Friday, 18 December 2015

Goodbye and thank you...

My final message extends to all members of the Robin Hood Community; staff, parents, governors and pupils.
It was in 2002 that I first walked through the doors of Robin Hood Primary School as a 28 year old Key Stage Two teacher; unmarried and full of hope for the future.
One marriage, two children and 13 very professionally fulfilling years later, I am saying a very reluctant and extremely sad Goodbye to Robin Hood and (for some time, at least), the fabulous city of Leeds. I have always said that the reason I have stayed so long is because Robin Hood simply is the best school not just in Leeds, but on the planet. The commitment and dedication of teachers and wider staff is second to none, the support of parents is excellent and the learning environment is one that makes coming to work each day, a real joy. But my mind has always been firmly focussed on the pupils, the heartbeat of our school and it is mainly they that have kept me here this long. Robin Hood pupils are full of life, each a wonderful individual with huge potential. There is a positive energy in Robin Hood which I believe sets us aside from other educational settings; learning with laughter. I have lost count of the number of days that my spirits have been lifted by just the simplest actions of our very brilliant children.
This is a very difficult letter to write as I genuinely feel that I am leaving behind something incredibly special; something which in many ways for me, will never be replaced.
I am infinitely grateful to everyone for all that you have done in supporting me on this long journey. I take with me the happiest memories and only hope that as my family and I move on to our new lives in Dubai, I will be as fortunate as I am now in being around people as wonderful as all of you.
From the bottom of my heart………………….thank you.
Goodbye (for now).

Gaynor Dale

Newsletter 18th December 2015

Dear Parent/ Carer,
A big thank you to those of you who came out to support the school Christmas performances this week. I am sure you will agree that the quality has been second to none… I am still smiling! Well done to all who took part.
The children have had a great time today for their Christmas parties; I have had a wonderful last day visiting classrooms, saying Goodbye to the children and busting some groovy moves!
I would like to share some great news regarding out Sports provision. This week our school had a fantastic time at the John Charles Centre for Sport. Pupils competed in a number of different water based events- from the egg and spoon race to water polo! We were extremely proud of the efforts of all pupils whose hard work paid off, resulting in 1st place in a water polo tournament and a 2nd place overall. Congratulations to all our pupils who represented the school, and a special thank you to Mr Malley in particular but also Mr Grenfell and Mrs Perry who were superb in helping to organise the events.
Well, what a fantastic last week. For me personally, it has been extremely bitter sweet; thank you all so very much for your kind words. Knowing that my time here has made a difference to your children really means everything to me. I am extremely grateful for all of your best wishes; my family and I intend to make the very best of our time in Dubai and we are lucky that we are able to take so many happy memories with us.
I know that you will all make Mrs. Harris feel incredibly welcome in January. In the meantime, have a restful, enjoyable and peaceful Christmas.
With warmest wishes and for the last time…

Mrs Dale

Friday, 11 December 2015

Newsletter 11th December 2015

Dear Parent/ Carer,

Firstly, thank you all so much for your patience on Friday.
We had an unfortunate incident with a main pipe serving the new build, which needed fixing as a matter of urgency. This affected the flow of water into the school building whilst it was being fixed.

Well done to Yellow Team, who received their House Winner’s treat this week. The children have been racking up their points through their Headteacher’s stickers all of this half term and enjoyed a movie afternoon with treats.

I would like to pass on my sincerest thanks to those pupils and families who attended the Robin Hood Resident’s Association Annual Xmas event last Saturday. The Choir sang brilliantly and the performance was appreciated by all. Thank you to Miss Thackeray who organised the proceedings.

The children thoroughly enjoyed their pantomime performance in school this week. We wanted to bring the celebrations to Robin Hood in thanks to the children for all of their brilliant learning during 2015.

It was also great to see so many children enjoying their Christmas Dinner on Thursday; I definitely enjoyed mine. Debbie and her team did an outstanding job of providing a delicious feast and all with a good sense of humour.

I am really looking forward to my final week at Robin Hood and spending time with the pupils throughout our Christmas celebrations; parties and productions a-plenty!

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Dale

Thursday, 10 December 2015


Due to a burst water pipe, school will be closed to ALL PUPILS on Friday 11th December 2015.

Friday, 4 December 2015

Newsletter 4th December 2015

Dear Parent/ Carer,
We ended last week with our highly successful Skipping Day. The children across school really enjoyed getting active then showcasing their skills in a whole school assembly. Well done to Mr Malley and the Active Team for organising such a fun event.
Keeping active, many children arrived to school on Wednesday for our “Scoot to School” event. There were Christmas themed scooters a-plenty and I have to say that many were very “bling” indeed! Well done to all children who took part.
HUGE THANKS to all who came along to help out at and support the School Xmas Fayre last Saturday. Over £1000 was raised, which is absolutely fantastic. We are very grateful for all of this support.
Our Christmas post box will be accessible from Monday. If your child brings in cards, please ensure the envelope includes the recipient’s FULL NAME and CLASS - Thanks.
I would like to politely remind parents and carers that communication with class teachers should be through a brief message on the door or via the school office, not by e-mail. Thank you.
We will announce our Merit Point winners for this half term, on Monday. Once this is announced, we will be asking winners to bring a drink and snack into school on Thursday for their Christmas Movie afternoon treat.
Only 21 days until Christmas!!!!!!

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Dale