accessing the provision one day. This way, Jill can be certain of the whereabouts of all children in the setting and time can be saved looking for them. She can be reached via text or email. Thanks.

PTA News

We hope you all enjoyed the Easter Eggs that were handed out on Wednesday (all the children must have been very good for the Easter Bunny to make a very early delivery!).  A huge thank you to Mick Carr (one of our Reception children’s Dads) and Tesco for their assistance with obtaining and delivering the eggs, it was very much appreciated.  It was lovely to see all the children’s faces on receiving the eggs and also it was a pleasure to hear all the “thank you’s” we received, we certainly do have very polite children at Robin Hood.  Of course none of this would be possible without the commitment and support from all our parents, carers and teachers. Should anyone wish to help the PTA with fundraising, a little or a lot, please contact us on or alternatively speak to one of us at school drop off and pick up time.  Lastly we hope you have a very happy holiday and we will be in touch with how you can all help us in the future.

Have an absolutely BRILLIANT Easter break.

Mrs Dale

Don’t forget:
The next parent coffee morning will take place on Monday 19th May with Miss Thackeray in Friendly Faces. The agendas for discussion will be:

·    Website and blogs- how well used are they? How could we make them more engaging/useful for your children?

·    How do you rate our improved parental engagement this year?

      If you are unable to come, please do not hesitate to share your views with me  at

Nursery newsletter

Thank you for all your amazing home learning! Our Easter hats look amazing and we can’t believe how creative you all are! Hopefully they will have survived the assemblies and come home safely! Please keep looking on our blog for the latest information and to see what has been happening in Nursery at

We have been learning about the Easter story as well as preparing for our super assemblies, making Easter cards; practising the ‘Big Dance’ and taking part in an egg hunt in the nursery garden – phew! We have also assessed every child and sent home their current levels in reading, writing, numeracy and phonics along with some next step targets. All books have been changed too and children now have their next level books. We hope that you will be as proud as we are of their fabulous achievements.

After the holidays we return to school on Tuesday 22nd April. For the first two weeks we will be learning all about pirates. So that the children enjoy a deep immersive learning experience we will all be dressing up as pirates (yes even the teachers!) for the first two weeks of next half term.

 To support your child’s learning, please can you:

·         Continue to practice writing your child’s first name (and surname once they have mastered this)

·         Practice counting, reading, ordering and writing numbers to 10

·         Try to encourage your child to read to you for about five minutes each day

·         Make a badge with a pirate name for your child to wear – it should use alliteration so for example they could be Jolly Jake or Tilli the Terrible (we will be using these in our week 1 learning).

PLEASE NOTE the following diary dates:

Nursery will be CLOSED on Wednesday 2nd July 2014

We will be hosting the Celebration assemblies on Wednesday 30th April at 11.00am and Friday 2nd May at 2.30pm


·       Please complete the home learning task with your child (see above) and bring it in on their first day back.

·       Have a lovely rest and encourage the children to recharge their batteries for another super half term.

Thank you for your continued support and Happy Easter!

Mrs Steel, Mrs Chin, Miss Fox and Mrs Beckwith.
Reception newsletter
Thank you for all your amazing home learning! Our Easter bonnets look amazing and we can’t believe how creative you all are! Hopefully they will have survived the Easter Parade and come home safely! Please keep looking on our blog for the latest information and to see what has been happening in Reception at
We have been learning about the Easter story as well as making Easter cards, Easter buns, practising the ‘Big Dance’ and taking part in an egg hunt in the Reception playground – phew! And as if that wasn’t enough to keep us busy, we have spent all week observing our chicks and writing a day to day diary. The excitement and wonder on the children’s faces when the chicks finally arrived was a real pleasure to see. In phonics we have learnt the capital and lowercase letters, the 5 vowels and the rules concerning the endings ing and ed. In numeracy we have been completing the number sequences counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s and we are now experts at our number bonds to 10. Some children can even tell you the number bonds to 20 as well! Wow you are stars Reception!
After the holidays we return to school on Tuesday 22nd April. For the first two weeks we will be learning all about pirates. So that the children enjoy a deep immersive learning experience we will all be dressing up as pirates (yes even the teachers!) for the first two weeks of next half term. So get your parrots and eye patches ready! No doubt our classroom will have been magically transformed over the holidays for when the children return.
Following parents evening we have now photocopied your child’s assessment and sent them home with some next step targets. All books have been changed on bug club and the children now have their next level books. It would be great if over the Easter break you could work on your child’s individual targets. We hope that you are as proud as we are of their fabulous achievements.
The children will be assessed again towards the end of next half term and this will inform us as to whether they have made a good level of development for their age against government standards. Please read the booklet that we have sent out as this outlines the early learning goals for each area. If you feel your child is not meeting one or more of the early learning goals please try to practise and develop this area with them. If you need any advice or resources to help you do this, please do not hesitate to speak to us and we will offer suggestions and do our best to provide support.
Thank you for your continued support and Happy Easter! We hope that the Easter bunny delivers lots of scrumptious eggs.
Miss Lambert, Miss Pyatt and the Reception Team
Key Stage 1
Home Learning:
Please continue to support your child in reading, learning their spellings and counting. Your child’s teacher handed out individual spellings for each child from their phonics phase, which are so important for them to learn. Tackle one or two at a time and write them in many different ways: pencils, paint, tracing in mud or on your mum or dad’s back. These are sticky spellings for your child so the more they can read them and spell them the better – once won’t go in!
Keep on giving your child mental maths questions to solve and ask them to write sums down for you that use all 4 functions. Some feedback from parents’ evening was that the timed quick fire questions can prove to be a little bit much for some children – please don’t feel you have to do this if your child isn’t ready for it! Use counters of any description (raisins, Lego) to help your child add or share out fairly or double or half. It is SO important that they see what each of the main 4 functions does to a number instead of learning by heart answers if they don’t know what each number means. Please keep seeking our support with this if you need it!
Parents’ Evening:
We hope that you all enjoyed coming in to school and looking through your children’s books and hearing all about their learning as much as we enjoyed telling you! We say it often, but we as teachers and the children are really fortunate to have such strong support from home. It was really useful to get your feedback on what your child does at home and what you and they might struggle with – hopefully the home learning section will help you here but please feel that you can come and ask us questions when needed.
Well we have to bid farewell to London now, unfortunately! The children have absolutely loved this topic and learnt loads about their capital city. Hopefully they will enjoy our next topic of “Lights, Camera, Action!” all about Disney characters, tales and history. We will make mod rock people, build cars, mime like Charlie Chaplin and learn all about forces. No doubt it will be another fun term of learning!!
We hope, and are sure, that you all enjoyed and took huge pride in your child’s writing from assessment week that we sent home with them! Writing across the phase is phenomenal! This week we have changed our focus slightly within our recounts unit from writing different diaries to working with a group to make and present our very own Newsround report on hand washing! We’ve had songs, raps, actions, little sketches to illustrate a point and even some ad libs! The children found it quite a challenge to not read directly from their poster prompts at first but tried so hard to think about their intonation and audience when they spoke for the final recording. Keep your eyes peeled for some of the star performances on our Robin Hood TV channel.
Next half term we will be moving back into a narrative unit of study, focussing on Disney books to build characters, settings and stories of our own.
This week each teacher within the phase has focussed on specific areas that they felt important, following on from assessment week. Year one have been practising their doubling skills, both with counters to visualise what double actually means and also speed doubling for those children who have grasped the concept. Year 1-2 have used money to consolidate different functions within numeracy through open ended questions, such as you have 3 coins in your purse - how much could you have? You lose 1 coin, how much could you have now? You have £1.26 in your purse, use the fewest coins possible to make this figure, convert £s to Ps and change from £2/£5/£15. Year 2 have been looking at flipping sums around to fill in missing number problems, such as 60+?=63, 45 =?+5, ?-10=15, 8X?=40 and so on. It is so important that children working within level 2 (see your assessment sheet that your child’s teacher gave you) can manipulate, alter the order of sums and do the opposite of what is stated in the question to find the answer – like to find what you multiply 8 by to get 40, you should divide 40 by 8.
Lower Key Stage 2 Newsletter
Wow what an exciting and busy half term we have had in LKS2, the children have blown us away with their efforts and we are so pleased with the fantastic progress everyone has made in their assessments. We would like to congratulate all the children for today’s amazing Easter service. Those of you who were lucky enough to attend, I’m sure you will agree the singing, Bible paintings and Spring time poems were of an exceptional standard and it was a really enjoyable service . Thank you to all the parents and carers who attended a consultation this week, it has been a pleasure to share all of the pupils great successes with you all and we look forward to another half term of exciting learning after the holidays.
The children have had a great time this half term learning all about the various world mysteries and other curious phenomena. Next half term we are learning all about the incredible City that we live in with our new topic ‘Where we live’. We will be learning about the Landscape of Leeds, what Leeds is famous for, how Leeds has changed through the ages and all the attractions Leeds has to offer. We will also be studying our local area and finding out all about Rothwell and why it is such a fantastic place to live.
This week the children have been busy using all of their written and mental strategies to solve Easter problems and investigations involving the four operations. Next half term we will be studying fractions, time and shape so any practice over the holiday will be extremely useful. Please see the blog and the school website for any additional home learning and support around strategies.
This week we have been writing some spring time and Easter poems, which we shared during our Easter service. These will also be displayed in the 3/4 corridor so please pop in and have a look at all of the children’s gorgeous handwriting and presentation. We have also been writing up a newspaper article and again these are going to be displayed around school for everyone to admire. Next half term our literacy unit will be narrative writing so the children will be learning how to write a successful story ensuring they are writing a detailed opening, build up, climax and resolution.
This week we have completed our unit studying flowering plants. We have taken one final look at our investigations and have used the results to form a detailed conclusion. Next half term we will be looking at magnets and carrying out various investigations.
Our indoor PE unit next half term is dance where the children will be learning this years ‘Big Dance routine’. We will then perform this altogether with the rest of the school in the hope to break a world record. We will also be showing the Big Dance routine at this year’s Sport day event. Our outdoor PE unit next half term will be
These Spellings will be tested on Tuesday 22nd April.
Group 1: over, old, half, could, should, would, ball, call, your, laugh
Group 2: absence, sentence, commence, defence, offence, finance, exercise, experiment, announced, audience
Year 4 Residential
Thank you to all of the children who brought back their consent forms for residential. If any are still outstanding please ensure these are returned to school as soon as possible. All of the children going on residential have now received a kit list and itinerary for the trip. These are also available on the blog. Miss Thackeray and Mrs Brook are holding a meeting regarding residential on Wednesday 23rd April at 3:30pm in the school hall to go through the itinerary in more detail and they will also be on hand to answer any questions. .
Home Learning
Although we are no longer sending home photocopied resources for home learning, we have saved many resources onto the phase blog for you to download. These resources are related to our weekly learning and are entirely optional. Any links to games and websites that we have used will also be posted to the blog.  Paper copies of resources from in class are often available daily for the children to take home. We would also like the children to continue to read daily and ensure they are recording this in their reading records so we can reward their efforts with stickers! In addition to this, the children should be practising and learning their spellings and Times Tables as this was the key skill that has let many children down when trying to calculate multiplications, divisions and fractions this half term. The times table we will be testing next week is the 3 Times Table. We are really impressed with the children’s continued effort with learning their times tables and all the children who are getting 12 out of 12 are celebrated on our  blog ‘Wall of Fame’ on a weekly basis.

·    There will be no swimming for Year 4 in the first week back after Easter.
·    Please ensure your child has an art shirt in school at all times.
·    The current weather is very changeable and so we ask that your child brings a suitable coat to school every day.
·    Please ensure all of your child’s belongings (especially PE kits, hats and gloves and school jumpers) are clearly labelled with your child’s full name.
·    Remember the children have two PE units a week now, one indoor (Thursday) and one outdoor (Wednesday), so please ensure they are bringing the correct kit each week.
·    Can all children please be provided with a named water bottle, especially on PE days?
Don’t forget to check out our blog where you will find lots more information about this week’s learning as well as important reminders and dates for forthcoming events.
Enjoy your weekend!
Team 3/4
UKS2 Newsletter
The Year 5/6 team would just like to wish everyone a wonderful Easter! We are looking forward to seeing the children refreshed and ready for an exciting and action-packed summer term!
Friday Celebration Assembly:
·    Our next phase assembly will be on Friday 25th April.  We look forward to seeing you there to show off the amazing learning from this half term! The new school captains will also receive their badges on this day too!
Home Learning:
The Year 5 children have all received some mental maths booklets to practice at home, at your leisure. There is a question booklet for parents to read from which also contains the answers. The children have also received a separate booklet in which to record their answers. This does not need to be handed back in to school; it is merely a resource to support with mental maths strategies.
We ask that the children continue to read at home over the holidays and record this into their planners, a minimum of 4 entries per week is recommended and the children will be rewarded stamps and stickers for the entries recorded for each week.
The Year 6 children were given their Splat the SAT packs early this half term to allow them longer to complete the packs. These are due in on Tuesday 22nd April.
The year 6 children also have their Numeracy Study Guides and question books to complete at home too.  We encourage children to delve into aspects of Numeracy in this book which they feel they need extra support with. Although completing the pages is not compulsory, we are keen to reward your child’s effort.  You can support your child by marking the questions; you will find the answers in the back of the book.  Alternatively, your child can mark their own learning and make any amendments to their answers in pen so we can see the changes made.  After the Easter break, can we please ask that the children bring their study guide and question book into school, as we may refer to these during Numeracy sessions in the run up to SATs.
Year 6 – Rodillian.
Please note: Due to some confusion with regards to the Training Days at Rodillian, it has been requested that all parents of our Year 6 Rodillian starters visit their website:, go to New Students, Year 6 Induction Programme to indicate the days their children will be attending the academy. Thank you.
Thursday June 12th 4:30pm -7:30pm
Year 6 information Evening
Monday 14th July until Tuesday 22nd July inclusive
(Please note: Although there are three training days at Rodillian, this does not apply to the new starters, Year 6 children will still attend during the three training days.
Year 6 induction
Core Subjects:
This week in Numeracy, the children have been using and applying the Bus Stop and Chunking Method to divide by single and digit numbers!    
This week pupils have been writing their own newspaper report about their own chosen theme, some of the themes chosen were: the environment, sport or world affairs. The children also chose their own target audience, making sure that their article was written to suit their audience.  
SPELLINGS: There are 19 spellings to learn over the holidays (an odd number, we know), however, these words are homophones that many of the children become confused with. The children will hear a sentence which contains one of these words in context. They are as follows: there, they’re, their, who’s, whose, peace, piece, aisle, isle, past, passed, steel, steal, allowed, aloud, herd, heard, threw and through. Your child has received a copy of these spelling and will be tested on Friday 25th April. 
Other Areas of the Curriculum:
Art: The children have been very busy getting very creative and a little bit messy (really sorry parents) this half term. We have been making Koinobori flags, which are carp-shaped flags which represent strength and determination of children in Japan, which are flown to celebrate Children’s Day. We have also been adding beautiful Japanese decorations onto sections of a kimono which will be sewn together over the holidays. The children have also been designing plates using glass paints to replicate landscapes from traditional Japanese settings…. All of which are beautiful and professional outcomes which can be seen on our blog or at our Celebration Assembly.
PE: This half term, the children have been incredibly lucky to have been taught Judo by our specialist teachers. The children showed great discipline and an appreciation for martial arts and the children all received a certificate to celebrate their efforts – well done, guys!
Next half term, we will be practising the Big Dance in addition to our usual outdoor PE sessions. Visit our blog to have a sneaky preview of the Big Dance for 2014 and to get a little bit of extra practice in before we begin…