Monday, 30 September 2013

Issue 4 2013-14

Newsletter Issue 4

Friday 27th September 2013

Dear Parent/Carer,

I would like to start this week by extending my thanks to those who are able to give some time to read with our children. It is lovely to have parents in school and the reading practice is invaluable for our children.

The week got off to a great start this week, with Reception and Nursery dressing up as their favourite book characters as part of a special themed day; I was greeted in the hall during Monday’s assembly by a multitude of princes and princesses, superheroes, pirates and animals. It was smiles all round!

Industrial Action

You are all no doubt aware that several teacher unions are holding strikes on Tuesday October 1st. To my knowledge at present, the school will remain open. Please assume that if you do not hear anything, it will be business as usual. Thanks.

Comenius projects

Plans are under way once more to continue our collaboration with colleagues in Finland and Sweden as we look forward to phase 2 of our “Developing Outstanding Schools” and “Welfare and Health in School Education” projects. We look forward to welcoming our visitors from Finland on October 9th, where they will observe how we put provision around children with special educational needs and look at teaching strategies for our foundation (non-core) subjects. Please visit the Comenius section of our website for more details about the projects so far.

Another polite request

Please be reminded that parking on the zig zags outside school is prohibited, as is using the disabled space without a badge. Once more, I am receiving complaints about the careless behaviour of parents who are not dropping their children off safely. I am shocked to discover that some parents are using the entrance to the staff car park as a place to carry out ‘U’ turns during peak times when children and parents are crossing. Cones are now in place to stop this. The safety of our children and their families should be everyone’s priority.

The Big Draw is coming!

October is the month of The Big Draw; The Campaign for Drawing’s month long national drawing event, which (as the name suggests) aims to get everyone drawing. We are huge supporters of the campaign at Robin Hood and are now about to embark on our third year of being involved with the event. Mrs Mistry and Mrs Chin, two of our highly gifted support staff, are finalising the plans for our day of activities. We want to give you plenty of advance notice to come and join us after school on Tuesday 15th October to see the works of art on display as our hall is transformed into an art gallery. Doors will open at 3:00 p.m. Please come and join us if you can.

 PTA News
Just a quick reminder that Bag2school day is on Friday 4 October. Please fill your blue bag with good quality second hand clothing, paired shoes, belts, bedding etc. This will really help the PTA to raise some extra cash for school as Bag2School pay us for everything they can re-use. Unfortunately, due to a lack of storage space, we cannot accept the filled bags until the actual date. Clare, our chair, will be available on the day to direct you where to leave them ready for collection (please do not hand them to the ladies in the office as they will already be busy at that time!!!). Please have a sort through your wardrobes and see if you can help us!!!
Also our AGM is next Friday on 4 October. Please meet us at 3:30 outside the school office and support your school.

Don’t forget to keep your non perishable food donations coming in as part of our harvest celebrations.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Dale

Next Parent’s Coffee Morning
Agenda for discussion
Monday 7th Oct  9:00am- 10:00 am
Email your views:
·         Communication with parents- update on how we aim to improve and what measures have already been put in place.  Your views.
·         Spanish pupil exchanges- a good idea? Your views
·         Residential trips for Y56 abroad- a good idea? Your views

Nursery newsletter
The children looked fantastic on Monday and Thursday dressed up as their favourite book character and it was great to see their big, excited smiles as they came into the classroom. They had an amazing time role playing with their friends and it was a super way to start off their learning for the week.
This week our literacy has been based around the children’s favourite book. We have focused on the characters in the book and the setting. Whilst the children were decorating a mask for their favourite story character, they were also telling the adults what they knew about the different people that appear in their favourite stories! We used the book ‘We’re going on a Bear Hunt’ as a stimulus too and the children were encouraged to act out the story using rhyming language and then work collaboratively to make a super class display. In numeracy we have continued to count to 10 and back and the children have been spotting numbers around the indoor and outdoor classroom and playing shape dominoes which was lots of fun!
Next week we are learning all about our families. In literacy we will be watching clips of ‘The Incredibles’ and thinking about all the different super things our families can do. We will be making superhero puppets of either Mum or Dad and we will be encouraging the children to hold their pencils correctly using the tripod (three fingered) grip and drawing on the correct facial features. In topic we will be making something special to bring home. In numeracy the children will be ordering two members of the Incredible family by size and talking about smallest and largest groups of objects.
·         Please listen to your child read for at least 5 minutes every day. Encourage them to hold the books and turn the pages by themselves and if you can ask lots of questions to support their comprehension skills that would be fabulous.
·         Please bring books and reading records into Nursery every week so that we can change the books and let you know how your child is getting on in Nursery.
·         Please continue to encourage your child to put on and take off their own coats, shoes and socks (I know this is time consuming but we would really appreciate your support!)
Thank you very much and we hope you have a lovely weekend
Mrs Steel, Mrs Chin and Miss Fox
Reception newsletter
The children looked fantastic on Monday dressed up as their favourite book character and it was great to see their big and excited smiles as they came into the classroom. They had an amazing time role playing with their friends and it was a super way to start off their learning for the week.
This week our literacy has been based around the children’s favourite book. We have focused on the characters in the book and the setting. On Wednesday we took our literacy session out of the classroom and into the hall where we drew all the different settings in the story we’re going on a tiger hunt. The story ended with us seeing a real tiger in the hall and having to quickly run back to the classroom. In phonics this week we have been practising recognising and writing the sounds; g, o, c and k and reading our key words of the week which were dad, back, had, and, get and big. It was great to see how many children got 100% and got to visit Mrs Dale for a Headteacher’s sticker. In topic we started the week off by listening to an audio track about the setting of a story which the children had to act out and really imagine that they were there. Then at the end of the week the children used a variety of materials including play dough, glitter feathers, leaves, wood and sand to create a 3D model of a story setting with a partner. They also made some fabulous character masks and spent time outside role-playing various different stories. On Tuesday the wicked witch had left us a chest of her things and a note to tell the children to have a go at making her a special potion. The children really embraced the learning experience and there were some super recipes for the witch written in our witches den. In maths we were learning the concept of 1 more and 1 less and the children have now really started to understand what the word less means.
Next week we are learning all about our families and the people we love. In literacy we will be watching clips of The Incredibles and thinking about all the different super things our families can do. We will be making superhero puppets of each member of our family and writing repeated sentences underneath e.g. My mum can… In topic we will be making our families a special secret present which the children will bring home for you towards the end of the week. In numeracy the children will be ordering The Incredibles family from smallest to tallest. In phonics we will be learning to recognise the sounds ck, e and u and learning to read the words; him, his, not, mum, up and got.
·        Please listen to your child read for at least 5 minutes every day. Help them spot the sounds we have been learning and help them sound out and blend simple words. Don’t forget bug club!
·         Please have a look at your child’s name writing book and practise their target with them.
·         Please encourage your child to show you their wonderful learning at home and engage with the home learning that is been sent.
·         Have a go at the ICT games we have been playing in class.
Have a lovely weekend
Miss Lambert, Miss Pyatt & the rest of the Reception team
Key Stage 1
Home learning
This week we have been learning all about the importance of a healthy, balanced diet to ensure a healthy body and mind. We have tasted food, researched the food groups, learnt about hygiene and even put together our own exercise video!
For home learning this week we would like the children to design their dream meal (one, two or three courses – it’s up to you!) To ensure a balanced diet, the meal must contain something from each of the food groups: carbohydrates, fruit and vegetables, dairy, protein and a smidgen of the fatty foods section.  Try to think about the food pyramid and discuss the fact that it’s so important to eat large amounts of carbohydrates, fruit and vegetables. The children will be able to tell you why.
Juice bottles
To continue the theme of health and wellbeing we’ll be designing and making our own smoothies next week. If you indulge in any smoothies or juice over the weekend, please can you save the bottles for us to have a look at? We would like to gather lots of ideas to make our labels both authentic and original.  
Our trip to Morrisons is fast approaching and we haven’t received many permission slips. If you haven’t completed your slip please can you do so as soon as possible and post it through the letterbox outside the school office. Without written permission the children will not be able to come with us and it would be such a shame for anyone to miss out. If you need a new letter just call into the office and they will be more than happy to help you.
With the changeable British weather unable to make its mind up, one minute we are hot and the next we are cold. Consequently, we are finding more and more discarded jumpers and cardigans in class at the end of the school day.  Please can you ensure your child’s name is written clearly on the label so we can make sure the right jumper/cardigans go home with the right people. Thanks.
Changing books
I know there have been a few questions about changing books and whether there are set days for children to do this. The children can get a new book to take home whenever and as often as they like. You are welcome to come into the classroom with them after school to have a look at our books and pick some together. There is no set day and we encourage the children to take responsibility for changing their own books whenever they have finished one. The more they read the better.
Our numeracy learning has been all about place value; getting to grips with units, tens, hundreds and even thousands. We use the ‘malteser system’ to help children grasp the concept of place value. Ask your child and I’m sure they would be more than happy to share it with you. In a nutshell – a unit is one malteser, a bag of maltesers represents one ten, a box represents one hundred and a bucket represents one thousand. It’s a useful visual representation of what each column means. When partitioning the children can either draw maltesers or progress to numbers. To embed this learning it would be useful to ask you child simple questions like “How many tens are there in 76?” or “What is the value of 2 in 321?” Next week we will be building on the children’s knowledge of place value by progressing into ordering numbers. If you do practise any ordering at home, try to include numbers with zeros in lots of different places. It’s the tricky zero that catches people out for example 709 and 790.
Literacy has been action packed this week. We kicked off on Monday by going on a tour of KS1, tasting different food types in each room. Needless to say this was a very exciting morning and the children pushed themselves to taste some things they had never seen before. Their faces whilst sucking a lemon were extremely entertaining! Alongside learning about all the different food groups, our main focus has been adjectives. The children have generated some incredibly impressive and appropriate adjectives which they will be able to use in their very own healthy food booklet next week. To help generate and share even more ideas we facilitated some peer led learning by sending adjective spies into different classes for the morning.
The children will no doubt be ready for the weekend because we have been very active this week. In addition to planning and filming our own exercise videos we also experimented to find out what happens to our bodies when we exercise. This helped to consolidate our learning from last week about all the different parts of the body. The children seem to be really enjoying the topic and we are very excited to see what they will produce next week.
Have a lovely weekend.
The KS1 Team
Lower Key Stage 2 Newsletter
Wow what a fantastic week we have had in LKS2. It’s been full of great learning and super sensible attitudes. We are particularly impressed with the amount of reading the children are doing at home and would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all of your support with this. To ensure we can reward all of the children for the amazing reading they are doing at home, please ensure they bring their reading record signed on a Monday morning. Our achiever of the week this week is the extremely talented Amisha Teeluck for always going the extra mile with her home learning and impressing Miss Snowden every day. 
This week, we have been learning how to round to the nearest 10, 100 and even 1000. The children have really impressed us with then rounding different coin values to the nearest 10p and pound. Next week we will be learning lots of different written and mental strategies in order to solve addition problems. Home learning: your child will have received a selection of questions and problems from this week’s learning as a means of embedding and securing the learning that has taken place. Please also continue to support your child with their learning of their times tables and basic number bonds to 10 and 100. These basic number facts underpin almost everything that we cover during numeracy lessons. Thank you. Next week’s time’s table focus will be the 4 X tables…get practising!
This week we have been learning all about how important it is to use a variety of adjectives in our writing to make it more interesting and exciting for the reader. We have then been using these to write exciting diary extracts as a Viking, describing all of the jobs we do and our roles in a Viking village. Next week we will be learning how to use adverbs in our writing to describe how people move and speak. We will then be using these to write a diary entry as a Viking child, detailing all of the events of their day.
These Spellings will be tested on the 7th October. Please support your child in practicing their spellings every day to help them achieve 10/10 in their spelling test every week.
Group One
Group Two

Other areas of the curriculum:
In PE we have taken inspiration from Olympic gymnast video footage and have been continuing our gymnastics by practising our rolls and balances and putting them into sequences.
In Topic we have been continuing our studies about the Vikings. We have spent some time finding out about the jobs the Viking women and children did and have begun our own weaving for a school display.
In music, 34B have continued looking at the instruments available in garage band using the iPads. 34T have been learning a new song on the recorders and 34S have been learning how to play percussion instruments.
In Science we have been looking at the investigation process involved when carrying out experiments and have focussed on how to turn data into graphs and charts.
·        Please can all Year 4 children remember to bring their swimming kit and goggles if needed every Friday in a bag large enough to fit their entire uniforms and shoes in – we don’t want to lose any belongings. Children may also bring a snack to eat on the coach on the way back to school. This can be a cereal bar or a piece of fruit – no crisps.
·        Please ensure your child’s PE kit is kept in school from Monday-Friday every week.
·       As the weather begins to turn that little bit cooler and wetter, please ensure your child has a suitable outdoor coat/jacket.
Have a fabulous weekend! Don’t forget to check out our blog: 
Team 3/4
UKS2 Newsletter
News Roundup:
Splat the SATs:
Well done to group 1 and group 2 Year 6 children this week. These children have been very organised for their Splat the SATs sessions with Mrs Dale and shown great enthusiasm and maturity.  Group 1 and 2 will continue next Tuesday October 1st and group 3 and 4 will continue on Tuesday 8th October. Once again, each group will attend every other week during this half term. Please ensure you have your SAT packs in school the entire time, they can stay in your tray until your session.
Leeds Children’s Mayor
Just a reminder to the Year 6 children who are interested in entering the Leeds Children’s Mayor competition. Manifestos, posters and slogans need to be handed into school by Wednesday October 2nd so the Year 5/6 teachers can choose one entry to be submitted to the final on Friday October 4th. The teachers need to enter the winning manifesto electronically, therefore time is needed for us teachers to type it up and have it submitted electronically before the deadline.
Achiever of the Week:
Our Achiever of the Week must go to Alex in 5/6G for his absolutely amazing handwriting this week, he has been trying so hard to take care with his presentation and all his determination to succeed has really paid off… Keep it up, Alex, well done!
Core Subjects:
This week we have been learning about rounding and estimating length, mass, capacity and time. The children have been handling equipment used for measuring and have been very competitive when estimating the weight of various items. Next week, we will be learning how to add and subtract using written methods to support our calculations; this includes increasing and decreasing fractions and percentages of amounts.
This week pupils have been continuing to apply their skills in writing a successful recount. Our writing has focused specifically on the 49ers and hardships they experienced in the quest for gold. Next week our writing concentrates on diary entries. Pupils will be identifying the key features of a good diary entry and applying their skills from the perspective of different individuals on board the Titanic. 
SPELLINGS: Next week, the spellings are: guidance, knew, environment, knight, thistle, conscience, gnat, wreckage, knife, rhythm.
Your child has received a copy of these spellings which have been glued into their planner. They will be tested on these words on Friday October 4th.
Other areas of the curriculum:
This week, 5/6G have been furthering their street dance moves… the children in 5/6G may bring in their street dance clothing next week for our PE session on Tuesday if they wish, to get into character! 5/6M have now combined the electric slide with a full sequence of line dancing steps. We are continuing to perfect the timing and quality of our steps before our final performance towards the end of term. 5/6MO have revisited the key rock & roll moves from previous learning. Pupils are currently choreographing their own whole class rock & roll performance.
Once again, please ensure that your child comes to school with the appropriate PE kit each week. PE this half term is indoors; therefore the children will need to wear black shorts and a white t-shirt, indoor pumps or bare feet too. Miss Gascoigne’s class may wear long tracksuit bottoms or leggings for our street dance sessions as we may need to use our knees at times.
5/6M and 5/6MO PE sessions are on Mondays and 5/6G PE sessions are on Tuesdays.
In Spanish, the children have been enjoying continuing to learn about different objects and places in the school. This week, they practiced their conversational Spanish to describe where objects were using the sentence starter ‘Alli esta’. Why not see if your child can remember what that means?
This week in Science, the children re-capped some scientific terms and vocabulary. We have been learning about making sure an investigation is a fair test and understanding what independent, dependent and constant variable means. The children also practiced their graph drawing skills by presenting information in a bar chart, line graph or scatter graph. Next week, we will be learning how to draw conclusions from our scientific investigations.
In ICT this week, the children have been carrying out research for the theme for their motion ICT collage, using Smart Notebook. They have been encouraged to find images and quotes which support this theme and next week will be starting to combine these with the motion techniques they’ve learned in previous weeks to create very effective outcomes!
As you know, we have re-launched our blog this year. However, we are currently awaiting the link to replace the old link on the school website. In the meantime, you can find it at the web address below. We plan on building this up over the year so the children can show off their learning in school, as well as it being a place for parents to find the newsletter, spellings and information about the achievers.
Visit our blog:

Friday, 20 September 2013

Issue 3 2013-14

Newsletter Issue 3

Friday 20th September 2013


Dear Parent/Carer,

Our extra-curricular clubs started again this week and it was great to see the children engaged in amazing learning even after the bell had gone for home time. Whilst capturing images of our school with my Photography Club members, I was able to have a sneaky look into some of the other clubs in action. It was fabulous to see children in the Reception classroom making beautiful cards with Miss Lambert. We also saw children playing drama games in the hall with Miss Pyatt and Mrs Comstive. As if that wasn’t enough, a group of children could be seen enjoying netball in the playground with Miss Mees and Helen Holdsworth, School Games Organiser from Rodillian Academy. I love seeing the school still buzzing with energy even at 4:00 pm and the joy on children’s faces as they engage in activities which are of particular interest to them.

Expansion update

I am delighted to confirm that formal expansion has been approved (1.5 form entry to 2 form entry) and that the design is progressing towards a planning submission for the built solution. I have been advised that there will at this point be a full school consultation. The Governing Body, along with myself and all of the staff are very excited about the expansion and see this as a very exciting opportunity to ensure that more children in the community can enjoy the high quality education that our learners currently do.

Harvest Festival

Our Harvest Festival celebration will take place on Friday October 18th at Lofthouse Church at 10:00 am. The children in Key Stage 1 will be leading the proceedings. You are all very welcome to come and join us in what I know will be a fabulous celebration. As part of the celebration, we would like to give something back to the community, so we are asking that children bring in food items for us to share with the elderly residents. If you can spare some “long life” items, such as tins, packets or boxes of food, please send them in with your child to display in school before our School Captains deliver them into our community. Thanks.

Two polite requests

Please can I insist that people do not bring their dogs on site. It has been brought to my attention that people are ignoring our policy. You will be asked to leave.

Please do not use the disabled bay outside of school even when dropping off. This will help our drivers who are employed specially to collect children from school to manoeuvre more safely. Thank you all for your cooperation.

Best Wishes to Miss Parker

Miss Parker will be leaving us today to commence her maternity leave. She will be very much missed at Friendly Faces and in the school playground at lunchtimes. All of Miss Parker’s friends and colleagues would like to wish her all the very best enjoying this precious time with her little one.

PTA News
Clare, our Chair, has been very busy this week arranging the dates for lots of fun events for everyone to enjoy. The first being a Halloween Disco to be held on 23 October.
 A message from one of our volunteers "Robin Hood Puddings - 120g Luxury Christmas Pudding, soon available for sale". She has promised that there will be more details shortly, I can’t wait as they sound really scrummy. We have organised a meeting for the10 October to be held at the Half Way House Pub at 8pm. We look forward to seeing lots of parents, grandparents and carers there as we will be making plans for our Xmas Fayre.
As usual if anyone wishes to help out in anyway please contact us on or just turn up at the meeting.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Dale

Next Parent’s Coffee Morning
Agenda for discussion
Monday 7th Oct  9:00am- 10:00 am
Email your views:
·         Communication with parents- update on how we aim to improve and what measures have already been put in place.  Your views.
·         Spanish pupil exchanges- a good idea? Your views
·         Residential trips for Y56 abroad- a good idea? Your views

Nursery newsletter

The children have done fabulously in their first full week in Nursery and I am sure they are sleeping well at night (I know that the staff are!) They have coped well at lunchtime and have started to get to know the lunchtime staff who are: Mr Grenfell (Monday and Tuesday) and Mrs Butterfield (Thursday and Friday). The whole team are looking forward to accompanying your child on the exciting learning journey that lies ahead of them over the next year.  Have a look on the Foundation Stage blog to see what we have been doing. You can find it at:

Our topic this half term is “Ourselves” so that we have a chance to really get to know the children and build strong relationships with them. We have been assessing their development levels in mark making and book handling/reading skills, mathematics and phonics. This week we will be sending home a shared reading book; please share this book with your child and write a comment in to say what your child enjoyed and could do for themselves. We are practising skills such as holding books the right way up, turning pages and talking about what is happening in the pictures so your help at this stage is very important. If you require any help or support with this please let me know. Thank you.

Next week we will be talking about the children’s favourite books and book characters so on Monday and Thursday your child needs to dress up as their favourite book character and bring in their copy of the book. Please make sure that everything is clearly named! Please also send in a separate set of clothes in case your child wants to get changed before home time. In phonics we will be using our ears to explore sounds we can hear and think about how we can change sounds. In Numeracy we will continue to count to 10 and back and will be working on our number recognition skills of numbers up to 6


·         Please spend some time every day reading with your child and encouraging them to turn the pages themselves and talk to you about what is happening in the pictures.

·         Please bring books and reading records into Nursery every week so that we can change the books and let you know how your child is getting on in Nursery.

·         Please support your child and encourage them to take off and put on their own shoes and socks as they will be asked to do this in PE.

·         Encourage your child to practice putting on and taking off their own coats.

·         Share anything they have done at home which is amazing! We would love to add things they have done with you to their Nursery profile books.

Thank you for your support and enjoy your weekend.

Mrs Steel, Mrs Chin and Miss Fox.

Reception newsletter

We have had another fabulous week in Reception. The children embarked on a magical mystery tour of Robin Hood and took lots of pictures on their tour, which will be available to see on our blog. They are now confident with the layout of the school and even found some rooms they didn’t know existed. A highlight of the tour was when they popped into Mrs Dale’s office and took a picture of her.

This week our topic and literacy has been based around the theme of I like. In literacy the children watched Mr Tumble and learnt about what he liked and then told us all about what they liked. On Wednesday the children made their own TV programme called Robin Hood Reception’s big questionnaire where the children told us all about what they like and don’t like about school. We will act upon this information to help us plan future learning for the children so that all the children are always engaged and enjoying their learning.  In phonics this week we have been practising recognising and writing the sounds; i, n, m and d and reading our key words of the week which were is, it, of, off, on and can. It was great to see that nearly 50% of the children managed to read all these sounds and words and got to visit Mrs Dale for their head teacher stickers, hopefully even more children will achieve 100% next week. In topic as well as going on the magical mystery tour of Robin Hood they made frames for their self-portraits and the self-portraits are now displayed in our very own Reception gallery, they look fantastic! On Wednesday and Thursday the children had an amazing time role-playing a birthday party with Mrs Friar. They wrote each other invitations and cards, made their party hats and decorated the home corner with balloons. Once all the preparations had been done they enjoyed a fabulous party and tucked into some scrumptious buns. In numeracy we have continued to count to 20 and we have pushed the children even further up to 30. The children have really enjoyed the maths games we have been playing.

We are really looking forward to next week as we are learning about our favourite books. On Monday the children will be able to come dressed up as their favourite book character and bring in their favourite book to share with the rest of the class. Throughout the rest of the week the children will be engaging in lots of role play and drama activities building up to their star write challenge on Thursday, when they will write a repeated sentence about the book they like e.g. I like Cinderella. In topic the children will be making the setting of their book in a show box using Fimo. In numeracy we will be playing the Hairy McLary game and the bus game which are based around the concept of one more and one less. In phonics we will be learning to recognise the sounds g, o, c and k and learning to read the words; dad, back, had, and, get and big.


·         Please listen to your child read for at least 5 minutes every day. Help them spot the sounds we have been learning and help them sound out and blend simple words. Don’t forget bug club!

·         The children have brought home a name writing book this week. Please have a look at their target and help them practise it.

·         Please have a look at our wonderful blog.

·         Please encourage your child to show you their wonderful learning at home.

·         Have a go at the ICT games we have been playing in class.

·         Please ensure all of your child’s school clothes and P.E. kit are labelled. If your child brings an item of clothing home that is not theirs please bring it back and we will pass it on.
Have a great weekend

Miss Lambert, Miss Pyatt & the rest of the Reception team
Key Stage 1

Home Learning:
For this week’s home learning we would like the children to use their learning from their literacy lessons to create a poster to get a real animal adopted. Throughout the last 3 weeks the children have learnt all about factual pieces of writing for posters, leaflets and will be moving onto booklets. Their poster for home learning can be designed in any way your child would like with pictures, colour and interesting writing styles (like bubble writing). Throughout the last week we have had a very tight focus on using adjectives to describe the appearance of different things, so please encourage your child to use as many adjectives to describe the look of their chosen animal as they can think of. This can be presented most simply with a sub-heading ‘Looks’ with bullet points to list. The use of text boxes, headings and sub-headings to complete the look of their poster will be applauded and your child might even like to write a sentence about their chosen animal. For example, “This bunny rabbit has got long, soft ear and a fluffy tail. Take him home in time for winter because he will keep you nice and warm!”


Competition Winners!

This week Key Stage One received a very exciting letter through the post from Yorkshire Wildlife Park. As the Year 2 children’s parents will recall, our summer excursion last year saw us taking a walk through the wildlife park to study all the animals as part of our topic. On returning to school we set about the task of creating a poster for a competition the Park was running to promote wildlife conservation. The final master piece was a painted A1 size poster of the world complete with animals native to each continent and a sea full of poems the children wrote around the key words of ‘Conserve, Share, Sustain’. We were all proud of the children’s learning at the time but are pleased as punch to announce that we won the competition! Key Stage One are now the happy carers for an adopted giraffe at the park. To get a better picture of what our final piece looked like, have a look at the display next to Miss McSorley’s classroom.


Our learning in topic has moved on from developing our artistic skills and into the realms of science, focussing on human biology! To get the week started each table drew around one of their classmates before working as a team to label as many external body parts as they could think of. We then introduced the children to the word ‘organs’ including the brain, heart, lungs, kidneys, stomach, liver and large and small intestine. On handing each group a picture of each of these organs, we stood back and observed what they thought each organ was and where in the body it lived. Well, we had hearts masquerading as toes, livers inhabiting mouths pretending to be a tongue and kidneys that wanted to hear everything so they travelled to the side of a head and became ears! Allowing the children this discussion time and hearing them reason out their ideas is of the upmost importance as well as being really interesting to hear. Each and every one of them really engaged with the functions our organs carry out inside our body (they were amazed that the liver has over 500 jobs!) and posed some thoughtful and relevant questions to aid their learning. This unit will continue next week.


As some of you well know I’m sure, this week’s literacy has definitely sparked the children’s imagination! We started our week by sharing some pictures that we took during a visit to the RSPCA of some very adorable, fluffy baby animals – you can imagine the children’s glee at seeing these! However, we then told them that at the back of a shop was a sign saying, “Pete’s Peculiar Pet Shop – BEWARE!” On entering we couldn’t believe our eyes as we saw for the first time…Flanimals (odd looking beasties and monsters based on books written by Ricky Gervais). After sharing adjectives with one another to describe the looks of these bizarre creatures we all committed to the task of getting the poor souls adopted (no one wants them because they look so ugly and scary on the outside but actually they are really kind and lovely on the inside). We designed our own Flanimal which was the centre piece for a poster describing its looks with interesting adjectives and its habits using verbs and adverbs. The children have focused on how to use bullet points effectively to list and the final pieces of learning are sure to help these Flanimals get adopted! We heard that someone’s Grandad had promised them a visit to Pete’s Peculiar Pet Shop…if you find it, tell us where it is!


This week in Numeracy we have continued to build on our learning around counting and understanding odd and even numbers by looking at sequences. Key Stage One have become ‘Code Crackers’ by using their hundred square and fingers to detect the pattern and rules of a range of different sequences. Becoming more familiar with their hundred squares will help with future learning and is consolidating the unit around counting. We have studied sequences that include hops forwards and backwards in 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s remembering and recognising the pattern that these sequences make on our hundred squares and in writing. We have even started counting in 3s, 4s and 6s! We can’t tell you the importance and resonance that the effort your all put into the children’s home learning this week had in class; such tasks provide a real building block for the children to work from and empowers them within independent tasks to draw on all their knowledge. Thank you!
Lower Key Stage 2 Newsletter
We have had such a super week in LKS2! All of the children have settled well into their new routines, and are conducting themselves in a polite and sensible manor both in and outside of classroom. We have been particularly impressed with the amount of home learning we have been receiving, and we thank you for your continually supporting your child!
Our Achiever this week is Imogen from 3/4B. Imogen has proved herself to be a real expert when it comes to the topic of the Vikings showing real enthusiasm when approaching all kinds of activities. She can explain where the Vikings came from, what they did during the raids on Britain and give lots of detail when explaining what they did when they eventually came to settle here. Well done Imogen.
Home Learning
As part of the children’s home learning in 3/4, we ask that your child is reading every day of the week. We expect all children to hand in their signed reading record on a Monday morning so we can reward them for each day they have read. If a child reads every day they will be rewarded with a sticker.
Your child will continue to receive numeracy home learning on a weekly basis, which we ask all children to engage with. The home learning will be handed out in their blue home learning books every Friday and your child will have until the following Friday to hand their home learning back to their teacher. As mentioned above, we are so impressed with the engagement in their home learning so far!
This week in numeracy the children have been learning how to extend number sequences both forward and backwards. We have been teaching the children how to work out the rule before extending the number sequence. We were really impressed with the children’s confidence around extending number sequences and most children even progressed onto extending the number sequences below zero. In addition to this, the children have also been applying their knowledge of number sequences to decimal numbers. We have begun to integrate test style questions into numeracy sessions to build children’s confidence when tackling these forms of questions. We were blown away with some children attempting level 4 questions. Well done! Home learning: Your child will be able to consolidate and show off their learning around number sequences in this week’s home learning.
This week in literacy, the children have continued to develop their understanding of choosing appropriate conjunctions to form accurate compound sentences. We have been encouraging the children to generate their own compound sentences about the Vikings, using higher level conjunctions such as however, therefore, as well as and despite. Next week the children will be writing compound sentences using adjectives to describe different aspects of Viking life.
Your child may have been sent home with a list of highlighted key words. Children are expected to be able to spell 100% of these words by the end of year two, therefore we ask for you to support your child to learn these words to help them progress further in their writing. The children regularly use these key words at school by referring to these grids, so writing sentences at home using the key words would be a great reinforcement and consolidation activity. Once again, we thank you in advance for your extra support!
These Spellings will be tested on Monday 30th September. (The children already have their spellings in their reading records for the test on Monday 23rd September)
Group One
Group Two
·         Please can all Year 4 children remember to bring their swimming kit and goggles if needed every Friday in a bag large enough to fit their entire uniforms and shoes in – we don’t want to lose any belongings. Children may also bring a snack to eat on the coach on the way back to school. This can be a cereal bar or a piece of fruit – no crisps.
·         Please ensure your child’s PE kit is kept in school from Monday-Friday every week.
·         As the weather begins to turn that little bit cooler and wetter, please ensure your child has a suitable outdoor coat/jacket.
Have a fabulous weekend! Don’t forget into check out our blog:

Team 3/4
UKS2 Newsletter
News Roundup:
Splat the SATs:
Well done to the Year 6 children this week, the children attended the Splat the SAT session this week with enthusiasm and all had their packs which enabled the sessions to run seamlessly! Please ensure you have your SAT packs in school each week (leave them in your trays if they are not needed at home).
Leeds Children’s Mayor
The Year 6 children have received some information about Leeds Children’s Mayor, which is an annual competition that allows a year 6 child to take part in important duties such as meeting important people, attending civic functions, presenting their ideas to councillors, presenting awards at the Golden Owl Awards and even being there to switch on the Christmas lights! If any year 6 pupil would like to enter the competition, they need to submit a manifesto of no more than 400 words, beginning with the sentence ‘If I was Children’s Mayor of Leeds…’, they also need to have a catchy slogan and create a poster to go with their manifesto by Friday October 4th. If you require any further information, see your child’s class teacher for another information pack, or visit
Achiever of the Week:
Achiever of the week goes to Caison in 56MO. Caison has blown Mrs Moore away with his great attitude and willingness to learn since coming back from the Summer. His contributions to class discussions in topic and Science sessions have been fabulous and he has come into year six with a very mature attitude towards his learning. Well done Caison, keep up the great effort! 
Core Subjects:
In Numeracy this week, we have been learning how to order and compare numbers, including decimals and positive and negative numbers. The children have been applying this learning to some Monsters Inc co-ordinates problems to try and locate where the characters are behind the door!
Next week, the children will be learning how to round and estimate numbers including decimals. We will be applying our learning to measures where we will be estimating and rounding length, mass, capacity and time.
In Literacy this week, we have been learning about the features of a recount and the history behind the California Gold Rush. We have begun to write some paragraphs to form our own recount which we will be continuing with next week.
SPELLINGS: This week, the spellings are: stretch, castle, island, answer, climb, debt, solemn, should, wrench, muscle.
Your child has received a copy of these spellings which have been glued into their planner. They will be tested on these words on Friday September 27th.
Other areas of the curriculum:
This week, 5/6G have been developing their street dance moves. We have been attempting to body pop and have been trying to incorporate high and low street dance moves to form a short routine. 5/6MO have been combining previous rock and roll dancing moves with the cross kick and kick ball exchange. 5/6M have continued to build on the electric slide with heel and toe sequences.
Once again, please ensure that your child comes to school with the appropriate PE kit each week. PE this half term is indoors; therefore the children will need to wear black shorts and a white t-shirt, indoor pumps or bare feet too. Miss Gascoigne’s class may wear long tracksuit bottoms or leggings for our street dance sessions as we may need to use our knees at times.
5/6M and 5/6MO PE sessions are on Mondays and 5/6G PE sessions are on Tuesdays.
In Spanish, the children have successfully constructed sentences which incorporated a greeting, a question which asked where a place in school was, followed by another greeting – estupendo!
This week, the children have been learning about independent, dependent and constant variables when conducting an investigation. The children have shown that they can successfully identify each one and can also understand the importance of ensuring each variable is considered carefully when conducting any investigation. The children have also constructed their own line graph and scatter graph by ensuring that each axis increases in regular intervals and that the data is plotted as accurately as possible.
The children have been collating their own American themed images into their own multimedia scrapbook this week, ready to begin their moving montage next week.
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